Papers by Iratxe Calvo-Mendieta
Développement durable et territoire

This special issue dedicated to the ecological economics of water aims at identifying the specifi... more This special issue dedicated to the ecological economics of water aims at identifying the specific contribution of ecological economists to the scientific controversies on water resources management and policies. By discussing the social and political dimensions of water issues, considered as defining features of an ecological economics perspective on water, the papers reveal the pluralism of approaches in ecological economics regarding the way water resources are dealt with. As a whole, they develop a critical and reflexive overview of the ongoing debates within the community. Pluralism and controversies are addressed from several points of view. From a methodological perspective, the papers show a diversity of approaches ranging from qualitative methods and historical analysis to quantitative ones. As far as theoretical perspectives are concerned, the papers echo institutional and political economics as well as political ecology approaches. Moreover, they address the concepts deve...
Environnement et gouvernance des territoires
International Journal of Environmental Studies

Journal of Sustainable Development
To what extent do our worldviews, political and religious beliefs and our values influence the wa... more To what extent do our worldviews, political and religious beliefs and our values influence the way we perceive the climate emergency and the commitment to combat it in France? Through this question we pursue two clear objectives: firstly, to study the social dimensions of climate change and secondly to shed light on the vectors of engagement in the fight against climate change. Based on a perception survey we conducted in the Hauts-de-France region in 2017, we highlight how an approach that takes into account worldview, values and beliefs help us to understand the different attitudes towards CC perception and the fight against it. We show that the opposition between those who are convinced and those who are skeptical about CC refers to ideological differences that are deeply-rooted in the right-left political divide, but also in different beliefs and values. In addition, among the main vectors of climate engagement, our analyses highlight the importance of a worldview based on the f...
Développement durable et territoires
Lutte contre le changement climatique et maîtrise de la demande d'énergie Lutte contre le changem... more Lutte contre le changement climatique et maîtrise de la demande d'énergie Lutte contre le changement climatique et maîtrise de la demande d'énergie : introduction au dossier thématique Combating climate change and controlling energy demand: introduction to the special section Loïc Aubrée et Iratxe Calvo-Mendieta
Ecological Economics, 2017

1 Introduction Avec l'équité sociale, la protection de l'environnement et l'efficacit... more 1 Introduction Avec l'équité sociale, la protection de l'environnement et l'efficacité économique, la gouvernance est souvent présentée comme le quatrième pilier du développement durable. En effet, la complexité des phénomènes sociaux, naturels et économiques appelle à revoir les processus de décision traditionnels pour prendre en compte cette complexité. Les processus de choix collectif ne se suffisent plus de critères uniques et de décideurs « experts » dont les compétences seraient incontestables. L'incertitude inhérente aux processus naturels, les controverses suscitées par des décisions unilatérales, la contestation de plus en plus présente des procédures de décision, débouchent sur une certaine déstabilisation des processus de décision qui ont prévalu jusqu'à ces dernières années. Cependant, cette crise de la décision est également l'occasion de repenser les dynamiques de choix collectif et de proposer des schémas nouveaux où le cercle des experts s'...

Globalized Water, 2014
ABSTRACT In environmental economics’ literature, water resources are marked by the tension betwee... more ABSTRACT In environmental economics’ literature, water resources are marked by the tension between commodification—extension of the market sphere to water—and a more collective management process based on the notion of common patrimony. Reconciling these two logics—market and patrimonial—is nonetheless difficult to perform from a theoretical perspective. Main lessons from these two trends highlight the need to go beyond the neo-classical economic approach, which alone proves to be insufficient for understanding the patrimonialization processes. These processes refer to social constructions aimed at identifying material or immaterial objects, inherited from the past, which have to be protected, managed, and transmitted to future generations. Patrimonial management and patrimonial economics propose a new analytical framework for environmental analysis. French water policy which has been progressively rooted in the so-called patrimonial approach, provides a case study for this new framework.
La ville et ses risques. Habiter Dunkerque, 2017
La ville et ses risques. Habiter Dunkerque, 2017
Papers by Iratxe Calvo-Mendieta
Elle retrace dans un premier temps les contextes sociaux et historiques qui ont conduit, d’une part, à l’implantation depuis les années 1950 d’une importante plateforme industrielle dans cette agglomération (qui compte une douzaine d’industries Séveso seuil haut et la plus grosse centrale nucléaire d’Europe), et, d’autre part, à l’émergence depuis les années 1970 d’un mouvement social en faveur de la préservation de l’environnement et de la qualité de vie pour les riverains de ces usines.
Ce double mouvement a conduit à une forme d’institutionnalisation de l’idée de développement durable dans les années 1980-1990 qui s’est matérialisée notamment par une forme élargie de la « gouvernance » des relations entre populations et industries via la création de « structures de concertation », que la communication prend ensuite pour objet.
L’analyse du fonctionnement de ces instances participatives, menée par le biais d’une enquête par entretiens auprès d’une vingtaine de personnes participants à ces structures (élus, associatifs, industriels, services de l’Etat…) et par l’observation directe de celles-ci, montre, malgré les conséquences positives des rencontres entre personnes d’horizons différents, certaines difficultés à mettre en place une politique de développement durable basée sur la démocratisation des procédures de décision en matière d’aménagement du territoire et de développement économique.
Evidence relating to the scarcity of water, in terms of both quantity and quality, has made this resource an increasingly interesting object of study amongst economic scientists. Water has become a precious resource desired by a variety of interdependent users. This interdependence, coupled with water’s multi-functionality and the diverse socio-economic organisation of users, results in a variety of conflicting situations.
This is the starting point of our research, which aims to develop a detailed insight into water resource management through a dual perspective that is at once analytical and prescriptive. The analytical aim of this research concerns water use conflicts. Having identified the limitations of standard theoretical approaches in dealing with water specificities and with water conflicts dimensions (collective dynamics, mental representations, territorial issues…) the aim is to build a theoretical framework which allows the examination of these conflicting relations in all their dimensions – and primarily of those factors which act as triggers. Moreover, we question, in a more normative perspective, about the notion of integrated water resource management.
Thus, we assert that the definition of an integrated water resources management involves: an integrated institutional water regime (high coherence between public policy and property/use rights and high scope), a recognition and understanding of water use conflicts and their resolution and a transverse implementation of public policies influencing water resources, especially space management policies.
We use four complementary theoretical approaches: the “cities” model proposed by Boltanski and Thévenot (1991), the patrimony approach, proximity economics and the institutional resource regime. The combination of these theoretical tools allows us to construct a relevant analytical framework in which to consider the emergence, the setting and the management of water use conflicts. This framework also contributes to a more normative definition of integrated water management. Our study of the Audomarois water basin (Nord – Pas-de-Calais) will form the empirical basis of our testing of this analytical framework. We examine water management in practice on a local spatial scale, since water basin is considered as the relevant territorial unit for water management.