Papers by Marc-philippe Huget

European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, 2000
ABSTRACT The main formalisms used for designing interaction protocols in multiagent systems do no... more ABSTRACT The main formalisms used for designing interaction protocols in multiagent systems do not allow for an easy definition of reusable protocols. In this paper, we propose a protocols description language based on the combination of components called micro-protocols corresponding to sets of performatives which represent pieces of an interaction. We formally introduce these components and present the communication protocol description language we have defined in order to combine these microprotocols into whole interaction protocols. We then demonstrate the ease of use of our approach on the well-known contract net protocol example, and compare our model to similar approaches drawn from the fields of distributed systems and multiagent systems. Prior to concluding on the limits and possible extensions of this approach, we detail a software tool which supports the design and implementation of interaction protocols according to our formalism.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
Designing agent interaction protocols need first to consider what the requirements are. This is d... more Designing agent interaction protocols need first to consider what the requirements are. This is done in the requirement analysis phase. The output of this phase is an informal document written in natural language. To our best knowledge, this phase is barely considered in the literature neither in communication protocol engineering nor in interaction protocol engineering. As a consequence, it is difficult for designers to do it easily. Experience seems to be the key. In order to help designers, we propose to structure the requirement analysis document into fields. These fields gather protocol's features. This paper presents such document and applies the structuration to the electronic commerce protocol NetBill.
Intelligent Knowledge-Based Systems, 2005
Multiagent systems are becoming increasingly popular as a new programming paradigm that provides ... more Multiagent systems are becoming increasingly popular as a new programming paradigm that provides the right abstraction level and the right model to build a lot of distributed applications. Its basic components are agents which are encapsulated computer systems that are situated in some environment and that are capable of flexible, autonomous action in that environment in order to meet their
Computing Research Repository, 2008
This paper presents the design and the implementation of an interface software component between ... more This paper presents the design and the implementation of an interface software component between OLE for Process Control (OPC) formatted data and the Global Sensor Network (GSN) framework for management of data from sensors. This interface, named wrapper in the GSN context, communicates in Data Access mode with an OPC server and converts the received data to the internal GSN
The needs for cross domain technologies called mecatronics have increased in the recent years and... more The needs for cross domain technologies called mecatronics have increased in the recent years and examples of mechanical tools directed by computers are now widely available. This paper gives an example of information fusion in the context of a video conference room and exposes two axes of the research. First it shows how to fuse information provided by several sources
Agent-Oriented Simulations (AOS) are helpful to under- stand real complex systems particularly vi... more Agent-Oriented Simulations (AOS) are helpful to under- stand real complex systems particularly via their mod- eling ability and the observations they provide. To fully exploit those simulations, AOS platforms should oer shorter simulation time even if simulated systems are more and more complex. In this paper, we propose a method to minimize the ex- ecution time of AOS through the parallel execution of simulation agents. Our solution is ensured by a net- work of AOS platforms that relies on the identication of agents' temporal dependencies. Our proposal is based on the Temporality model that allows the agents to express their temporal dynamics.
La mise en oeuvre de simulations larges échelles par l'approche SMA a mis en évidence de nouveaux... more La mise en oeuvre de simulations larges échelles par l'approche SMA a mis en évidence de nouveaux défis pour notre communauté. Notre travail s'intéresse aux problèmes posés par les aspects (i) de performance de telles applications particulièrement gourmandes en ressources informatiques et (ii) de la difficulté de modélisation induite par le nombre de thématiciens impliqués. Nous proposons de répondre à ces problématiques en définissant la notion de Toile SMA. Celle-ci fournit une architecture de travail collaboratif autour de l'activité de simulation orientée agent (SOA) et assure l'optimisation des performances de simulation en s'appuyant sur un équilibrage des charges dynamique sur une infrastructure réseau. Dans cet article, nous introduisons la notion de Toile SMA, puis nous proposons un modèle facilitant sa réalisation.

Le paradigme des systèmes multi-agents (SMA) est approprié pour des applications distribuées sans... more Le paradigme des systèmes multi-agents (SMA) est approprié pour des applications distribuées sans contrôle centralisé et pour lesquelles il est nécessaire qu'un sousensemble des agents collabore afin de résoudre un problème global. Les systèmes multiagents comme toute application distribuée, asynchrone et à faible couplage sont difficiles à concevoir et à développer. Nous proposons de faciliter leur conception par la réutilisation de patterns logiciels. Les patterns constituent des solutions génériques à des problèmes fréquemment rencontrés. Nous avons conçu un métamodèle représentant et structurant les concepts inhérents aux SMA. A partir de ce modèle, douze patterns d'analyse décrivant les éléments conceptuels nécessaires à la spécification d'applications orientées agents ont été conçus, ainsi que des patterns de support d'utilisation facilitant la réutilisation de ces patterns lors de la phase d'analyse du processus d'ingénierie des SMA.

ABSTRACT Le paradigme des systèmes multi-agents (SMA) est approprié pour des applications distrib... more ABSTRACT Le paradigme des systèmes multi-agents (SMA) est approprié pour des applications distribuées sans contrôle centralisé et pour lesquelles il est nécessaire qu'un sousensemble des agents collabore afin de résoudre un problème global. Les systèmes multiagents comme toute application distribuée, asynchrone et à faible couplage sont difficiles à concevoir et à développer. Nous proposons de faciliter leur conception par la réutilisation de patterns logiciels. Les patterns constituent des solutions génériques à des problèmes fréquemment rencontrés. Nous avons conçu un métamodèle représentant et structurant les concepts inhérents aux SMA. A partir de ce modèle, douze patterns d'analyse décrivant les éléments conceptuels nécessaires à la spécification d'applications orientées agents ont été conçus, ainsi que des patterns de support d'utilisation facilitant la réutilisation de ces patterns lors de la phase d'analyse du processus d'ingénierie des SMA.

Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems part 2 - AAMAS '02, 2002
MABLE is a language for the design and automatic verification of multi-agent systems. MABLE is es... more MABLE is a language for the design and automatic verification of multi-agent systems. MABLE is essentially a conventional imperative programming language, enriched by constructs from the agent-oriented programming paradigm. A MABLE system contains a number of agents, programmed using the MABLE imperative programming language. Agents in MABLE have a mental state consisting of beliefs, desires and intentions. Agents communicate using request and inform performatives, in the style of the FIPA agent communication language. MABLE systems may be augmented by the addition of formal claims about the system, expressed using a quantified, linear temporal belief-desire-intention logic. MABLE has been fully implemented, and makes use of the SPIN model checker to automatically verify the truth or falsity of claims.
Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems/International Conference on Autonomous Agents, 2004
Several modeling techniques exist that represent agent interaction protocols. These techniques ar... more Several modeling techniques exist that represent agent interaction protocols. These techniques are based primarily on work done in distributed systems and do not consider features such as the agent autonomy. Agent Interaction Protocol designers are now considering specific modeling techniques that contain these features. In this paper, we present the second version of the Agent UML interaction diagrams dedicated to
Revue d'intelligence artificielle, 2009
représentation des concepts temporels dans un modèle de simulation impacte fortement les performa... more représentation des concepts temporels dans un modèle de simulation impacte fortement les performances en exécution, notamment en simulation orientée agent (SOA). Les SOA large-échelle nécessitent des ressources que l'on retrouve principalement dans les systèmes distribués. Notre proposition étend nos travaux sur le modèle à Temporalité utilisé pour représenter les concepts temporels dans notre plate-forme GEAMAS-NG. Les résultats obtenus permettent de paralléliser l'exécution de la simulations sur un réseau de plates-formes tout en garantissant la causalité des événements simulés.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
Successful development of agent interaction protocols re- quires modeling methods and tools that ... more Successful development of agent interaction protocols re- quires modeling methods and tools that support a relatively complete development lifecycle.Agent-based systems are inherently complexbut exhibit many similarities to object-oriented systems.For these reasons not only current modeling languages need to be extended,but also re-lated tools should be provided for agent interaction protocol design to be supported.In this paper,we focus on the design

RÉSUMÉ : Cet article traite du problème du pilotage et d'optimisation, associé à la modélisat... more RÉSUMÉ : Cet article traite du problème du pilotage et d'optimisation, associé à la modélisation et la simulation des systèmes de production manufacturiers. Après une brève introduction, nous proposons une analyse des systèmes de production du point de vue de la simulation ainsi qu'une conceptualisation des principaux composants du système. Trois concepts principaux sont modélisés : le système de transformation du produit (STP), l'entité circulante (EC) et le centre de pilotage (CP). Ces concepts sont formalisés et implémentés dans une plate-forme dénommée Apollo. Une application d'un système de production est ensuite modélisée et simulée avec Apollo pour valider les concepts proposés et montrer l'intérêt de l'utilisation des CPs principalement au niveau de l'adaptation de la capacité des centres de charge. Ainsi, la contribution scientifique de l'article est triple : d'abord, la validation des concepts proposés, ensuite la simplification de l'...
Proceedings. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 2004. (IAT 2004)., 2004
The adoption of multiagent systems by companies and users requires that it is possible to verify ... more The adoption of multiagent systems by companies and users requires that it is possible to verify the properties of the multiagent systems. The main candidate of this verification is model checking but as sketched in the paper, it presents drawbacks such as combinatorial explosion or it does not take the environment into account. Model checking seems to be restricted to small systems with few agents. In this paper, we present a different approach used in testing called the Record/Replay mechanism. We add as well a post-mortem analysis. This paper describes the advantages of this approach and how we have implemented it in the MadKit platform
The Second IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, 2003. Proceedings., 2003
In this paper we focus on the analysis and design stages of the protocol engineering development ... more In this paper we focus on the analysis and design stages of the protocol engineering development cycle. We start by sketching an application framework dedicated to a webbased learning environment called Baghera whose aim is to teach geometry problems. We then apply our protocol engineering process to protocols for checking mathematical proofs a student happens to build. The following section discusses the analysis stage of such a protocol. We then briefly introduce our component-based formal specification language in order to then describe the protocol's design stage. Finally we present a tool built upon the FIPA norm (making use of the PDN or UAML notation) which supports the analysis and design of interaction protocols.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
Several methodologies are supplied to multiagent system designers to help them defining their age... more Several methodologies are supplied to multiagent system designers to help them defining their agents and their multiagent systems. These methodologies focus mainly on agents and on multiagent systems and barely consider how to design interaction protocols. A problem could emerge of this lack since interaction protocols are more and more complex. The aim of this article is to present our
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
... Marc-Philippe Huget and Yves Demazeau Leibniz-MAGMA, 46, Avenue Felix Viallet, 38031 Grenoble... more ... Marc-Philippe Huget and Yves Demazeau Leibniz-MAGMA, 46, Avenue Felix Viallet, 38031 Grenoble, France {Marc-Philippe.Huget, Yves Demazeau} ... An outstanding example is the use of MASSIVE in the Lord of the Rings movie to realize the battle of Helm's deep. ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
Several modeling techniques exist to represent agent interaction protocols mostly based on work d... more Several modeling techniques exist to represent agent interaction protocols mostly based on work done in distributed systems. These modeling techniques do not take the agent features such as the autonomy into account. Agent Interaction Protocol designers are now considering specific modeling techniques that contain these features. In this paper, we present the second version of the Agent UML interaction diagrams
Papers by Marc-philippe Huget