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Specialization is a concept based on a broad theoretical framework developed by evolutionary biologists and ecologists. In the past 10 years, numerous studies have reported that – in many contexts – generalist species are “replacing”... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcology
Each species generally has a close relationship with one or more habitats and can therefore be classified as either specialist or generalist. We studied whether specialist and generalist species are spatially distributed independently of... more
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Aim Worldwide, functional homogenization is now considered to be one of the most prominent forms of biotic impoverishment induced by current global changes. Yet this process has hardly been quantified on a large scale through simple... more
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1. Ecological specialization is one of the main concepts in ecology and conservation. However, this concept has become highly context-dependent and is now obscured by the great variability of existing definitions and methods used to... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyAppliedEcological Applications
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One of the most consensual ecological eff ects of the current climate warming is the alteration of the environmental timing of ecosystems. Phenological shifts, at diff erent levels of food webs, are predicted to have major eff ects on... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcology
L'obser va tion de l'effet néfaste des acti vi tés humaines sur la nature ne date pas d'hier. Au contraire, dès le XIX e siècle, des groupes civils de natu ra listes, d'artistes et d'ONG se fédèrent afi n d'acti ver des mesures de pré ser... more
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Le terme de « ser vice écosystémique » appa raît dans la commu nauté scienti fi que dans les années 1970 , pour défi nir les pro ces sus et condi tions des éco sys tèmes natu rels qui per mettent le dévelop pe ment des acti vi tés et de... more
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To garner support for biodiversity from the World's human population, conservation biologists need an open-minded, integrated conservation strategy. We suggest that this strategy should include efforts to (1) preserve existing high... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservation BiologyEcologyEcology
This paper is an answer to the Caplat and Coutts forum about our previous paper ''The need for flexibility in conservation practices: exotic species as an example''. We precise here why we proposed to consider exotic species as well as... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcology
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyEcology
The apple is the most common and culturally important fruit crop of temperate areas. The elucidation of its origin and domestication history is therefore of great interest. The wild Central Asian species Malus sieversii has previously... more
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      EcologyPlant domestication (Prehistoric Archaeology)
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      CommunicationDance StudiesEcology
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      CommunicationDance StudiesEcologyMediation
Face à la « crise écologique» de nouveaux discours politiques se sont développés remplaçant le terme vernaculaire de Nature par celui de Biodiversité. Cependant, que reste-il de ce concept scientifique lorsqu'il est transmis à la société... more
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RÉSUMÉ: Les chercheurs en écologie sont confrontés à l'urgence d'enjeux sociétaux tels que la réduction rapide des pressions anthropiques sur les milieux naturels. Dans le prolongement naturel de ces travaux, on trouve une forme de... more
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Biodiversity has reached a critical state. In this context, stakeholders need indicators that both provide a synthetic view of the state of biodiversity and can be used as communication tools. Using river fishes as model, we developed... more
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      Community EcologyFish BiologyBiodiversityLand Use Change
Esthétique environnementale, art écologique, les expressions ne manquent pas pour circonscrire un champ de recherche relativement nouveau en France, mais en formation depuis longtemps outre-Atlantique. Il y est question d’esthétisation... more
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      Ecological ArtArt & ScienceArt, Science, Technology
Fungal invasions are increasingly recognized as a significant component of global changes, threatening ecosystem health and damaging food production. Invasive fungi also provide excellent models to evaluate the generality of results based... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionInvasion EcologyFungi
Summary 1. Generalist species are more successful than specialists in anthropogenically modified envi- ronments or in environments in which they have been introduced, but the nature of the link between generalism and establishment... more
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      CognitionAnimal BehaviourBirdsEcological Specialization