Lyon III University - Jean Moulin
Faculté des Langues
In his 1993 novel Crossing the River, Kittitian-British novelist Caryl Phillips both pays tribute to and displaces Conrad's work to create new and sometimes ironical perspectives. This palimpsestic writing often takes on a chiasmic... more
Le genre de la maladie : pratiques, discours, textes et représentations Femmes aux petits soins : la fêlure d'un idéal dans deux nouvelles de F.S. Fitzgerald The Lees of Happiness et An Alcoholic Case
Many critics have pointed out the ambiguities of Atonement, a postmodernist anti-nostalgic novel that brings to the fore all the traditional topoi of Englishness in order better to denounce them as sham. In Atonement, the nostalgic... more
Ce numéro réunit les communications données lors d'une journée d'étude organisée par le département d'études anglophones de l'Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 et consacrée au programme de l'Agrégation d'anglais, session 2014. Couvrant les... more
Les articles réunis dans ce numéro ont, à une exception près, été donnés sous forme de communications dans le cadre d'une journée d'étude consacrée au programme de l'Agrégation d'anglais, session 2012 1. Cette journée, organisée par le... more
« I think I've got the wrong way of looking at Life » [183] ; sur ces mots, prononcés par la narratrice de « My Last Story », se clôt le premier recueil de nouvelles de Janet Frame, The Lagoon and Other Stories. Ainsi il existerait une... more
The name of Devabodha is well-known to specialists of Mahābhārata textual traditions: author of the Jñānadīpikā or " Lamp of Knowledge " , the earliest extant commentary on the Great Epic, he has been duly referred to by the critical... more
From the eleventh century AD onwards, some Indian dramatists began to derive the plot of their plays from contemporary events, such as the military achievements of their patron, despite the prohibition of this kind of subjects by... more
Essays in Honour of Prof. Hampa Nagarajaiah's Promotion of Jain Studies, edited by Christine Chojnacki and Basile Leclère, Bengaluru: Sapna Book House (Proceedings of the international workshop "The Constitution of a Literary Legacy and... more
After his conversion to Jain faith due to the influence of his spiritual teacher the famous Śvetāmbara monk Hemacandra, the Caulukya king Kumārapāla (r. 1143-1173) ordered Jain sanctuaries to be erected throughout his dominion. This... more
Since they are intended to recall to their audience the pious actions of illustrious members of the Jain community from a more or less remote past, the medieval Prabandhas devote an important space to the activity of temple building as it... more
One well-known and striking particularity of theatre from ancient India is that it is written in several languages, Sanskrit being assigned to male characters of higher status while men of lower status and most women speak various... more
Examiner et analyser les modes de financement des opérations militaires qui ont opposé les Vénitiens et les Turcs ottomans pendant trois siècles