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This paper considers the control problem for an underactuated quadrotor UAV system in presence of sensor faults. Dynamic modelling of quadrotor while taking into account various physical phenomena, which can influence the dynamics of a... more
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The theoretical sensitivity of conventional partial discharge detectors is compared with that obtained from ultra wideband (UWB) (up to 1 GHz) detection systems. The comparison indicates that for relatively lossfree distributed systems,... more
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    • Partial Discharge
In this paper, a time stepping 2D and 3D FEM is performed for modeling and analysis external rotor DFIG .The finite element method currently represents the state-of-the-art in the numerical magnetic field computation relating to... more
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      Electrical EngineeringFinite Element MethodsRenewable EnergyWind Energy
The induction machine, because of its robustness and low-cost, is commonly used in the industry. Nevertheless, as every type of electrical machine, this machine suffers of some limitations. The most important one is the working... more
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      Thermal EngineeringEstimation and Filtering TheoryKalman FilterInduction Motor
Permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) have a bright prospect in the small wind turbine (WT) applications; PMSGs compared to the conventional electrically excitated generators have many advantages, that’s why they have attracted... more
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      Electrical EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyEnergy
In this paper we interested to the study the necessary of Facts to increase the transient stability on the presence of faults and the integration of new renewable source, like wind energy, these lasts make the electrical grid operate in a... more
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      Grid ComputingRenewable EnergyEnergyNonlinear dynamics
This paper deals with investigation on non purely sinusoidal input supply analysis of line-start PMM using finite element analysis (FEA), in the present times a greater awareness is generated by the problems of harmonic voltages and... more
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      Electrical EngineeringDesignFinite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)
Permanent magnet Synchronous machines (PMSM) provide high efficiency, compact size, robustness, lightw eight, and low noise; these features qualify them as the best suitable machine for medical applications. With out forgetting its simple... more
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      Sliding mode controlAsymptotic StabilitySynergetic Control
In this paper, a survey is conducted to examine the problem of estimating the states and parameters of an asynchronous machine when some of these measures are not available or the estimation approach is the best solution. The modeling is... more
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      Kalman FilteringInduction MotorThermal Modeling
Nous présentons dans cette étude une amélioration de la commande DTC modifié. Nous avons proposées quatre stratégies de DTC modifié. Cependant, la présence des correcteurs à hystérésis pose le problème de fluctuations sur les différentes... more
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      Artificial Neural NetworksInduction Motor DrivesTotal Harmonic Distortion (THD),Direct Torque control (DTC) of AC motors
—The objective of this paper is to develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to estimate simultaneously, parameters and state of a brushed DC machine. The proposed ANN estimator is novel in the sense that his estimates... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringControl SystemsDc MotorBackpropagation
Cet article présenté une etude comparative entre trois stratégies de la commande DTC à 6 sectors basée sur les réseaux de neurones artificiels de la machine asynchrone (1MW) alimentée par onduleur NPC de tension à sept niveaux. Cette... more
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      Machine asynchroneRéseaux de neurones
it is not my paper Some companies in the motor and generator industry utilizing sintered NdFeB magnets have adopted pre-ageing heat treatment in order to improve the stability of the magnets. The parameters of this stabilization heat... more
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it is not my paper
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it is not my paper Renewable energy sources, especially wind turbine generators, are considered as important generation alternatives in electric power systems because they have no exhausted nature and not harmful environmental effects.... more
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it is not my paper Dans cet article, nous allons procéder une comparaison des performances de deux structure de la commande directe du couple (DTC) de la machine asynchrone de forte puissance (1MW) alimentée par onduleur de tension à deux... more
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it is not my paper
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it is not my paper
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