Drafts by Claire BERNARD MONGIN
Papers by Claire BERNARD MONGIN

The objective of this master's thesis is to analyse the most pressing institutional and envir... more The objective of this master's thesis is to analyse the most pressing institutional and environmental issues that surround the mezcal denomination of origin in Mexico since its legal protection in 1994. To carry out this research, the present work is divided in three chapters. The first chapter of the thesis presents a review of the most recent literature with respect to the different valorisation strategies of agri-food products, with a particular emphasis on geographical indications. The second chapter represents an institutional analysis and contextualization of the literature reviewed in chapter one. Chapter 3 presents a qualitative analysis based on selected interviews with relevant stakeholders of the mezcal ecosystem in Michoacán, Oaxaca and Guerrero. Finally, the last part of the thesis presents the general conclusions. With respect to the main hypothesis, it is argued that institutional proximity elements have played a positive role in the acknowledgement of the Denomin...

Ecology and Society
High Nature Value (HNV) farmlands currently retain most of the biodiversity associated with agric... more High Nature Value (HNV) farmlands currently retain most of the biodiversity associated with agricultural landscapes in Europe. In a time of globalized food systems, the social-ecological conditions to maintain these low-intensity and thus less productive HNV farming systems are difficult to meet. Halting the loss of HNV farmland requires fostering the socioeconomic viability of HNV farming systems that is compatible with social, cultural, and ecological values. Pursuing such viability calls for tailored actions to steer the development of HNV farming systems based on the strength of their local assets. Such a transformational learning process involves changing the territorial dynamic towards better integration of biodiversity at several levels of management (from farm to territorial level). Based on the description and analysis of ten HNV territories distributed across Europe, we explore how HNV innovation brokers can strategically engage with local actors to preserve the environmental characteristics of HNV farmland areas while improving their socioeconomic viability. The aim of this research is to improve the understanding of the range of approaches and strategies of innovation brokers to meet the challenges of HNV farmland conservation. The study analyzes the different innovation processes that took place in each area, concentrating on the engagement phase. Our results demonstrate that HNV farming situations across Europe are quite diverse from an agroecological and socioeconomic point of view. There are distinct conservation challenges and associated risks for each HNV farming context. The need for a strategic approach to HNV conservation at landscape-territory level is discussed. The key role of innovation brokers is highlighted, together with the need for a strategic approach to innovation brokerage, which is explicit in relation to territorial needs and the changes required. We demonstrate the importance of the landscape-territorial vision as an entry point for shaping HNV farming systems towards socially desirable scenarios.

Ministère de l'agriculture, 2020
Centre d'études et de prospective Les revenus agricoles en Nouvelle-Calédonie et en Guadeloupe : ... more Centre d'études et de prospective Les revenus agricoles en Nouvelle-Calédonie et en Guadeloupe : une approche par les moyens d'existence Les outils habituels de mesure des revenus agricoles ne sont pas toujours adaptés aux agricultures familiales de l'Outre-mer français, notamment parce qu'ils s'attachent principalement aux valorisations monétaires des productions. Dans le contexte des petites économies insulaires où les prix sont élevés, les marchés étroits, la pluriactivité et les pratiques de dons et contre-dons structurantes, le non-marchand contribue significativement au revenu des ménages ruraux. Une recherche, réalisée par le Cirad, INRAE et l'Institut agronomique néo-calédonien (IAC), et financée par le ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation 1 , a permis de développer une méthode originale d'évaluation des revenus totaux des groupes domestiques. Cette note en présente les principaux enseignements pour la Nouvelle-Calédonie et la Guadeloupe.
Association française d'études sur les Balkans (Afebalk)
Cet article presente les objectifs, les enjeux et les premiers resultats d’un projet de recherche... more Cet article presente les objectifs, les enjeux et les premiers resultats d’un projet de recherche portant sur l’exploitation et les usages du bitume en Albanie du Sud de l’Antiquite a la periode contemporaine. Des gisements de bitume sont connus et exploites dans la basse vallee de la Vjose probablement depuis le Neolithique et certains d’entre eux sont encore en activite aujourd’hui. Par ses usages – depuis l’etancheite des ceramiques, le calfatage des navires jusqu’a l’asphaltage des pistes d’aeroport –, par les particularites de son extraction et de son traitement, par ses effets durables sur l’environnement comme par sa valeur symbolique ou religieuse, le bitume offre un prisme pour observer dans la longue duree les imbrications et le rayonnement d’une region de l’echelle locale aux dimensions mediterraneenne et mondiale.

Le projet constitue une modalite centrale d’administration de l’Aide publique au developpement (A... more Le projet constitue une modalite centrale d’administration de l’Aide publique au developpement (APD). Moyen d’injecter des fonds selon des objectifs preetablis dans des secteurs donnes de l’economie, les projets ont suscite une litterature abondante dediee a la rationalisation de ce format gestionnaire afin d’en assurer une plus grande maitrise. C’est egalement par projet que le secteur de l’APD integre les enjeux de biodiversite dans ses activites de developpement. Or, la genealogie de cette question environnementale globale nous montre que la biodiversite deborde des pratiques standards de la conduite de projet, qu’elle se construit autant au niveau global qu’au niveau local, et que les methodes d’elaboration ex ante et d’evaluation ex post brident la comprehension de ce qui se construit in itinere, dans le temps du projet et de son deroule. En decalant la focale classique d’analyse de la gestion de projet, nous faisons l’hypothese qu’une posture de « recherche embarquee » permet ...

Medicinal and aromatic plants’ management raises increasingly important issues of sustainable use... more Medicinal and aromatic plants’ management raises increasingly important issues of sustainable use of natural resources, biodiversity conservation, economic growth, social inclusiveness and rural development. This paper examines the genesis and development of the medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) sector in Albania since 1945. This sector is of national importance and steered by a growing international market. The sustainable management of MAPs is a central issue in both practical and analytical terms. We develop a longitudinal analysis combining the use of documents and archives, statistical and operational data and field studies with an analytical focus rooted in institutional analysis development (IAD) and global value-chain analysis (GVC). We describe the changing system of rules alongside two historical dystopias: total communist state control versus an unregulated (anarchical) market. The paper explains the complexity of the non-sustainable and non-optimum management of MAPs in...

This article aims to contribute to the reflection on sustainability in the field of Geographical ... more This article aims to contribute to the reflection on sustainability in the field of Geographical Indications (GI). GIs are instruments for organizing collective action that have great interpretative flexibility. They are mobilized by a set of qualifying actors of differing natures, with diverse and sometimes divergent interests. For this reason, we focus on how the dimension of sustainability emerges from a collective learning process. Based on the approaches developed by Organization Studies, this article describes and analyzes the process of creating a GI for Sharr Cheese, a Balkan seasonal sheep pastoral cheese highly typical of a mountain range in Kosovo * (this designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence). The authors occupied an embedded research position in this learning process, from 2015 to 2019. The article describes boundary work carried out by the facilitators o...
Drafts by Claire BERNARD MONGIN
Papers by Claire BERNARD MONGIN