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This book examines the concepts of “difference” and “mixing” in Montaigne’s Essais and Journal de voyage and traces the interconnections between them. Difference, for the Bordeaux philosopher, is the most universal quality of things, but... more
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      EthicsRenaissance PhilosophyInterCultural StudiesEarly Modern Philosophy
In the book Infini et science de l’homme. L’horizon et les paysages de l’anthropologie chez Malebranche, I examined the question of science of the man in Malebranche beginning from its link with the concept of the infinite, that is a... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyMalebrancheHistory of Philosophy
If the (debated) role of the imagination in the theory of knowledge has been the subject of much comment, the empire of the imagination in the political sphere and in the constitution of the customs and manners has been somewhat less... more
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      History of PhilosophyTheories of ImaginationEarly Modern Intellectual History and the History of Ideas
Malebranche affronta il problema del rapporto finito-infinito articolandolo su tre livelli: ontologico, gnoseologico-scientifico e teologico-religioso. L'indagine condotta sul primo livello mette in luce l'impossibilità di un rapporto tra... more
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      MetaphysicsHistory Of Modern PhilosophyInfinityMalebranche
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      Renaissance PhilosophyHumanismeGiovanni Pico della Mirandola
Il pensiero filosofico di Malebranche si sviluppa a stretto contatto con i suoi peculiari interessi scientifici, con le scoperte e gli esperimenti compiuti dai ricercatori del suo tempo. Questa osmosi tra ricerca scientifica e riflessione... more
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      MetaphysicsHistory of MathematicsMalebrancheHistory of Philosophy
Ce texte est une version revue et corrigée de l'article « Orientation, sociétés, différences. Une perspective sur l'histoire entre Vico et Labriola », L'art du comprendre, 17, Récits du monde, récits de l'homme, 2008, p. 155-171.... more
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      Giambattista VicoAntonio Labriola
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      History of IdeasIdentity (Culture)Giambattista VicoCultural Differences
The Malebranchean project on science of man intends to investigate the mind in itself, the mind-body relation, the relationship between the mind and God. We emphasize that the science of man is a special knowledge which takes its place... more
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      History Of Modern PhilosophyMalebranche
In this article we examine the physhiological mechanisms of imagination’s operations and we consider the status of imagination as a function which stays between the mind and the body. We stress the fact that in Malebranche there is a... more
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      History of IdeasImaginationMalebrancheTheories of Imagination
We intend to shed light on the points that the Malebranchian conception of language has in common with the perspective of Vico, as well as those that differ. Malebranche alludes to the historical depth of words, throwing light on the... more
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      Giambattista VicoMalebrancheHistory of Philosophy
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance PhilosophyMichel de Montaigne (Philosophy)
I put forward a reflection on the modulations and uses offered by the imagination according to Montaigne. I want to stress both the rooting of imagination in nature and its function in care of the self and in society. Montaigne suggests,... more
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      Renaissance StudiesImaginationEarly Modern PhilosophyMichel de Montaigne (Philosophy)
In the light of a number of studies published in Italy over recent months, we recall the importance of Montaigne’s thoughts on the understanding of certain phenomena occurring in the early modern period. In particular, as has been pointed... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesModernityMontaigne
This article contributes to bring out the concepts of reason and custom in Montaigne and Descartes and the common elements of their thought on this theme. They highlight a sort of practical reason which regulates communal life within... more
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      History Of Modern PhilosophyDescartes, RenéMichel de Montaigne (Philosophy)Early Modern Philosophy (Descartes
This essay is focused on Stuart Hall’s 1950s seminal research on the meaning, and uses of culture. After reworking Gramsci’s key concepts, Hall found fertile research ground in post-colonial contexts, with particular reference to marginal... more
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      Cultural StudiesPostcolonial StudiesGramsciStuart Hall
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      Renaissance PhilosophyMichel de Montaigne (Philosophy)Interculturality
The article examines the Malebranchian conception of practical judgement behind human activities, which is formulated with regard to those actions that incline individuals towards external objects. Firstly, through a comparison with the... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory Of Modern PhilosophyMalebranche
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      Colonialism18th Century FranceVolney
Taking, as its starting point, a fortuitous little volume by Antoine Compagnon, entitled Un été avec Montaigne, this article ponders some of the key points in the thinking of Michel de Montaigne, around which his vision of philosophy is... more
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      Renaissance PhilosophyMichel de Montaigne (Philosophy)Practical Philosophy