Social Marketing by Sophie Rieunier
The general public’s nutritional behaviour is a priority of public-health authorities. Associated... more The general public’s nutritional behaviour is a priority of public-health authorities. Associated diseases
are the prime cause of mortality worldwide. For reasons of public health, a better understanding of
the consumer Perception of Nutritional Risk (PNR) is essential, since this, according to the protection
motivation theory, influences behavioural intention (Maddux and Rogers, 1983; Rogers, 1975). Following
a review of the literature and qualitative research, the present article endeavours to clarify the concept of
PNR, explore potential explanatory or moderating factors, and identify leads for future research. We show
that PNR depends not solely on the product characteristics (role of perceived naturalness), but also the
consumption situation (role of commensality) and purchasing conditions (role of hyperchoice).

Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Jan 2015
Le comportement nutritionnel des populations est une priorité pour les pouvoirs publics. En effet... more Le comportement nutritionnel des populations est une priorité pour les pouvoirs publics. En effet, les maladies associées sont la première cause de mortalité dans le monde. Dans un souci de santé publique, il est essentiel de mieux comprendre la Perception du Risque Nutritionnel par le consommateur (PRN), car elle influence l’intention comportementale d’après le modèle de la motivation à se protéger ( Maddux et Rogers, 1983 ; Rogers, 1975). A travers une synthèse de la littérature et une étude qualitative, cet article clarifie le concept de PRN, explore de potentiels facteurs explicatifs ou modérateurs, et identifie des pistes de recherche. Il montre que la PRN ne tient pas seulement aux caractéristiques du produit (rôle de la naturalité perçue), mais aussi au contexte de consommation (rôle de la commensalité) et d’achat (rôle de l’hyperchoix).
Papers by Sophie Rieunier

Journal of Business Research, 2011
Despite strong interest on the part of tobacco health practitioners, the effect of graphic warnin... more Despite strong interest on the part of tobacco health practitioners, the effect of graphic warnings inserted on cigarette packs is unclear on several levels. First, the most effective themes for such messages have not been clearly identified by researchers. Second, no research has identified the ideal combination of self-efficacy and fear appeal warnings that should be inserted on cigarette packs, according to Protection Motivation Model principles. The exploratory study we conducted with French consumers to test the effectiveness of new graphic warnings proposed by the European Union in 2004 clearly demonstrates that visual messages, as opposed to text warnings, are more effective. This study also enabled us to identify the most effective themes of the European set: health warnings and social messages. Regarding future public health applications, if fear appeals are used, they need to be combined with self-efficacy and cessation support messages since they provoke avoidance reactions.
... mail : [email protected] Pierre Volle Maître de conférences DMSP (Dauphine - Marketi... more ... mail : [email protected] Pierre Volle Maître de conférences DMSP (Dauphine - Marketing - Stratégie - Prospective) ... 75775 Paris Cedex 16 mail : [email protected] Sophie Rieunier est Maître de Conférences à l'université de Rennes I et chercheur au CREREG ...
Les auteurs tiennent particulièrement à remercier la dizaine de personnes responsables de la coll... more Les auteurs tiennent particulièrement à remercier la dizaine de personnes responsables de la collecte de fonds dans des ONG pour leur accueil chaleureux lors de la phase qualitative de cette recherche, ainsi que l'ensemble des personnes ayant offert leurs services pour collecter les questionnaires nécessaires à cette recherche. Nous tenons également à remercier les trois lecteurs anonymes de cet article pour leurs commentaires constructifs.
Les auteurs tiennent particulièrement à remercier la dizaine de personnes responsables de la coll... more Les auteurs tiennent particulièrement à remercier la dizaine de personnes responsables de la collecte de fonds dans des ONG pour leur accueil chaleureux lors de la phase qualitative de cette recherche, ainsi que l'ensemble des personnes ayant offert leurs services pour collecter les questionnaires nécessaires à cette recherche. Nous tenons également à remercier les trois lecteurs anonymes de cet article pour leurs commentaires constructifs.
Journal of Business Research, 2012
This research examines the influence of nonprofit brand image and typicality on giving behaviors.... more This research examines the influence of nonprofit brand image and typicality on giving behaviors. To this end, the researchers create a scale to measure the brand image of charities. Four dimensions of nonprofit brands emerge in the new scale: usefulness, efficiency, affect and dynamism. Brand image explains up to 31% of intentions to give money and 24% of intentions to give time. The study also explores the role of typicality in giving behaviors. Typicality explains up to 29% of intentions to give money and 23% of intentions to give time. The theoretical contributions, in addition to the comprehensive scale, include the significant role that brand image and typicality play in affecting donation behaviors. The paper concludes with managerial implications and limitations of the study.
Social Marketing by Sophie Rieunier
are the prime cause of mortality worldwide. For reasons of public health, a better understanding of
the consumer Perception of Nutritional Risk (PNR) is essential, since this, according to the protection
motivation theory, influences behavioural intention (Maddux and Rogers, 1983; Rogers, 1975). Following
a review of the literature and qualitative research, the present article endeavours to clarify the concept of
PNR, explore potential explanatory or moderating factors, and identify leads for future research. We show
that PNR depends not solely on the product characteristics (role of perceived naturalness), but also the
consumption situation (role of commensality) and purchasing conditions (role of hyperchoice).
Papers by Sophie Rieunier
are the prime cause of mortality worldwide. For reasons of public health, a better understanding of
the consumer Perception of Nutritional Risk (PNR) is essential, since this, according to the protection
motivation theory, influences behavioural intention (Maddux and Rogers, 1983; Rogers, 1975). Following
a review of the literature and qualitative research, the present article endeavours to clarify the concept of
PNR, explore potential explanatory or moderating factors, and identify leads for future research. We show
that PNR depends not solely on the product characteristics (role of perceived naturalness), but also the
consumption situation (role of commensality) and purchasing conditions (role of hyperchoice).