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The yield criterion of a porous material using Gurson's model [Gurson, A.L., 1977. Continuum theory of ductile rupture by void nucleation and growth – Part I: Yield criteria and flow rules for porous ductile media. ASME J. Engrg. Mater.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringPorous MaterialLimit Analysis
This Note presents a comparison of some recently developed "second-order" homogenization estimates for two-dimensional, ideally plastic porous media subjected to plane strain conditions with corresponding yield analysis results using a... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringFinite Element Mesh
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied Mathematics
In a companion paper (Part I) we investigated the plane stress case in order to compare it with specific tensile tests. In the present paper, the Gurson problem is investigated in other cases of symmetry, including the most general... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringPorous MaterialsInterior Point Methods
The well-known problem of the height limit of a Tresca or von Mises vertical slope of height h, subjected to the action of gravity stems naturally from Limit Analysis theory under the plane strain condition. Although the exact solution to... more
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      EngineeringInterior Point MethodsLimit Analysis
First, we summarize our convex optimization method to solve the static approach of limit analysis. Then, we present the main features of a quadratic extension of a recently proposed mixed finite element method of the kinematic approach.... more
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      Convex OptimizationPorous MaterialLimit Analysis
Extending a previous work on the Gurson model for a 'porous von Mises' material, the present study first focuses on the yield criterion of a 'porous Drucker-Prager' material with spherical cavities. On the basis of the Gurson micro-macro... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringLimit Analysis
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A fully kinematical, mixed finite element approach based on a recent interior point method for convex optimization is proposed to solve the limit analysis problem involving homogeneous Gurson materials. It uses continuous or discontinuous... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringHybrid and mixed finite element methodsConvex Optimization
A nonlinear interior point method associated with the kinematic theorem of limit analysis is proposed. Associating these two tools enables one to determine an upper bound of the limit loading of a Gurson material structure from the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringConvex OptimizationInterior Point MethodLimit Analysis
This paper proposes an original decomposition approach to the upper bound method of limit analysis. It is based on a mixed finite element approach and on a convex interior point solver using linear or quadratic discontinuous velocity... more
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      EngineeringLimit Analysis
The ductile failure of porous metallic materials is studied here using the lower and upper bound methods of Limit Analysis (LA), a problem treated by Gurson with his famous kinematical approach in 1977. The present work is devoted to... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringPorous MaterialLimit Analysis
This paper is devoted to the stability analysis of a vertical embankment in reinforced soil, assuming that a very large number of reinforcements are periodically distributed throughout the soil mass. The reinforced soil is modelled as a... more
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    • Civil Engineering
Though the solution to the limit analysis problem of the hollow sphere model—with a von Mises matrix and under spherical symmetry—is well known, it is not available, to our knowledge, for both isotropic loadings (tension and compression)... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringLimit Analysis
Le problème de la rupture ductile des matériaux métalliques poreux est analysé à l'aide ici des deux méthodes de l'Analyse Limite (A.L.), problème dont Gurson a donné en 1977 une approche cinématique célèbre. Le présent travail concerne... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringContinuum MechanicsPorous MaterialsPorous Material
Extending a previous work on the Gurson model for a 'porous von Mises' material, the present study first focuses on the yield criterion of a 'porous Drucker-Prager' material with spherical cavities. On the basis of the Gurson micro-macro... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringLimit Analysis
A nonlinear interior point method associated with the kinematic theorem of limit analysis is proposed. Associating these two tools enables one to determine an upper bound of the limit loading of a Gurson material structure from the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringConvex OptimizationInterior Point MethodLimit Analysis
The effect of asymmetry with respect to sliding direction has been recently proved to be important in the analysis of static contact interactions of some automotive mechanical structures. In the present paper, we consider a nonclassical... more
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      Civil EngineeringApplied Mathematics
The paper is devoted to a numerical limit analysis of a hollow spheroidal model with a von Mises solid matrix. To this purpose, existing kinematic and static 3D-FEM codes for the case of spherical cavities have been modified and improved... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied Mathematics
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied Mathematics