Papers by guettouche amar

Journal of Geographic Information System
Modeling land movements hazard by multi-criteria approach is a line of research to provide a meth... more Modeling land movements hazard by multi-criteria approach is a line of research to provide a methodological framework for risk mapping. This work is intended to establish a model for mapping "land movements hazard" by GIS approach based on multi-criteria analysis. The methodology is to create thematic maps by combining in GIS, determining factors (slope, lithology, water, …) in triggering landslides phenomena and shrinking-swelling soil, using the method of Weighted Sum Model (WSM). These maps are then combined to provide a hazard map of land movements. The application of this method allows the spatial distribution of different criteria and phenomena in Berhoum area, region of Hodna Basin, eastern Algeria. As a result, the study area has been divided into four different areas: 1) areas with no land movements hazard, 2) areas with a medium land movements hazard, 3) areas with a high land movements hazard, and 4) areas with very high land movements hazard.

Journal of Geographic Information System, 2013
The concept of load-carrying capacity of the soil can be evaluated by two main components: permis... more The concept of load-carrying capacity of the soil can be evaluated by two main components: permissible stress and permissible depth; and therefore, running it begins its assessment that allows an outline of exploitation. Nevertheless, the assessment of the load-carrying capacity made the object of several works of research and many models, based on the multi-criteria analysis, have been established. This work examines the contribution of GIS approach to assessment load-carrying capacity of the soil. This one has been finished in two practicums: 1) Assessment of the capacity of soil by a multi-criteria approach, using the Weighted Sum Model (WSM); 2) It brought to use the GIS approach to evaluate and spatialize degree of soil bearing stresses resulting from the buildings, as well as load distribution. The method has been applied to the Berhoum area of Hodna Basin, in eastern Algeria, where each is characterized by its various natural properties and density of equipment. Final results are better in the classification of the degree of load-carrying capacity possible in each site. This results in allowing exploiters to program their optimal designs for the rational management of the area.
Geotechnical Valorization of the Berhoum Area (Algeria) Geological Map for Preparing a Geotechnical Map for Construction

Journal of Geographic Information System, 2019
Modeling land movements hazard by multi-criteria approach is a line of research to provide a meth... more Modeling land movements hazard by multi-criteria approach is a line of research to provide a methodological framework for risk mapping. This work is intended to establish a model for mapping "land movements hazard" by GIS approach based on multi-criteria analysis. The methodology is to create thematic maps by combining in GIS, determining factors (slope, lithology, water , …) in triggering landslides phenomena and shrinking-swelling soil, using the method of Weighted Sum Model (WSM). These maps are then combined to provide a hazard map of land movements. The application of this method allows the spatial distribution of different criteria and phenomena in Ber-houm area, region of Hodna Basin, eastern Algeria. As a result, the study area has been divided into four different areas: 1) areas with no land movements hazard, 2) areas with a medium land movements hazard, 3) areas with a high land movements hazard, and 4) areas with very high land movements hazard.

The concept of load-carrying capacity of the soil can be evaluated by two main components: permis... more The concept of load-carrying capacity of the soil can be evaluated by two main components: permissible stress and permissible depth; and therefore, running it begins its assessment that allows an outline of exploitation. Nevertheless, the assessment of the load-carrying capacity made the object of several works of research and many models, based on the multi-criteria analysis, have been established. This work examines the contribution of GIS approach to assessment load-carrying capacity of the soil. This one has been finished in two practicums: 1) Assessment of the capacity of soil by a multi-criteria approach, using the Weighted Sum Model (WSM); 2) It brought to use the GIS approach to evaluate and spatialize degree of soil bearing stresses resulting from the buildings, as well as load distribution. The method has been applied to the Berhoum area of Hodna Basin, in eastern Algeria, where each is characterized by its various natural properties and density of equipment. Final results are better in the classification of the degree of load-carrying capacity possible in each site. This results in allowing exploiters to program their optimal designs for the rational management of the area.
Conference Presentations by guettouche amar
EMCEI 2019, 2019
This study presents the methodology followed and the results obtained in a geotechnical valorizat... more This study presents the methodology followed and the results obtained in a geotechnical valorization test of the geological map of Berhoum zone (previously Souk Ouled Nedjaa), in the scope of preparing a geotechnical map for construction using a geographical information system (GIS). The basic document was the existing geological map. The geological units have been characterized from a geotechnical point of view. From the existing data, each geological unit was, as far as possible, represented by a number of average physical and geomechanical parameters. The homogeneity of the response made it possible to highlight the geotechnical units and to establish a geotechnical classification of the different terrains. The geotechnical map for construction is the result of this study.

The subject of this study is setting in the preservation of the environment. It focuses on the st... more The subject of this study is setting in the preservation of the environment. It focuses on the study of the pollution of soil and water resources by infiltration. The controlled landfill is a geotechnical process considered a waste disposal method. For these active and passive water barriers, the permeability of which is less than 10-9 m/s, the landfill is limited disorders that can cause water circulation, and completely block its waters. This study aims to identify and evaluate the degree of toxicity of a pollutant (sludge pressing) on the ground, to arrive at a sound management by adequate technical and economically sustainable. In order to achieve an optimum blend, ensuring a good performance in terms of the hydraulic conductivity, mixtures of sand with different concentrations of bentonite, to the compact state, are prepared and studied. This study showed that a low permeability of mixture (sand/bentonite) can be obtained with the introduction of 8% of bentonite. Therefore, it represents an optimum blend for sealing systems, because of its economic and ecological advantages. Comparison of laboratory results, after treatment and analysis, to norms in vigor's will determine that, for a coefficient of permeability of the order of 10-10 m/s, the contaminant infiltrates into the soil and water becomes polluted. It is not recommended to throw it kind of pollutant in controlled landfill; but it is best to think of appropriate collections of operations and treatment in specialized factories.
Teaching Documents by guettouche amar

Ce cours est destiné aux étudiants de 2ème année de socle commun. Il présente les éléments fondam... more Ce cours est destiné aux étudiants de 2ème année de socle commun. Il présente les éléments fondamentaux de mécanique des sols aux étudiants non-initiés avec cette discipline. Le document ne représente pas un substitue aux multiples ouvrages généraux ou spécialisés du domaine, mais son auteur souhaite qu'il constitue une synthèse conduisant le lecteur à saisir les grandes lignes de la matière, à s'intéresser aux problèmes posés ainsi que sentir le besoin d'approfondir les connaissances par la voie noble de l'auto-apprentissage.
L'ouvrage comporte le nécessaire pour faire le calcul pratique en termes de principes, méthodes, formules, tables et abaques. Dans ce contexte, il représente un aide-mémoire couvrant les chapitres du programme officiel, et laissant à l'auditeur l'occasion de se concentrer sur les notions de base plutôt que copier à la hâte des formules et expressions peux significatives.
L'enseignant, se trouvera libérer de la nécessité d'écrire au tableau la majorité de ce qu'il prononce, il aura alors l'occasion de se concentrer sur l'aspect physique et conceptuel.
Papers by guettouche amar
Conference Presentations by guettouche amar
Teaching Documents by guettouche amar
L'ouvrage comporte le nécessaire pour faire le calcul pratique en termes de principes, méthodes, formules, tables et abaques. Dans ce contexte, il représente un aide-mémoire couvrant les chapitres du programme officiel, et laissant à l'auditeur l'occasion de se concentrer sur les notions de base plutôt que copier à la hâte des formules et expressions peux significatives.
L'enseignant, se trouvera libérer de la nécessité d'écrire au tableau la majorité de ce qu'il prononce, il aura alors l'occasion de se concentrer sur l'aspect physique et conceptuel.
L'ouvrage comporte le nécessaire pour faire le calcul pratique en termes de principes, méthodes, formules, tables et abaques. Dans ce contexte, il représente un aide-mémoire couvrant les chapitres du programme officiel, et laissant à l'auditeur l'occasion de se concentrer sur les notions de base plutôt que copier à la hâte des formules et expressions peux significatives.
L'enseignant, se trouvera libérer de la nécessité d'écrire au tableau la majorité de ce qu'il prononce, il aura alors l'occasion de se concentrer sur l'aspect physique et conceptuel.