Papers by Julien Treuillot

Bulletin de la société préhistorique française, 2018
This article proposes a historiographical overview of research carried out on the fracturing of h... more This article proposes a historiographical overview of research carried out on the fracturing of hard animal materials (bone, antler). It covers the observations of fracturing on skeletal remains as early as the 19th century and the identification of its anthropic or taphonomic origins at the beginning of the 20th century. It also looks at the latest research focusing on specific technical and/or alimentary objectives at the beginning of the 21st century. From 2010-2011 the research team ‘Ethnologie préhistorique’ (UMR 7041, ArScAn) developed a new dynamic relating to the fracturing of hard animal materials within the general programme ‘Ressources animales: acquisition, transformation et utilisation’. This research benefited from previous studies, with a specific attention to the technical perspective. This article thus focuses on the technical exploitation of bone and antler and the production of potential blanks used for the manufacturing of ‘expedient’ tools. But inevitably it is necessary to consider the use of bone fracturing for alimentary purposes since it is often thought that bones were primarily fractured to extract the marrow.
The different issues regarding the fracturing sensu lato of bone and antler are discussed here (other materials such as shell, wood and ivory are discussed elsewhere in this volume). We do not intend to be exhaustive because the abundance of publications, from the 19th century to the present, is so great that a single book would not be enough.
Archéologie de la frontière. Actes de la 9e Journée doctorale d'archéologie de l'université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2016
Представлены результаты морфометрического и технологического ис-следования костяного инвентаря из... more Представлены результаты морфометрического и технологического ис-следования костяного инвентаря из погребений льяловской культуры могиль-ника Сахтыш IIа, хранящегося в археологическом музее ИвГУ. При обработке кости применялись такие технические приемы, как скобление, прорезание, пропиливание и заточка. Ключевые слова: неолит, могильник Сахтыш IIа, льяловская культура, погребальный инвентарь, обработка кости. The article presents the results of technological and morphometric research of bone inventory of burials Lyalovo culture cemetery Sahtysh IIa stored in the Archaeological Museum of ISU. In the treatment of bone such techniques as scraping, grooving, sawing and grinding were used.

На стоянке в гроте Мадлен (Турзак, Дордонь, Франция) было найдено 553 изделия из кости и рога: 65 фрагментов с обработкой, 28 заготовок и 460 законченных орудий. Обычно относимый к мадлену, периоду, которому стоянка дала свое имя, стратиграфический контекст памятника не гарантирует ни гомогенность коллекций, ни даже принадлежность к этому технокомплексу. Целью нашего технологического исследования была оценка гомогенности коллекции на примере изуче- ния техники обработки кости и рога группами людей, населявшими стоянку. Последние, по всей видимости, изготовляли в очень больших количествах охотничье вооружение из рога северного оленя. В этой статье рассматриваются разные способы обработки, в том числе двусторонние про- дольные пазы и расщепление рога, которые позволяют уточнить технологические этапы изготов- ления (операционную цепочку) изделий изученных индустрий.
… societies in the 17th and 18th …, Jan 1, 2011
En amont de la restitution de la Grille royale du château de Versailles, réalisée en 2006, un cha... more En amont de la restitution de la Grille royale du château de Versailles, réalisée en 2006, un chantier archéologique a été entrepris afin de mettre au jour les fondations de la grille de Jules Hardouin-Mansart, qui devaient servir d'assise à la nouvelle grille. Au cours de ce ...
Talks by Julien Treuillot

Our research focuses on the evolution of the bones industries at the beginning of the Atlantic cl... more Our research focuses on the evolution of the bones industries at the beginning of the Atlantic climatic period, in the Volga-Oka area, when the first ceramics appeared in the region. We aim to define the main characteristics of bone industries from the 7th to the 6th millennium BC to better understand daily of these fishermen’s & hunters populations and their adaptation to a new environment. Moreover, in a diachronic perspective, we would like to study relationship between successive industries and groups in the Volga-Oka interfluve when ceramics appeared in these forager societies at the beginning of the 6th millennium. Finally, we shall wonder what information these data, confronted with the other categories of the material (flint, faunal remains, wood tools, ceramics), bring us to realize a palaetnologic study of groups whom the economy is widely turned to the exploitation of the halieutic resources at the dawn of the 6th millennium BC. To answer these questions we are analysing an extensive and well preserve material through reconstitutions of techno-economical processes of transformation. This presentation lean on the sites of Zamostje 2, Okaemovo 5, 18, Nushpoly 11 and Sakhtysh 2a and focuses essentially concerning elements of continuity and discontinuity in bones productions.

Excavated since 1989, the Zamostje 2 site, located in the Russian plain, is yielding very rich Me... more Excavated since 1989, the Zamostje 2 site, located in the Russian plain, is yielding very rich Mesolithic and Neolithic occupation layers. Situated on the left bank of the Dubna River, in wet boggy context, the site is characterized by very good preservation of organic remains such as bone and wood. The faunal assemblages, composed of thousands specimen in each identified layer, are dominated by Elk (Alces alces) which is the first hunted species and the dominant species supplying raw material for bone tool production. This diversified osseous industry, made from elk bones and antler, yielded thousands of pieces and waste, pointing to debitage and manufacture activities on the spot. Thus, the exploitation of elk seems to be clearly devoted to the acquisition of dietary products and raw material. The integrated zooarchaeological and technological analysis of Elk remains was recently undertaken. This interdisciplinary analysis, still in preliminary state, raises some important methodological issues, such as the question of identifying the waste from the diverse activities involved (butchery, debitage…). However, It will allow to reconstruct the total exploitation patterns of elk, from hunting (selective or not?) to butchering process to selection of raw material to manufacture of bone equipment.
Teaching Documents by Julien Treuillot
Books by Julien Treuillot

Since 2001, ar... more FREE READ ONLINE: visit
Since 2001, archaeological research has been conducted in the Molène Archipelago, an area that is particularly rich in remains from the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, with an exceptional concentration of megalithic monuments. Several settlements are attested by the presence of domestic refuse dumps. At the point of Beg ar Loued (Molène Island), one of those shell middens was the object of an initial sondage in 2003, and that marked the beginning of a long series of excavations. Fieldwork took a decisive turn during the second year with the recognition of the first dry stone walls, belonging to a building preserved within the sand dunes. For nearly a decade, this site has been excavated by an interdisciplinary team. The data that have been obtained from this fieldwork provide information on the chronology of the various periods of occupation of the site and help to document the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC transition, a period still largely unknown in the northern half of France. In addition to providing a relative chronology, the architec¬tural approach gives us a better understanding of the choices that governed the different construction phases of the building, which was occupied for over three centuries. The elements of material culture (pottery, lithics, metalwork) also shed light on a period essentially known in Brittany through its funerary monuments. For the first time in this region, thanks to the preservation of organic remains, it is possible to sketch the lifestyle (livestock management, agriculture, fishing, shell gathering, etc.) of the people who occupied the shores of the Iroise Sea. In order to understand better the overall trends in this insular environment, new researches have been carried out on sea level changes in tandem with the study of the palaeoenvironment, geomorphology, geology and wildlife.
Papers by Julien Treuillot
The different issues regarding the fracturing sensu lato of bone and antler are discussed here (other materials such as shell, wood and ivory are discussed elsewhere in this volume). We do not intend to be exhaustive because the abundance of publications, from the 19th century to the present, is so great that a single book would not be enough.
На стоянке в гроте Мадлен (Турзак, Дордонь, Франция) было найдено 553 изделия из кости и рога: 65 фрагментов с обработкой, 28 заготовок и 460 законченных орудий. Обычно относимый к мадлену, периоду, которому стоянка дала свое имя, стратиграфический контекст памятника не гарантирует ни гомогенность коллекций, ни даже принадлежность к этому технокомплексу. Целью нашего технологического исследования была оценка гомогенности коллекции на примере изуче- ния техники обработки кости и рога группами людей, населявшими стоянку. Последние, по всей видимости, изготовляли в очень больших количествах охотничье вооружение из рога северного оленя. В этой статье рассматриваются разные способы обработки, в том числе двусторонние про- дольные пазы и расщепление рога, которые позволяют уточнить технологические этапы изготов- ления (операционную цепочку) изделий изученных индустрий.
Talks by Julien Treuillot
Teaching Documents by Julien Treuillot
Books by Julien Treuillot
Since 2001, archaeological research has been conducted in the Molène Archipelago, an area that is particularly rich in remains from the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, with an exceptional concentration of megalithic monuments. Several settlements are attested by the presence of domestic refuse dumps. At the point of Beg ar Loued (Molène Island), one of those shell middens was the object of an initial sondage in 2003, and that marked the beginning of a long series of excavations. Fieldwork took a decisive turn during the second year with the recognition of the first dry stone walls, belonging to a building preserved within the sand dunes. For nearly a decade, this site has been excavated by an interdisciplinary team. The data that have been obtained from this fieldwork provide information on the chronology of the various periods of occupation of the site and help to document the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC transition, a period still largely unknown in the northern half of France. In addition to providing a relative chronology, the architec¬tural approach gives us a better understanding of the choices that governed the different construction phases of the building, which was occupied for over three centuries. The elements of material culture (pottery, lithics, metalwork) also shed light on a period essentially known in Brittany through its funerary monuments. For the first time in this region, thanks to the preservation of organic remains, it is possible to sketch the lifestyle (livestock management, agriculture, fishing, shell gathering, etc.) of the people who occupied the shores of the Iroise Sea. In order to understand better the overall trends in this insular environment, new researches have been carried out on sea level changes in tandem with the study of the palaeoenvironment, geomorphology, geology and wildlife.
The different issues regarding the fracturing sensu lato of bone and antler are discussed here (other materials such as shell, wood and ivory are discussed elsewhere in this volume). We do not intend to be exhaustive because the abundance of publications, from the 19th century to the present, is so great that a single book would not be enough.
На стоянке в гроте Мадлен (Турзак, Дордонь, Франция) было найдено 553 изделия из кости и рога: 65 фрагментов с обработкой, 28 заготовок и 460 законченных орудий. Обычно относимый к мадлену, периоду, которому стоянка дала свое имя, стратиграфический контекст памятника не гарантирует ни гомогенность коллекций, ни даже принадлежность к этому технокомплексу. Целью нашего технологического исследования была оценка гомогенности коллекции на примере изуче- ния техники обработки кости и рога группами людей, населявшими стоянку. Последние, по всей видимости, изготовляли в очень больших количествах охотничье вооружение из рога северного оленя. В этой статье рассматриваются разные способы обработки, в том числе двусторонние про- дольные пазы и расщепление рога, которые позволяют уточнить технологические этапы изготов- ления (операционную цепочку) изделий изученных индустрий.
Since 2001, archaeological research has been conducted in the Molène Archipelago, an area that is particularly rich in remains from the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, with an exceptional concentration of megalithic monuments. Several settlements are attested by the presence of domestic refuse dumps. At the point of Beg ar Loued (Molène Island), one of those shell middens was the object of an initial sondage in 2003, and that marked the beginning of a long series of excavations. Fieldwork took a decisive turn during the second year with the recognition of the first dry stone walls, belonging to a building preserved within the sand dunes. For nearly a decade, this site has been excavated by an interdisciplinary team. The data that have been obtained from this fieldwork provide information on the chronology of the various periods of occupation of the site and help to document the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC transition, a period still largely unknown in the northern half of France. In addition to providing a relative chronology, the architec¬tural approach gives us a better understanding of the choices that governed the different construction phases of the building, which was occupied for over three centuries. The elements of material culture (pottery, lithics, metalwork) also shed light on a period essentially known in Brittany through its funerary monuments. For the first time in this region, thanks to the preservation of organic remains, it is possible to sketch the lifestyle (livestock management, agriculture, fishing, shell gathering, etc.) of the people who occupied the shores of the Iroise Sea. In order to understand better the overall trends in this insular environment, new researches have been carried out on sea level changes in tandem with the study of the palaeoenvironment, geomorphology, geology and wildlife.