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DC-DC power converters are characterized by cyclic switching of circuit configurations, which gives rise to a variety of nonlinear behaviors. Their occurrence in DC-DC power converters makes the system analysis, control and behavior... more
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The aim of this paper is to develop an accurate small signals model for a Boost converter operating in continuous conduction mode, and including the internal resistors of elements. This model is then used to synthesise a fuzzy logic... more
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The modeling process presents a key step on the analysis and the control of DC-DC converters that can exhibit complicated nonlinear phenomena. In order to describe accurately the converter behavior, a discrete modeling technique is... more
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    • Electrical And Electronic Engineering
The occurrence of nonlinear phenomena in DC-DC power converters makes their analysis and control difficult. We propose a converter model that takes into account the internal resistances of the converter elements. A fuzzy logic controller... more
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      Computer ScienceComparative StudyComputersMathematical Sciences
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      EngineeringEnergy ConversionStructural StabilityPid Controller
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      EngineeringEnergy ConversionStructural StabilityPid Controller
The minimum variance principle is, generally, used for controller's synthesis. In this paper, we propose another use of this principle to identify the hysteresis property of piezoelectric actuators using the Extended Least Squares... more
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      Computer ScienceHysteresisPhilosophy of Intellectual PropertyElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Grâce aux performances accrues des convertisseurs statiques, de nouveaux champs d'application se sont ouverts. Certains d'entre eux sont très exigeants en termes de performances dynamiques. Nous pouvons citer comme exemples la dépollution... more
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      PhysicsModellingFuzzy ControlModélisation
In order to meet the requirements of harmonic elimination and reactive power compensation in substation, a three level four leg shunt active filter is proposed in this paper. The use of three-level converters allows a better performance... more
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      Pulse Width ModulationInverter
DC-DC power converters are characterized by cyclic switching of circuit configurations, which gives rise to a variety of nonlinear behaviors. Their occurrence in DC-DC power converters makes the system analysis, control and behavior... more
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DC-DC power converters are characterized by cyclic switching of circuit configurations, which gives rise to a variety of nonlinear behaviors. Their occurrence in DC-DC power converters makes the system analysis, control and behavior... more
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DC-DC converters are nonlinear systems that exhibit a complicated nonlinear phenomena, its modelling presents the basic step of its analysis and control. In this work, we propose a discrete modelling technique that allows an accurate... more
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      MathematicsDecompositionConvertersNonlinear system
The paper deals with the problem of switched dynamical systems modeling especially in DC-DC converters case study consideration. It presents two approaches to describe accurately the behavior of this class of systems. To clarify the paper... more
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      MathematicsComputer SciencePiecewise LinearDynamical Systems Theory
L\u27objectif de cet article est de démontrer la possibilité de faire osciller à 1.6 µm un amplificateur à fibre double gaine dopée erbium opérant dans la bande C, en ajustant les pertes intra-cavité. Deux configurations de cavité ont été... more
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      Materials ScienceOpticsErbium
This paper deals with Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) systems stabilization based on dynamic output feedback compensators (DOFC). In fact, only few results consider DOFC for T-S systems and most of them propose quadratic Lyapunov functions to provide... more
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      Pure MathematicsFuzzy Sets and Systems
In this paper, new robust H ∞ controller design methodologies for Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) descriptors is considered. Based on Linear Matrix Inequalities, two different approaches are proposed. The first one involves a ''classical closed-loop... more
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      AlgorithmsFuzzy LogicNonlinear dynamicsRobust control
This paper deals with Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) systems stabilization based on a static output feedback (SOF) non-PDC control law. To investigate SOF stabilization, the closed loop dynamics is written using a descriptor redundancy formulation.... more
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    • Design Methodology
Stabilization issue for discrete-time interconnected switched system is studied in this paper. A global large scale discrete-time system can be decomposed into a set of small interconnected switched subsystems. Thus, a decentralized... more
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      StabilityLinear Matrix InequalitiesStability AnalysisLyapunov function
Dans cet article, on s'intéresse à la synthèse de lois de commande décentralisées pour les systèmes de grande dimension représentées par un ensemble de descripteurs de type Takagi-Sugeno interconnectés. Basées sur une fonction candidate... more
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      Controller DesignLinear Matrix Inequality
This work concerns the tracking problem of uncertain Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) continuous fuzzy model with external disturbances. The objective is to get a model reference based output feedback tracking control law. The control scheme is based... more
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      EngineeringInformationMathematical SciencesInformation Sciences