Papers by choucha abdelghani

ISA Transactions, 2021
An accurate and efficient control of the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and pitch angle for ... more An accurate and efficient control of the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and pitch angle for the Wind Turbine (WT) system can provide more energy while also protecting the material. Thus, considering these economic aspects, many controllers are proposed to guarantees their performances. The most studied strategy is the classical PID controller. However, its performance is limited due to the nonlinear model and the difficult wind speed form, which inflict many uncertainties. To solve these drawbacks, an advanced controller named Type-2 Fractional Order Fuzzy PID (T2-FOPID) controller is suggested in this paper to improve the exigence controls. Meanwhile, an efficient optimization technique named the Salps Swarm Algorithm (SSA) has been introduced in order obtaining the best controller parameters. The efficiency of the proposed controller is tested to the 10 kW-WT under various wind speed scenarios. The derived results explicitly indicate that the proposed strategy outperforms the PID controller and other controllers, in terms. the minimum of error, the overshoot and the settling time.

A Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) is adopted in this work with a Proportional Integral Derivative (... more A Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) is adopted in this work with a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) to employ instead of Power System Stabilizer (PSS). The major proposal is that the effective property of PID and high characteristics of SMC are combined to eliminate the chattering effect of SMC in order to generate best control signal to the excitation system. The robust design of SMC-PID has been employed to enhance the power system stability and further to damp out strongly the system oscillations that caused by the disturbances. The proposed proposition is evaluated on Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) power system under different perturbations with prespecified operating condition. The simulation results have demonstrated the high performance of mentioned controller that attained best results compared to various controllers. Keywords— PID, Power system stability, PSS, SMC, SMIB power system.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2017
In this study, the problem of optimal parameters in charge simulation method (CSM) is solved usin... more In this study, the problem of optimal parameters in charge simulation method (CSM) is solved using the genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimisation and differential evolution. The comparative study shows that the GA is more effective. A model based on a hybrid approach that combines CSM and the GA is proposed to calculate the electric field created by an overhead extra high voltage power line. The resulting field levels were compared with exposure values set by the ICNIRP and IRPA standards. The results show that these levels are less than the limit recommended by these standards. The simulation results of electric field intensity values are compared with those obtained from polarisation ellipse method. A good agreement has been reached.

2015 International Workshop on Recent Advances in Sliding Modes (RASM), 2015
In this paper, Power System Stabilizer (PSS) based on hybrid Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) and fr... more In this paper, Power System Stabilizer (PSS) based on hybrid Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) and fractional order PID controller (PIλDμ) is proposed for optimal control of power system, using a new metaheuristic optimization Bat algorithm (BA) inspired by the echolocation behavior to improve power system stability. The aim of this study is to find robust controller for demonstrating the availability of the proposed controller, and to achieve best desired output. Here, we have chosen SMC as one of the most effective control methodologies for adjusting the states of the system to their preferred values to supply the excellent damping under severe disturbances. The problem of SMC-FOPID design is transformed to an optimization problem based on performance index, which is Integral of the Time Weighted Absolute Error (ITAE). Where, BA has been employed to adjust the optimal controller parameters. The effectiveness of SMC-FOPID has been tested on a Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) power system under different cases, including operating. The performance of SMC-FOPID controller in power system is compared with a conventional PSS. The simulation results greatly indicate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed controller, and superior robust performance for improvement power system stability compared with the PSS controller for each case.
This paper presents an approach for the design of a power system stabilizer (PSS) using Genetic A... more This paper presents an approach for the design of a power system stabilizer (PSS) using Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The proposed approach combines ANN and GA search for setting the optimal parameters of a PSS. The performance of the proposed Neuro-Genetic PSS (NGPSS) under small and large disturbances, loading conditions and system parameters is tested. In fact, simulation results show the effectiveness of the NGPSS to damp out the system oscillations. Moreover, the performance and robustness of the proposed PSS for different operating conditions are more acceptable. Hence, it can be used for online control purposes to guarantee an optimal angular stability of the power system.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
This work presents a new coordinated and robust tuning procedures of power system stabilizer PSS ... more This work presents a new coordinated and robust tuning procedures of power system stabilizer PSS using a novel hybridization technique to damp out power system oscillations. This hybridization is based a combination between stochastic Genetic algorithm (GA) methods and deterministic methods (gradient); it is called GA-GR, and even between themselves stochastic methods genetic algorithm and simulated annealing (GA-SA). The proposed approach is used for a multi-objective function based on the real part of eigenvalues and the damping factor, to search for optimal stabilizer parameters. To examine the effectiveness and robustness of this tuning approach in enhancing the stability of power systems, modal analysis and nonlinear simulations have been carried out on New England/New York interconnected network system 68-bus, 16-machine power system.
Power system stabilizers (PSS) are usually used in power system plants to damp out power system o... more Power system stabilizers (PSS) are usually used in power system plants to damp out power system oscillations. In this paper, a simultaneous coordinated tuning procedure of multiple power system stabilizers (PSSs) in multimachine power systems based multiobjective functions Hybridation technique using genetic algorithms (GAs) and the requit simulé (RS). To validate the effectiveness of this tuning approach in enhancing the stability of power systems, modal analysis and nonlinear simulations have been carried out on a multimachine power system.
Revue internationale de génie électrique
Le choix des paramètres et le nombre de stabilisateurs de puissance (PSS : Power System Stabilize... more Le choix des paramètres et le nombre de stabilisateurs de puissance (PSS : Power System Stabilizer), ainsi que leur localisation au sein d'un réseau électrique constituent une composante essentielle de la stabilité aux petites perturbations. Dans cet article nous présentons une technique d'amélioration du réglage, de la localisation et de la réduction du nombre de stabilisateurs de puissance dans un réseau multimachine à l'aide d'algorithmes génétiques. Pour mettre en évidence l'apport de cette technique, une application sur un réseau test de 16 machines et 68 noeuds a été réalisée. Les résultats ont été comparés avec ceux issus de méthodes classiques.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014
Power system stabilizers (PSS) are usually used in power system plants to damp out power system o... more Power system stabilizers (PSS) are usually used in power system plants to damp out power system oscillations. In this paper, coordinated and robust tuning procedures by Hybridization technique are used. This hybridization is based on multiobjective functions using stochastic (GA) methods and deterministic methods (gradient) and even between themselves stochastic methods (GA-SA). To validate the effectiveness of this tuning approach in enhancing the stability of power systems, modal analysis and nonlinear simulations have been carried out on a multimachine power system.
Control and Intelligent Systems, 2012

A new metaheuristic method, the BAT search algorithm based on the echolocation behavior of bats i... more A new metaheuristic method, the BAT search algorithm based on the echolocation behavior of bats is proposed in this paper for optimal design of Power System Stabilizers (PSSs) in a multimachine environment. The PSSs parameter tuning problem is converted to an optimization problem which is solved by BAT search algorithm. An eigenvalues based objective function involving the damping factor, and the damping ratio of the lightly damped electromechanical modes is considered for the PSSs design problem. The performance of the proposed BAT based PSSs (BATPSS) has been compared with Genetic Algorithm (GA) based PSSs (GAPSS) and the Conventional PSSs (CPSS) under various operating conditions and disturbances. The results of the proposed BATPSS are demonstrated through time domain analysis, eigenvalues and performance indices. Moreover, the results are presented to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed algorithm over the GA and conventional one.
Revue internationale de génie électrique, 2007
La repartition efficace de la puissance reactive dans un reseau electrique vise a maintenir la te... more La repartition efficace de la puissance reactive dans un reseau electrique vise a maintenir la tension dans les limites acceptables de fonctionnement et a controler les pertes de transmission. Cet article presente la resolution du probleme de l'ecoulement optimal de puissance reactive en utilisant la methode d 'optimisation par essaim de particules (OEP) ainsi qu'une application sur le reseau modele IEEE 57 noeuds. Pour montrer l'apport de cette nouvelle technique, les resultats de simulation sont compares avec des travaux antecedents utilisant la technique classique du gradient reduit et les algorithmes genetiques.
European Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2010
ABSTRACT Le choix des paramètres et le nombre de stabilisateurs de puissance (PSS : Power System ... more ABSTRACT Le choix des paramètres et le nombre de stabilisateurs de puissance (PSS : Power System Stabilizer), ainsi que leur localisation au sein d'un réseau électrique constituent une composante essentielle de la stabilité aux petites perturbations. Dans cet article nous présentons une technique d'amélioration du réglage, de la localisation et de la réduction du nombre de stabilisateurs de puissance dans un réseau multimachine à l'aide d'algorithmes génétiques. Pour mettre en évidence l'apport de cette technique, une application sur un réseau test de 16 machines et 68 noeuds a été réalisée. Les résultats ont été comparés avec ceux issus de méthodes classiques.
2008 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2008
... Genetic Algorithms H. Alkhatib, J. Duveau, Université de Paul Cézanne, Marseille, France. has... more ... Genetic Algorithms H. Alkhatib, J. Duveau, Université de Paul Cézanne, Marseille, France. [email protected] A. Choucha, A. Hellal, S. Arif Université Amar Telidji de Laghouat, Algérie. [email protected] ...
Papers by choucha abdelghani