Papers by Pablo Astudillo Lizama

En este artículo, se observan los discursos en torno a la visibilidad homosexual que movilizan do... more En este artículo, se observan los discursos en torno a la visibilidad homosexual que movilizan docentes gays y lesbianas fuera del clóset dentro de escuelas de Santiago de Chile. Para ello se expondrán los resultados de una investigación cualitativa, realizada a partir de 21 entrevistas en profundidad a docentes que se presentan como gays y lesbianas en escuelas de la capital. Más allá de los discursos de opresión o silenciamiento, en sus narrativas de afirmación y visibilidad se subrayan las estrategias personales para desplazar la eventual discriminación hacia otros elementos identitarios personales y la heterogeneidad de normas en relación con la homosexualidad en las escuelas. Asimismo, se muestra cómo las diferencias de posiciones personales y la forma en la que la clase social moldea el valor de la discreción dentro de la cultura escolar influyen en las posibilidades de agencia personal. Al centrar el análisis en el trabajo individual, se observa cómo la confrontación de la violencia homofóbica en el espacio escolar puede al mismo tiempo reproducirla, en la medida en la que las y los docentes cuentan con un estrecho margen para la reflexionar sobre los efectos de su acción individual y para cuestionar los límites que impone la heteronorma a la agencia personal en un contexto de ambivalente aceptación de la homosexualidad en la sociedad chilena.

La sexualité est un élément fondamental du processus d'individuation contemporain. Elle appar... more La sexualité est un élément fondamental du processus d'individuation contemporain. Elle appartient à un projet occidental d'individu autonome et réflexif. Cependant, les normes qui encadrent cette auto-gouvernance sont produites et reproduites collectivement : l'individu sexué est le fruit d'un processus de socialisation spécifique. C'est dans ce cadre que nous comprenons l'éducation affective et sexuelle, cette fois du point du point de vue des écoles catholiques d'élite à Santiago du Chili. Contrairement à ce que l'on pourrait penser, la compréhension de la sexualité dans cet espace sociale ne tend pas vers la simple répression ou la sublimation des pulsions de l'individu. En fait, l'école catholique s'approprie cette intention de construire une personne responsable d'elle-même, responsabilité qui s'étend aussi à la relation à l'autre. Les manières d'y parvenir peuvent varier, allant d'un conservatisme qui parie sur l...
Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado eBooks, Mar 24, 2022
Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado eBooks, Mar 24, 2022
Queer Social Movements and Outreach Work in Schools, 2020
This chapter analyzes and discusses the outreach work of a Catholic LGBTI organization, Pastoral ... more This chapter analyzes and discusses the outreach work of a Catholic LGBTI organization, Pastoral de la Diversidad Sexual, which intervenes in Chilean Catholic schools through the testimony of its members. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, volunteers or educational workers at the Pastoral were interviewed in order to describe their own experiences speaking about homosexual marginalization. The results show the tension between power and resistance, and the ambiguous possibilities of transforming the hetero-cisgender norms by sharing personal experiences. These testimonies are understood as a historically situated effort, where an attempt is made to modify the effect of a power technology.

Gender, Place & Culture, 2019
The relationship between space and sexuality is a topic of increasing interest for researchers in... more The relationship between space and sexuality is a topic of increasing interest for researchers in Chile, especially when this refers to homosexual sexualities. However, the visibility of sexual identity is a variable that creates tension between these components, providing both epistemological and methodological challenges to local geography. Bringing together the limited number of publications that have confronted the spatial dimension of homosexual sexuality in Chile, it is possible to find the description of a specific territory, as well as subjective experiences within this space. Interestingly, none of those studies have been designed with the objective of being a geographical investigation. Furthermore, these studies do not take a feminist approach to the question, taking into consideration the support that the latter perspective provides in bringing to light the realities found outside the main disciplinary focus. From this point of view, homosexual space cannot be reduced to either mapping or a description of experiences. Instead, it is important to recognize the relationships of power that produce and permit the observation of homosexual identities. In this way, the following text uses a concrete example to illustrate two interconnected phenomena: first, feminist geographies have had difficulty in articulating homosexual identity in their analyses, and, second, there exists an unexplored potential in interrogating local social sciences from a specific epistemological frame.
Revista latinoamericana de educación inclusiva, 2020

Schools as Queer Transformative Spaces Global Narratives on Sexualities and Gender, 2019
The first part of this chapter aims to describe the specificities of Chilean culture and changes ... more The first part of this chapter aims to describe the specificities of Chilean culture and changes in gender relations and sexuality in the last few decades. The educational context faced by (lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender (LGBT) youth is also described, showing the characteristics of this context and the role of educational policies. The second part deals with different types of empirical studies conducted in Chile (Barrientos, 2015). The third part of the chapter refers to the authors’ data from different qualitative studies (ethnographic approach) conducted in Chilean public schools. These studies reveal the problems faced by young gay men, lesbians, and transgender people in their corresponding educational contexts. They also show how schools manage this difference. The implications of results concerning youth and children in sexualities issues in the Chilean educational context are discussed. The Chilean educational system manages sexual differences by promoting to...
This chapter analyzes and discusses the outreach work of a Catholic LGBTI organization, Pastoral ... more This chapter analyzes and discusses the outreach work of a Catholic LGBTI organization, Pastoral de la Diversidad Sexual, which intervenes in Chilean Catholic schools through the testimony of its members. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, volunteers or educational workers at the Pastoral were interviewed in order to describe their own experiences speaking about homosexual marginalization. The results show the tension between power and resistance, and the ambiguous possibilities of transforming the hetero-cisgender norms by sharing personal experiences. These testimonies are understood as a historically situated effort, where an attempt is made to modify the effect of a power technology.

La sexualite est un element fondamental du processus d'individuation contemporain. Elle appar... more La sexualite est un element fondamental du processus d'individuation contemporain. Elle appartient a un projet occidental d'individu autonome et reflexif. Cependant, les normes qui encadrent cette auto-gouvernance sont produites et reproduites collectivement : l'individu sexue est le fruit d'un processus de socialisation specifique. C'est dans ce cadre que nous comprenons l'education affective et sexuelle, cette fois du point du point de vue des ecoles catholiques d'elite a Santiago du Chili. Contrairement a ce que l'on pourrait penser, la comprehension de la sexualite dans cet espace sociale ne tend pas vers la simple repression ou la sublimation des pulsions de l'individu. En fait, l'ecole catholique s'approprie cette intention de construire une personne responsable d'elle-meme, responsabilite qui s'etend aussi a la relation a l'autre. Les manieres d'y parvenir peuvent varier, allant d'un conservatisme qui parie sur l...

education policy analysis archives
Las actitudes docentes se pueden definir como “aquellos valores y normas intrínsecas de los sujet... more Las actitudes docentes se pueden definir como “aquellos valores y normas intrínsecas de los sujetos que dirigen su quehacer profesional, en relación con los procesos pedagógicos” (Maturana et al., 2016). Estas podrían ser entendidas a partir de al menos tres factores que interactúan entre sí: la lectura de las normas sociales que impactan los procesos educativos, lo aprendido durante la formación inicial docente y la adecuación de los individuos a las culturas organizacionales de los lugares de trabajo donde se desempeñan. Teniendo esto a la vista, el presente artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre actitudes de profesores en torno a la diversidad por orientación sexual, identidad y expresión de género (OSIEG) en Chile, atendiendo además a otros elementos diferenciadores individuales que pueden influir en la manera como las actitudes docentes toman forma en el ejercicio profesional: género, trayectoria y geocultura. A partir del análisis de veinte entrevistas realizadas...
Annales De Geographie, Nov 5, 2014

Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva, 2020
En los colegios católicos de élite, la educación sexual intenta regular la intimidad y el carácte... more En los colegios católicos de élite, la educación sexual intenta regular la intimidad y el carácter personal, para así dar forma a un individuo capaz de orientarse a sí mismo y su sexualidad hacia un fin determinado. En el presente artículo examinaremos el resultado de una investigación cualitativa desarrollada en 16 establecimientos católicos de la ciudad de Santiago. A partir de 53 entrevistas a orientadores y psicólogos a cargo de la educación sexual, dos grupos focales que convocaron a 23 adolescentes de dichos colegios y observaciones etnográficas en distintas actividades de formación de tales establecimientos, se propone un nuevo análisis de la noción de inclusión, centrado no en la orientación sexual de los sujetos-como las escuelas la suelen representar-, sino en la construcción de la alteridad que cada currículo conlleva. Como resultado de esta investigación, se evidencia la dificultad para comprender los límites que la experiencia subjetiva impone a la discusión moral sobre sexualidad. En estas escuelas católicas las formas de inclusión siguen estando confinadas a compartir una misma posición socioeconómica, sin comprender como persisten ciertas alteridades invisibles cuya inclusión probablemente evidenciaría el carácter contingente de la educación sexual. Descriptores: Diferencia individual; Estratificación social; Educación sexual; Escuela católica; Sexualidad. In elitist Catholic schools, sex education attempts to regulate intimacy and personal character, in order to shape an individual capable of guiding himself and his sexuality towards an ethical project. In this article, we will examine the result of a qualitative research carried out in 16 Catholic establishments in the city of Santiago. From 53 interviews with counselors and psychologists in charge of sexual education, two focus groups that convened 23 adolescents from these schools and ethnographic observations in different training activities of such establishments, a new analysis of the notion of inclusion is proposed. In this case, we are not focused on the sexual orientation of the subjects-as schools usually do, representing the idea of sexual diversity-but instead, we will observe the construction of the otherness associated to sexual education. As a result, the limits that subjective experience imposes on moral discussion about sexuality become evident. In these schools, "diversity" is still confined to share the same socioeconomic position. The inclusion of certain invisible alterities would probably evidence the contingent nature of sex education.

Gender, Place and Culture, 2019
The relationship between space and sexuality is a topic of increasing interest for researchers in... more The relationship between space and sexuality is a topic of increasing interest for researchers in Chile, especially when this refers to homosexual sexualities. However, the visibility of sexual identity is a variable that creates tension between these components, providing both epistemological and methodological challenges to local geography. Bringing together the limited number of publications that have confronted the spatial dimension of homosexual sexuality in Chile, it is possible to find the description of a specific territory, as well as subjective experiences within this space. Interestingly, none of those studies have been designed with the objective of being a geographical investigation. Furthermore, these studies do not take a feminist approach to the question, taking into consideration the support that the latter perspective provides in bringing to light the realities found outside the main disciplinary focus. From this point of view, homosexual space cannot be reduced to either mapping or a description of experiences. Instead, it is important to recognize the relationships of power that produce and permit the observation of homosexual identities. In this way, the following text uses a concrete example to illustrate two interconnected phenomena: first, feminist geographies have had difficulty in articulating homosexual identity in their analyses, and, second, there exists an unexplored potential in interrogating local social sciences from a specific epistemological frame.

Revista Pensamiento Educativo, 2019
This article communicates the results of a multi-case qualitative study that sought to know the m... more This article communicates the results of a multi-case qualitative study that sought to know the meanings and debates present in Chilean schools in relation to LGTBI inclusion. This research gathered information from 8 cases using documentary analysis, interviews, focus groups with different school actors, and non-participant observation.
The article raises the question on how justice of recognition finds expression in school communities, understanding justice as the visibility of gender expression and identities, and sexual diversity, as well as the existence of pedagogical practices and experiences that allow LGTBI students to build self-confidence. The results indicate
that, in the Chilean school system, there are advances on the recognition of gender identities and sexual diversity, but they are partial and fragile. Respect for diversity is a principle present in the discourses of school actors, but this does not question the hegemony of heteronormativity in the curriculum or teaching practices. Students and
principals with greater cultural capital and/or political mobilization, trigger important changes in recognition as educational justice.

Dentro de las escuelas católicas de élite, el tratamiento de la homosexualidad es el resultado de... more Dentro de las escuelas católicas de élite, el tratamiento de la homosexualidad es el resultado de una conciliación entre el mandato contemporáneo de asegurar una sexualidad coherente en los individuos y las normas eclesiales en las que se enmarcan sus proyectos educativos. En apariencia, estas escuelas serían hostiles al reconocimiento de las sexualidades " fuera de la norma " , no obstante, distintos factores permiten la emergencia de un tratamiento " comprensivo " de la sexualidad homosexual. Dicha " comprensión " , sin embargo, opera en realidad sobre una reflexividad limitada respecto al proceso de individuación sexual lo que redunda en un reconocimiento parcial del individuo homosexual. Aquí se esconden todavía algunas trampas que vale la pena atender. De alguna forma, lo que observamos en este espacio es también parte de un proceso social general donde el avance de determinadas formas políticas de aceptación de la homosexualidad convive a veces con una estructura de la homofobia más sutil, cuya real erradicación requiere ir más allá de la comprensión aparente del " otro " que hoy domina este espacio social.
Within elitist catholic schools, homosexuality is treated as the result of conciliation between contemporary norms guaranteeing an individual's coherent sexuality, and ecclesiastic rules defining a school's educational program. Supposedly, catholic schools would be hostile towards non-dominant sexualities; however, different factors contribute to the emergence of an " accepting " treatment of homosexuality. That " acceptance " , nevertheless, is based on limited reflexivity regarding the process of sexual individuation. As a result, there is partial recognition of the homosexual person, and it is important to expose the hidden social traps that prevent a complete recognition from taking place. In a way, what we observe in catholic schools is also part of a much larger social process. The advance of political forms of acceptance towards homosexuality sometimes coexists with a much subtler structure of homophobia, whose eradication requires going beyond the apparent acceptance of the " other " that presently dominates this social space.

Homosexual sociability space in Santiago is not socially homogenous. Beyond non-heterosexual iden... more Homosexual sociability space in Santiago is not socially homogenous. Beyond non-heterosexual identities segmentation (gay, lesbian, queer, BDSM, etc.), the present article proposes a reflection observing certain social distinctions or differences that come into play to create a hierarchy among gay and lesbian individuals within that space. Using a qualitative approximation, we analyze the discourse of homosexual men and women about ways to display homosexuality in different places in the city, as well as some sociability practices used in homosexual venues. The resulting social hierarchy is understood through two central subjective rules: discretion and good taste, dynamic mechanisms that perpetuate the distance among groups within the same sociability space, and to some extent reproduce the city’s class structure. Given that material means to privatize and sophisticate homosexual expression are unequally distributed in Santiago, the resulting differentiated social networks end up configuring the visibility strategies of homosexual identity played out in the city in the last years.

Annales de géographie, 2014
Traditionnellement, on considère que les grandes villes permettent une institutionnalisation de l... more Traditionnellement, on considère que les grandes villes permettent une institutionnalisation de l'identité homosexuelle. En effet, l'émergence de la figure homosexuelle contemporaine n'est possible que dans un environnement urbain dont la densité et l'anonymat favorisent la consolidation de l'identité gay. Pour autant, ce modèle qui lie construction identitaire et espace urbain, est-il transposable dans toutes les métropoles ? À partir du cas de Santiago du Chili, nous verrons qu'il n'existe pas un territoire associé à l'identité gay de manière exclusive ou préférentielle comme c'est le cas avec les quartiers gays des métropoles occidentales, mais une constellation de lieux appropriés de manière discrète selon la classe sociale observée. Cette fluidité, qui est l'apanage des classes les plus favorisées, est rendue possible par le goût de la discrétion qui structure les pratiques. Il n'y a donc pas un quartier unifié, visible et homogène mais des lieux structurés par un imaginaire et des usages socialement différenciés.
Papers by Pablo Astudillo Lizama
The article raises the question on how justice of recognition finds expression in school communities, understanding justice as the visibility of gender expression and identities, and sexual diversity, as well as the existence of pedagogical practices and experiences that allow LGTBI students to build self-confidence. The results indicate
that, in the Chilean school system, there are advances on the recognition of gender identities and sexual diversity, but they are partial and fragile. Respect for diversity is a principle present in the discourses of school actors, but this does not question the hegemony of heteronormativity in the curriculum or teaching practices. Students and
principals with greater cultural capital and/or political mobilization, trigger important changes in recognition as educational justice.
Within elitist catholic schools, homosexuality is treated as the result of conciliation between contemporary norms guaranteeing an individual's coherent sexuality, and ecclesiastic rules defining a school's educational program. Supposedly, catholic schools would be hostile towards non-dominant sexualities; however, different factors contribute to the emergence of an " accepting " treatment of homosexuality. That " acceptance " , nevertheless, is based on limited reflexivity regarding the process of sexual individuation. As a result, there is partial recognition of the homosexual person, and it is important to expose the hidden social traps that prevent a complete recognition from taking place. In a way, what we observe in catholic schools is also part of a much larger social process. The advance of political forms of acceptance towards homosexuality sometimes coexists with a much subtler structure of homophobia, whose eradication requires going beyond the apparent acceptance of the " other " that presently dominates this social space.
The article raises the question on how justice of recognition finds expression in school communities, understanding justice as the visibility of gender expression and identities, and sexual diversity, as well as the existence of pedagogical practices and experiences that allow LGTBI students to build self-confidence. The results indicate
that, in the Chilean school system, there are advances on the recognition of gender identities and sexual diversity, but they are partial and fragile. Respect for diversity is a principle present in the discourses of school actors, but this does not question the hegemony of heteronormativity in the curriculum or teaching practices. Students and
principals with greater cultural capital and/or political mobilization, trigger important changes in recognition as educational justice.
Within elitist catholic schools, homosexuality is treated as the result of conciliation between contemporary norms guaranteeing an individual's coherent sexuality, and ecclesiastic rules defining a school's educational program. Supposedly, catholic schools would be hostile towards non-dominant sexualities; however, different factors contribute to the emergence of an " accepting " treatment of homosexuality. That " acceptance " , nevertheless, is based on limited reflexivity regarding the process of sexual individuation. As a result, there is partial recognition of the homosexual person, and it is important to expose the hidden social traps that prevent a complete recognition from taking place. In a way, what we observe in catholic schools is also part of a much larger social process. The advance of political forms of acceptance towards homosexuality sometimes coexists with a much subtler structure of homophobia, whose eradication requires going beyond the apparent acceptance of the " other " that presently dominates this social space.
Adoptando una aproximación etnográfica, esta investigación ha observado como dentro de los planes de educación sexual de escuelas católicas busca ofrecer claves para mantener el “gobierno del sí mismo” mediante un acento puesto en el individuo responsable de su sexualidad. Ahora bien, en este contexto pueden surgir una diversidad de formas que sirven también como un mecanismo de diferenciación y consolidación de un proyecto educativo particular. En otras palabras, es al observar los discursos en materia de educación sexual que se evidencian las tensiones que experimenta una organización educativa particular, cuando los individuos en ella buscan modernizar su discurso sobre la sexualidad, siendo consistentes con el modo que interpretan la realidad social y, al tiempo, manteniendo ciertos valores que consideran indispensables para integrar la comunidad donde se identifican. Como resultado surge una estrategia de posicionamiento que de algún modo toma distancia pero también reproduce parte del contenido conservador.
En un contexto donde la educación sexual puede ser un factor de diferenciación entre instituciones que compiten entre sí, tanto el currículo formal como informal imponen una serie de condicionantes que transmiten formas específicas respecto a cómo “ser hombre cristiano en el mundo actual”. Aquí, la capacidad individual de demostrar que se está en posesión de la propia sexualidad es un elemento básico que dificulta enormemente la comprensión de la alteridad sexual, tanto desde el punto de vista del género, como también de las variables de clase social que pueden influir en la construcción de la masculinidad.
Con el objeto de discutir esta idea analizaremos algunas evidencias que, entendiendo el colegio católico desde un punto de vista institucional pero también organizacional, ilustran bien las tensiones que genera una construcción de la masculinidad centrada en el individuo y no en las relaciones donde éste se inscribe o que éste pueda establecer.