Papers by Marie Claude Paris
Conditional clauses are examined from two points of view : 1) their distribution, 2) their inform... more Conditional clauses are examined from two points of view : 1) their distribution, 2) their informational status. The semantic polysemy of subordinators is presented as well as the distribution between subordinators and connectors and the cooccurrence restrictions between the subordinators and some head nouns. The subordinate clauses associated with jiu and those associated with cai are opposed in terms of both the semantic and the informational roles they play. A tentative explanation of the distribution of jiu in main clauses is proposed. To conclude, some distributional characteristics of counterfactuals (the distribution and scope of the negative marker) are sketched.
Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 1979
... (9) Contrary to A. Hashimoto (1971 : 26-27), we do not derive such structures from relative c... more ... (9) Contrary to A. Hashimoto (1971 : 26-27), we do not derive such structures from relative clauses but from a clause subordinated to a head noun. See MC Paris (1977a). SOME ASPECTS OF THE SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS OF THE 51. LIAN. . ...
Subordination, coordination, connexion, 1996
The Linguistic Review, 2000
Cahiers de linguistique - Asie orientale, 1977
... 65-76. 1. Introduction. (1) Une analyse plus fine du processus de relativation en mandarin se... more ... 65-76. 1. Introduction. (1) Une analyse plus fine du processus de relativation en mandarin se trouve dans MC Paris, 1975. 66 -. ... Comparez 46-, 47 ■ et 48 -,49 -. 46 - wo kàn le Malt de shû. Nt kàn le Zhângsân de 0. je - regarder - passé - Marie - DE - livre,- Tu - regarder - passé -. ...
Cahiers de linguistique - Asie orientale, 1994
... Une preuve supplémentaire de la non-existence, en chinois, d'une relation immédiate entr... more ... Une preuve supplémentaire de la non-existence, en chinois, d'une relation immédiate entre position syntaxique et rôle informationnel est fournie par la comparaison de deux types de ... Complémentation verbale et nominale en mandarin (en référence au français et à l ...
In this paper it is shown that, in Mandarin Chinese, post-verbal durational complements are found... more In this paper it is shown that, in Mandarin Chinese, post-verbal durational complements are found in three (rather than only two) syntactic patterns. The cooccurrence restrictions between the verb suffix -le and the final particle le are studied in relation to two French markers il y a, on the one hand, and il y a que, on the other. A parallelism is drawn between the uses of tenses in il y a que constructions in French and the (im)possibility of verb copying in related constructions in Mandarin.
... (7). Comparez (6) et (7). Ces deux prédications sont mutuellement exclusives. (6) ta1 gao1-ga... more ... (7). Comparez (6) et (7). Ces deux prédications sont mutuellement exclusives. (6) ta1 gao1-gao0-xing4-xing4-de0 wan2-zhe0 3SG content-content-ADV jouer-SUFF "il joue avec contentement (manière)" ... Comparez les différences d'interprétations entre (16) et (17). ...
Papers by Marie Claude Paris