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The purpose of this work is to study the effect of ion exchange strengthening on the erosion wear resistance of a soda lime glass exposed to sand blasting and to examine the influence of the residual stresses introduced during sand... more
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      Materials EngineeringSteady stateSurface PropertiesResidual Stress
In this study we prepared mullite-zirconia composites by reactive sintering of gibbsite and boehmite as alumina sources and zircon powder. All raw materials have been ball milled and isostatically pressed followed by sintering in the... more
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The crystallization kinetics of α-alumina and mullite-zirconia formation in boehmite and zircon mixture was investigated by dilatometry, XRD and SEM. The powder of boehmite was obtained from partial dehydration of a gibbsite. As-received,... more
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    • Materials Engineering
In this work, different composites (zircon-mullite, zirconia-mullite-zirconia, mullitezirconia and alumina-zirconia-mullite) were developed by reactive sintering of a powder mixture of boehmite (AlOOH)) and zircon (ZrSiO ) 4 . These... more
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    • Science of Sintering
In this work, we present the influence of the substrate temperature on the optical and mechanical properties of tin oxide thin film deposited on soda-lime glass by using the spray pyrolysis method. The film is deposited at various... more
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    • Mechanical Engineering
Low cost composite ceramics based on zircon-mullite-zirconia-alumina phases were prepared by reaction sintering of boehmite (AlOOH) and zircon (ZrSiO 4 ) powders. Boehmite to zircon weight ratios of the starting powders were varied (10 to... more
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In this work, an Algerian kaolin noted DD3 (Djebel Debbagh, site N° 3) was characterized. The measured specific surface (BET) is found approximately 93 m 2 /g. This strong specific surface is justified by the kaolinite grains morphology... more
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    • Mechanical Engineering
We studied the thermal shock of a three millimeters thickness soda lime glass using the hot-cold thermal shock technique. The cooling was made by ambient air jet on previously warmed samples. The heat transfer coefficient was about 600... more
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L'objectif de ce travail consiste à améliorer la transmission optique (TO) d'un verre de pare-brise soumis à un sablage. Pour cela, nous avons tenté une voie préventive et deux voies correctives : • Au début, nous avons appliqué un... more
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La cinétique de la déshydration des ciments alumineux à été étudiée dans des conditions non isothermes en utilisant l'analyse thermique différentielle (ATD). Le ciment étudié est un composant d'un coulis réfractaire (CH45). L'analyse... more
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    • Chemistry
Résumé L’oxyde de zinc (ZnO), déposé sous forme de couches minces, est couramment employé en raison de son important potentiel d’utilisation dans les dispositifs électroniques (transducteurs, capteur à gaz) ainsi que dans la conversion... more
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    • Materials Science