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Lake Mucubají is a moraine-dammed lake, crossed by the Boconó Fault, in the Mérida Andes, Venezuela. Four long pistoncores (up to 8 m long) and 24 short gravity cores (0.6 to 0.8 m long) were collected to study the sedimentary fill of the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyEcology
The right-lateral strike-slip El Pilar Fault is one of the major structures that accommodate the relative displacement between the Caribbean and South-America Plates. This fault, which trends East-West along the northeastern Venezuela... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsActive TectonicsNorth Anatolian Fault
Two very large deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in the highlands of the Mérida Andes, Venezuela, are herein described: the Mucubají Pass and Cerro La Camacha. These slope movements have slid in post-Last Glacial Maximum times.... more
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El estudio de los glaciares tropicales es una temática de gran importancia para las áreas de paleo-clima, gestión de riesgos naturales, manejo del recurso agua, generación de energía, etc. El presente trabajo muestra algunos adelantos en... more
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    • Glaciology
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In the tropical Mérida Andes (northwestern Venezuela), glacial landforms were found at altitudes between 2600 and 5000 m, corresponding to 600 km 2 of ice cover during the maximum glacial extension. However, the lack of sufficient... more
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We use GNSS observations in northeastern Venezuela to constrain the El Pilar Fault (EPF) kinematics and to explore the effects of the variable elastic properties of the surrounding medium and of the fault geometry on inferred slip rates... more
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      Deformation and strainGNSS applications
III-1-Correlation between Cores MD-2431 and MD-2429. III-2-Strong lateral thickness increase in the marine sedimentary sequence. III-3-Specific imprints of major earthquakes in the marine sedimentary sequence.
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      Earth SciencesGeologyOceanographyRemote Sensing
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      Earth SciencesSeismic HazardGeomorphology and Active tectonicsNorth Anatolian Fault
The Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenite (HED) suite is a family of differentiated meteorites that provide a unique opportunity to study the differentiation of small bodies. The likely parent-body of this meteorite group, (4) Vesta is presently... more
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      GeochemistryGeophysicsNIR spectroscopyCrystal field
The right-lateral strike-slip El Pilar Fault is one of the major structures that accommodate the relative displacement between the Caribbean and South-America Plates. This fault, which trends East-West along the northeastern Venezuela... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsActive TectonicsNorth Anatolian Fault
The Gulf of Cariaco is a marginal basin located between the Cariaco Basin and the Paria Gulf, offshore NE Venezuela, along a system of active right-lateral strike-slip faults. It is connected to the Caribbean Sea via a shallow 58-m-deep... more
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      Earth SciencesMarine GeologyActive TectonicsSeismic stratigraphy
Lake Mucubají is a moraine-dammed lake, crossed by the Boconó Fault, in the Mérida Andes, Venezuela. Four long pistoncores (up to 8 m long) and 24 short gravity cores (0.6 to 0.8 m long) were collected to study the sedimentary fill of the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyEcology
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsActive Tectonics
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      Earth SciencesLittle Ice Age
l Nororiente venezolano presenta, a lo largo de la historia, la mayor actividad sísmica a escala nacional , siendo la fuente sísmica de los eventos más significativos la extremidad sur de la subducción de las Antillas... more
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The sediments of the two largest post-Riss and post-Würm lakes, in the northwestern Alps and southern Jura, contain possible records of seismo-tectonic instability: earthquake triggering of gravity reworking, and direct stratification... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsGeomatic Engineering
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Two very large deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in the highlands of the Mérida Andes, Venezuela, are herein described: the Mucubají Pass and Cerro La Camacha. These slope movements have slid in post-Last Glacial Maximum times.... more
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