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This article analyses the translation of advice proverbs in Muhammad Alsudais’s A Selection of Najdi Arabic Proverbs (1993) to identify, in the first place, the author’s strategies in rendering the various features of these highly... more
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This paper probes the following questions: 1) to what extent do the conceptualisation and implementation of space/place express and sustain certain hegemonic hierarchies that normalise socio-cultural divisions in Arab Algerian environment... more
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      PharmacologyEvolutionary BiologySociologyHematology
Investigating translation shifts in the translation of news articles has not received much attention despite its paramount importance in how translators produce adequate translations. Indeed, news translation is considered to be... more
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      HistoryTypologyLinguisticsSocial Science Research Network
The present survey sheds light upon the processes of language maintenance and shift in the speech community of Syrians living in the city of Oran, it takes as a main purpose investigating the degree of language preservation or loss among... more
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      Political ScienceLinguisticsRefugeeSyrian Refugees
Does linguistic democracy exist or is it only a lull? Linguists and politicians believe that it has never existed, not even in countries where political democracy is a tribute to preserve. They rather believe there are only dominating and... more
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      Computer SciencePolitical ScienceLinguisticsDemocracy
De par ses caractéristiques morpho-phonologiques, morphosyntaxiques, lexicales et autres systèmes et sous-systèmes de son fonctionnement, la langue arabe représente un système de non-concaténation (ou non-enchaînement des morphèmes). Elle... more
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Writing as a work of art and a form of connection has become the framework of our world' s communication, business, job-opportunities, and foreign language education. In their early struggles with major skills, English as a Foreign... more
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationPedagogyForeign Language
Being able to use English in a proficient manner has undoubtedly become an essential asset in Algerian professional and academic settings over the last few years. Recent contingency for a better future for graduate and undergraduate... more
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      LawEducationTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageLegal English
In 2015, speculations have raised to debate recommendations suggested, among others, at the Algerian National Conference on the Evaluation and Implementation of School Reforms to recommend the teaching of Standard Arabic through Algerian... more
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    • Political Science
Cultural words usually pose some challenges to translators, especially when they translate texts into languages which are culturally different. This study investigates the translation of cultural items in The Forty Hadiths by Imam... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationRendering (Computer Graphics)ArabicLinguistics
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Up to the nineteenth century, nothing had ever seriously threatened British rule in the Indian subcontinent the way the happenings of 1857 did. In fact, the East India Company officials there were caught unawares and unprepared for such... more
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It is useless to deal with the experience of the Indian community in South Africa without referring to the person of mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, a distinguished Indian intellectual and leader. Setting out the circumstances that led this... more
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Up to the nineteenth century, nothing had ever seriously threatened British rule in the Indian Sub-continent the way the happenings of 1857 did. In fact, the East India Company officials there were caught unawares and unprepared for such... more
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    • Atlantis
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      HinduismIndian studiesSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asia
Jean-Philippe WATBLED (7e section); Serge MEITINGER (9e section) Bernard TERRAMORSI (10e section) ; Alain GEOFFROY (11e section) ;
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    • British Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )
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    • British Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )
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    • British Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )