Université Paris-Est
Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard Monge
Current content-based image retrieval techniques can typically perform efficient and effective searches on heterogeneous image databases. This contribution deals with an approach based on the integration of color and texture description... more
This paper deals with the theory and applications of spatially-variant discrete mathematical morphology. We review and formalize the definition of spatially variant dilation/erosion and opening/closing for binary and gray-level images... more
Wkh pruskrorjlfdo0d!qh remhfw ghirupdwlrq Pduflq Lzdqrzvnl dqg Mhdq Vhuud Fhqwuh gh Pruskrorjlh Pdwkìpdwltxh/ Hfroh ghv Plqhv gh Sdulv/ 68/ uxh Vdlqw0Krqruì/ ::638 Irqwdlqheohdx +IUDQFH, LVPP 5333 SdorDowr/ Mxqh 5333 Devwudfw Wkh... more
Hierarchical segmentation is a multi-scale analysis of an image and provides a series of simplifying nested partitions. Such a hierarchy is rarely an end by itself and requires external criteria or heuristics to solve problems of image... more