Libraries by Caroline Pacheco do E. Silva
The LBP Library is a collection of eleven Local Binary Patterns (LBP) algorithms developed for ba... more The LBP Library is a collection of eleven Local Binary Patterns (LBP) algorithms developed for background subtraction problem. The algorithms were implemented in C++ based on OpenCV. A CMake file is provided and the library is complatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The library was tested successfully with OpenCV 2.4.10.
Papers by Caroline Pacheco do E. Silva

Pattern Recognition Letters, 2017
In the last decades, researchers in the field of Background Subtraction (BS) have developed metho... more In the last decades, researchers in the field of Background Subtraction (BS) have developed methods to handle the different type of challenges. However, at the present time, no traditional algorithm seems to be able to simultaneously address all the key BS challenges. This can mainly be attributed to the lack of systematic investigation concerning the role and the importance of features within background modeling and foreground detection. In this paper, we present a novel online one-class ensemble based on wagging to select suitable features to each region of a certain scene to distinguish the foreground objects from the background. In addition, we propose a mechanism to update the importance of each feature discarding insignificantly features over time. The experimental results on three challenging datasets (i.e MSVS, RGB-D object detection, 2014) show the pertinence of the proposed approach.

A robótica é a ciência de perceber e manipular o ambiente real através de dispositivos mecânicos ... more A robótica é a ciência de perceber e manipular o ambiente real através de dispositivos mecânicos controlados por computador. Exemplos bem sucedidos de sistemas robóticos incluem plataformas móveis para a exploração planetária, braços robóticos nas linhas de montagem de indústrias, extração de petróleo em águas profundas, entre outros. Buscando estimular o aprendizado em robótica, especificamente sobre robôs móveis, este trabalho apresenta um veículo terrestre não-tripulado, denominado RAVE (Robotic Autonomous VEhicle). Este foi construído com o objetivo de servir como uma ferramenta experimental para aplicar na prática os conhecimentos teóricos estudados em disciplinas como Sistemas Embarcados, Inteligência Artificial, Controle Digital, Processamento Digital de Sinais, entre outras. Apesar do nome RAVE, em português, ser definido como Veículo Robótico Autônomo, não significa que este é de fato um robô autônomo e sim uma plataforma de testes para permitir o estudo e desenvolvimento d...
Background subtraction (BS) is one of the key steps for detecting moving objects in video surveil... more Background subtraction (BS) is one of the key steps for detecting moving objects in video surveillance applications. In the last few years, many BS methods have been developed to handle the different challenges met in video surveillance but the role and the relevance of the visual features used has been less investigated. In this paper, we present an Online Weighted Ensemble of One-Class SVMs (Support Vector Machines) able to select suitable features for each pixel to distinguish the foreground objects from the background. In addition, our proposal uses a mechanism to update the relative importance of each feature over time. Moreover, a heuristic approach is used to reduce the complexity of the background model maintenance while maintaining the robustness of the background model. Results on two datasets show the pertinence of the approach.

This paper proposes a method for the detection of 19 facial points of interest (landmarks... more This paper proposes a method for the detection of 19 facial points of interest (landmarks). Most methods available in the art for detecting facial points fall into two main categories: global and local. Global methods are usually able to detect various landmarks simultaneously with robustness while local landmarks can often detect more quickly. The method presented is based on local information and is composed of several stages of processing to the detection of landmarks that describe eyes, eyebrows and mouth. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method compared to the results showed technical ASM compatible. Keywords Detection of facial landmarks, Face detection, Detection of facial features. Resumo Neste trabalho é proposto um método para detecção de 19 pontos faciais de interesse (landmarks). A maioria dos mé-todos disponíveis no estado da arte para detecção de pontos faciais se enquadram em duas principais categorias: globais e locais. Métodos globais são normalmente capazes de detectar diversos landmarks simultaneamente com robustez enquanto que os locais frequentemente podem detectar landmarks de maneira mais rápida. O método apresentado se baseia em informações locais e é composto por vários estágios de processamento até a detecção dos landmarks que descrevem olhos, sobrancelha e boca. Os resul-tados experimentais demonstram que o método proposto quando comparado com a técnica ASM apresentou resultados compatí-veis. Palavras-chave Detecção de landmarks facias, Detecção de Face, Detecção de características faciais.
This work proposes a framework for facial expression recognition based on generalized procrustes ... more This work proposes a framework for facial expression recognition based on generalized procrustes analysis. The proposed system classifies seven different facial expressions: happiness, anger, sadness, surprise, disgust, fear and neutral. The proposed system was evaluated with the MUG Facial Expression database. Experimental results shows that the proposed method achieves 97.78% of recognition rate.
X Workshop de Visão Computacional (WVC’2014), Oct 2014
This work proposes a framework for facial expression recognition based on generalized procrustes ... more This work proposes a framework for facial expression recognition based on generalized procrustes analysis. The proposed system classifies seven different facial expressions: happiness, anger, sadness, surprise, disgust, fear and neutral. The proposed system was evaluated with the MUG Facial Expression database. Experimental results shows that the proposed method achieves 97.78% of recognition rate.
In this paper, we propose an eXtended Center-Symmetric Local Binary Pattern (XCS-LBP) descriptor ... more In this paper, we propose an eXtended Center-Symmetric Local Binary Pattern (XCS-LBP) descriptor for background modeling and subtraction in videos. By combining the strengths of the original LBP and the similar CS ones, it appears to be robust to illumination changes and noise, and produces short histograms, too. The experiments conducted on both synthetic and real videos (from the Background Models Challenge) of outdoor urban scenes under various conditions show that the proposed XCS-LBP outperforms its direct competitors for the background subtraction task.
Resumo Neste trabalho é proposto um método para detecção de 19 pontos faciais de interesse (land... more Resumo Neste trabalho é proposto um método para detecção de 19 pontos faciais de interesse (landmarks). A maioria dos métodos disponíveis no estado da arte para detecção de pontos faciais se enquadram em duas principais categorias: globais e locais. Métodos globais são normalmente capazes de detectar diversos landmarks simultaneamente com robustez enquanto que os locais frequentemente podem detectar landmarks de maneira mais rápida. O método apresentado se baseia em informações locais e é composto por ...
Libraries by Caroline Pacheco do E. Silva
Papers by Caroline Pacheco do E. Silva