Le Tēvāram au XXe siècle La recherche occidentale sur le corpus shivaïte tamoul est active à Pondichéry depuis plus de 40 ans.
ABSTRACT: This article will explore the various conceptions underlying the use of the expression ticai-c-col (approximately “regional words”). After describing the role assigned to these by Tamil grammarians and Tamil grammatical... more
Paris 7, UMR 7597 [HTL], FR2559 [TUL]) This paper uses the standard UNICODE encoding.
In order to become a scholar in classical Tamil (South India), one had to master a grammatical system, which included being able to translate poetical texts in an artificial language, used for paraphrases. Theoretical discourse displays... more
SUMMARY: Tree-related vocabulary figures prominently inside the TE (Eḻuttatikāram of the Tolkāppiyam), an ancient treatise dealing with the phonetics and morphophonology of Tamil, but attempting a complete botanical identification of that... more
ABSTRACT: Classical Tamil made a threefold spatial division (between « distant », « proximate » and « intermediate ») by means of a set of three deictic clitics {a-, i- & u-). The Tamil grammatical tradition refers to these clitics by the... more