O termo ecologia, usado pelo biólogo alemão Ernest Haeckel, em 1866, significa:
Global environmental governance can be defined as a multi-level governance (i.e. Various authors have analysed legitimacy as the lack of institutions’ authority in the field of environmental governance). Grassroots organisations have been... more
With more than 60 million refugees cosmopolitan (UNOCHA, 2015, UNHCR, 2015), independent offer are the dolly that effectuate the urgent needs left by disqualified and ineffective failed States and International Organizations.
Extending the structural analysis to the level of international system, we can argue that the leave vote represents a decolonialization of the UK from Europe demanded by the disenfranchised periphery against globalization. Fired up by... more
Our paper, it will particularly focus on the AKP government's discourse on national consensus, and the restructuring of the military and the field of security. In order to examine this conflict within by examining both the domestic and... more
Everybody knows her, but nonetheless, it's embarrassing to meet her in the street. The truth is like the town whore. -Borchert Our paper, it will particularly focus on the AKP government's discourse on national consensus, and the... more
A Covid-19 e a pobreza "The millions upon millions of people who are "ultra-vulnerable" may die without a piece of bread but many more may die deprived of human compassion." Qamar Rafiq
A Covid-19 e a pobreza "The millions upon millions of people who are "ultra-vulnerable" may die without a piece of bread but many more may die deprived of human compassion." Qamar Rafiq Após décadas de redução gradual, estima-se que o... more
What is also more obvious is the role of ecological compromise. Tauros are not genetically identical to aurochs. Marsican bears didn't historically eat domesticated apples. Wolves did not evolve to hunt small mammals in French and Italian... more
What is also more obvious is the role of ecological compromise. Tauros are not genetically identical to aurochs. Marsican bears didn't historically eat domesticated apples. Wolves did not evolve to hunt small mammals in French and Italian... more
As novas formas da matéria (I) "Democracy is not just about eliminating old hierarchies, it is about building the world together."
As novas formas da matéria (II) "Incurable diseases will eventually force mankind to justify disruptive nanotech and genetic engineering."
O Afeganistão e a sua complexidade "The Afghan government is as corrupt as a prostitute with a law degree."
A Covid-19 e o dióxido de carbono "Our current model of economic growth has led to increasing deforestation and loss of biodiversity, accelerated urbanization, intensive animal farming, global travel-all factors known to increase the risk... more
O zeitgeist "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." Buckminster Fuller
Do capitalismo industrial ao digital "Digital Capitalism identifies how digital technology has captured contemporary society in a reification of capitalist priorities, and also describes digital capitalism as an ideologically "invisible"... more
Um cartão postal do futuro "On top of the confinement, today we are faced not only with the greenhouse effect of global warming but also that of incarceration within the tighter and tighter limits of an accelerating sphere, a dromosphere,... more
O "efeito de ricochete" hipotético "Little will be done in the near future to reduce greenhouse gas emissions-providing an opportunity to develop programmes for research, subsidization, and regulation." Thomas C. Schelling Costs And... more
The history of tourism traces back to ancient civilizations, with evidence of early travels for leisure and cultural exchange dating back thousands of years. The development of modern tourism can be traced back to the Grand Tour of Europe... more