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This article expands my work on the "Cool Britannia" period explored in my article on Sarah Kane by examining the manifestations of the British national allegory from the 18th century to the contemporary moment defined by Brexit. Contrary... more
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    • Transatlantic studies
Building on the final chapter of my book, in which I compare Sarah Kane's 4.48 Psychosis to Beckett's Not I, and my work on irony in feminist visual cultures, this article positions Kane's theatre as a parody of Beckettian themes. Kane’s... more
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      Theatre StudiesSamuel BeckettTheatre of the Absurd
Published in the Dramaturgies series by Peter Lang, this book identifies how the Theatre of the Absurd can speak meaningfully to contemporary US-American audiences in the 21st century. Combining a focus on US productions with... more
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      PsychoanalysisQueer Theory (Literature)Theatre of the AbsurdGaze Theory
Consolidating my argument that feminist dramaturgies can revive the Theatre of the Absurd, this essay proposes that Bernard Frechtman's English translation of Jean Genet's The Maids contains a subversion of stereotypes surrounding... more
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      Performance StudiesQueer Theory
This article reflects on American queer theory's entry in France by turning to two critics, Marie-Hélène Bourcier and François Cusset. It analogizes these critics' claims as a battle of the ‘archons’ as conceptualized by Derrida in... more
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    • Queer Theory
This article explores the queer qualities of feminist scientist Donna Haraway's ‘A Cyborg Manifesto’ (1985). The article references the African-American, Chicana and Asian-American feminist sociology, theory, literature and history that... more
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    • Queer Studies
Developing on my research on humour of the Absurd, this article explores the presence of the rape joke in contemporary American stand-up comedy. It analyses the circulation of rape jokes among both white dominant and minoritised cultures... more
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      Gender StudiesStand Up ComedyTheater and Performance Studies
As part of my interest in the transatlantic circulations of philosophies of gender, this article compares the American importation of 'French theory' to the marketing of French cinema star Isabelle Huppert in an Anglophone context.
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesPerformance Studies
As part of my interest for the way "French theory" inflects the construction of French cinema stars abroad, this article reflects on the feminist potential of a contemporary form of French female cinema stardom that John Orr (2004) names... more
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      Gender StudiesFrench Film
This work considers the writings of French and American second-wave feminists on the work of Judith Butler, Jose Esteban Munoz, Lee Edelman, Paola Bacchetta, and Jack Halberstam. The special issue establishes a transatlantic dialogue to... more
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      Queer Theory (Literature)Second Wave Feminism
Building on my interest in the transatlantic circulation of French philosophy, this chapter compares Isabelle Huppert's role in Michael Cimino’s Hollywood Western Heaven’s Gate (1980) to the concepts of French theory as they operate in... more
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      Gender StudiesFrench Theory
The article extends my work on Frenchwomen in the Hollywood Western from Isabelle Huppert's role in Heaven's Gate to a a corpus of spanning a fifty-year period between 1931 and 1980. Just like Huppert's Ella Watson, Frenchwomen in these... more
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      Gender StudiesCinema history
Can satire, a genre believed to have originated from the work of English and Irish men in the eighteenth century ever be re-appropriated by women, particularly women of colour? This chapter, published in the Macmillan Student Handbook to... more
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    • Gender Studies
A review of the digital theatre festival on the work of Adrienne Kennedy, understudied in relation to the American Black Arts Movement and aligned with the Theatre of the Absurd in the USA. Her work has been drastically underreprested on... more
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      Theatre of the AbsurdAfrican American Women WritersDigital Theatres
This essay explores the prominence of US art in the inaugural collection of François Pinault at Paris’s Bourse de Commerce. African American culture, the Far West, and queerness are three key motifs that articulate the idea of America in... more
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    • Transatlantic studies
An early example of my idea that dramaturgy can help the revival of past avant-gardes for the present day (the argument of my book), this article deploys the production history of Ionesco's most famous play, La Cantatrice chauve, to... more
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      Theatre of the Absurd20th century Avant-Garde
Let me start by stating what I will not do in this article: I will not argue 'for' free speech or 'against' it. The debate is, to my mind, both volatile and internecine, with pro-and anti-censorship camps becoming all too often more... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyQueer TheoryCritical Race Theory
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      Theatre HistoryBlack Arts MovementTheatre of the AbsurdPostcoloniality and decolonization
Les réfugiés font de leur cas une des problématiques actuelles du droit international. La question est de savoir si les pays Européens ont vocation à accueillir ces réfugiés. Il ne faut pas confondre migrants et réfugiés. Les réfugiés... more
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      Refugee StudiesImmigration StudiesImmigration LawImmigration And Integration In Europe
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