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Climate change is having short-and long-term impacts on surface and groundwater in the northern part of the African continent. This has led to a wide range of consequences that have added pressure on the groundwater systems in this part... more
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Several sinkhole collapses were occurred in the many sites in urban areas and/or their rural periphery; in NE Algeria, in the last few years. The abrupt collapse causes damages to properties, infra-structures, and even lives. The most... more
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    • Geology
Slope failures (SF) in mountainous terrain often occur during or after heavy rainstorms, resulting in the loss of life and damage to the natural and/or built environment. Assessing areas susceptible to SF is essential for land use... more
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The Gafsa mining basin district in Southwestern Tunisia is one of the most important producers of phosphate in the world. The exploitation of this district started at the beginning of the twentieth century a few years after the first... more
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Tunisia is rich in geothermal resources from ancient civilizations. Hydrothermal activity in Tunisia has been related to three main stages: magmatic and tectonic activities, eustatisme (Atlantic and Mediterranean coupling) and climate... more
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Purpose. To analyze the sliding from the geotechnical point of view and to identify the plausible causes that influence it. Methodology. To analyze the sliding from the geotechnical point of view and to identify the plausible causes that... more
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      Mining EngineeringGeologyGeotechnical Engineering
This paper presents a GIS-based method for landslide susceptibility (LS) assessment using slope-movement inventory and field data. The study has been carried out along A1-Highway (A1-H) in Hanif region as this road section is threated by... more
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Groundwater is considered a major source of drinking water and its quality a basis for good population health. In order to identify groundwater hydro-chemical characteristics and pollution conditions in Songnen Plain, groundwater... more
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      Environmental ScienceGroundwaterNitrate
The rock fragmentation reflects the degree of control of blasting. Despite the accuracy of screening analysis to determine the size distribution of blasted rocks, this technique remains complex and long because of the large volume of... more
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      Mining EngineeringComputer ScienceImage ProcessingDigital Image Processing
Heavy rainfall in Aïn Draham province in the NorthWestern of Tunisia lead to the formation of some landslides which could poses danger to lives and properties. The geological outcrops of the region mainly consist of Numidian flysch rocks.... more
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Trepça mine was opened by traverbank from the First Tunnel and then through the central well to the depths of XI-th horizont (from 760m up to 12m), 11 horizonts were developed with vertical distance of 60m, while in the above part of the... more
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      Mining EngineeringEnvironmental Science
This study aims to present the hydrogeological and hydrochemical characteristics of Paradisos Karst aquifer system (PAS), Northeast Greece. The average area of the PAS is estimated according to Thornthwaite and Mather (1957) (T-M)... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyHydrogeologyGroundwater
Mediterranean basin exposed to ongoing processes of erosion and deformation. Neotectonics is the study of the geological processes involved in the deformation of the Earth’s crust. The topography of the terrain is greatly impacted by... more
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The neo-tectonic research is interested in the study of the movements of Earth's crust in recent geological times. It could explain the deformation mechanisms that lead to the structuring of drainage catchments. The... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringFluid MechanicsFree SurfaceCouette Flow
Mémoire de fin d'étude en vue de l'obtention du diplôme de Master Domaine : Architecture, urbanisme et métiers de la ville (AUMV) Filière : Architecture Option : Habitat Axe : Habitat et Société , Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif1. THEME :... more
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Par : - Dr. Samaï-Bouadjadja Assia,
Architecte, MC(B), Département d’Architecture,
Institut d’Architecture et des Sciences de la Terre,
Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1.

- Hannachi Khaoula,
  Architecte, stagiaire
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      Cultural Heritage20th CenturyVirtual Reality Technology