Papers by Yannick Dennemont
Réalisation d'un module de reconnaissance de gestes continus en temps réel pour la réalité virtuelle

RÉSUMÉ. Les tâches et les contextes d'interaction dans les environnements virtuels sont de plus e... more RÉSUMÉ. Les tâches et les contextes d'interaction dans les environnements virtuels sont de plus en plus variées et complexes, et parfois imprévisibles. Les techniques d'interactions 3D figées lors de la conception n'étant pas toujours adaptées, nos recherches visent une assistance aux interactions 3D " sensible au contexte " ou " adaptative ". Après avoir analysé différentes solutions et méthodes de représentation et de raisonnement, nous avons conçu et développé un moteur de décision générique qui utilise une ontologie et des Graphes Conceptuels pour repré-senter les connaissances, et la logique du 1er ordre pour conduire un raisonnement sémantique. Il peut communiquer avec des applications de Réalité Virtuelle existantes à travers des outils logiciels : les informations de contexte sont rassemblées par des capteurs, tandis que l'assis-tance multimodale est réalisée par des effecteurs. Ce processus a été appliqué pour l'assistance adaptative à la sélection d'objets, et pour l'analyse d'activité hors-ligne. ABSTRACT. Tasks and contexts of interaction within virtual environments are more and more varied and complex, and sometimes unpredictable. The design of static 3D user interaction techniques is not always adapted. Our researches aim at providing " context-aware " 3DUI. Having analyzed several solutions and knowledge representation and reasoning methods, we conceived and developed a generic decision engine. Knowledge representation is based on an ontology and Conceptual Graphs. Semantic reasoning uses 1st order logic. It can communicate with existing applications through a set of software tools: the information of context is gathered by sensors, whereas the multimodal assistance is realized by effectors. This process was applied for the adaptive assistance to the selection of objects, and for the offline analysis of activity.
This work aims to provide 3d interaction assistance in virtual environments depending on context.... more This work aims to provide 3d interaction assistance in virtual environments depending on context. We designed and implemented a generic decision engine that can connect to our existing virtual reality applications through a set of tools. It uses an ontology and Conceptual Graphs (CGs) to represent knowledge, and First Order Logic to conduct semantic reasoning. Context information are gathered by virtual sensors in the application and interpreted by the engine. Multimodal assistance is provided by virtual actuators. Our first test scenario is about assistance to selection of objects or navigation towards objects: the engine automatically detects user's interests and manages adaptations depending on user's hand gestures, interactions history and type of task.

This paper presents a 3D numerical model of magnetoelectric sensors based on the finite element m... more This paper presents a 3D numerical model of magnetoelectric sensors based on the finite element method. It is obtained using the association of magnetoelastic and piezoelectric behaviour laws. The 3D finite element formulation is evaluated on a bi-layer beam, combining magnetostrictive and piezoelectric materials, submitted to magnetic fields. These results are compared to the ones obtained with a validated 2D finite element model. At last, a cylindrical magnetoelectric sensor, which can not be modelled with a 2D analysis, is evaluated. PACS. 02.70.Dh Finite-element and Galerkin methods -85.70.Ay Magnetic device characterization, design, and modeling -85.70.Ec Magnetostrictive, magnetoacoustic, and magnetostatic devices 1 Introduction Nowadays, active materials applications include a wide range of areas (robotic, structural control...), and their use tends to increase. Despite the different kinds of active materials are commonly used separately, their combination leads to new possibilities, with new equivalent Send offprint requests to: material properties. Thus, there are especially numbers of research publications dealing with the associations of piezoelectric (PM) and magnetostrictive (MM) materials, and more generally with the magnetoelectric effect, linking magnetic and electric behaviours. Although this effect is observed in some single-phase materials (such as Cr 2 O 3 ) [1], better magnetoelectric coefficients are noticed peer-00634374, version 1 -
This work studies, implements and evaluates a gestures recognition module based on discrete Hidde... more This work studies, implements and evaluates a gestures recognition module based on discrete Hidden Markov Models. The module is implemented on Matlab and used from Virtools. It can be used with different inputs therefore serves different recognition purposes. We focus on the 3D positions, our devices common information, as inputs for gesture recognition. Experiments are realized with an infra-red tracked flystick. Finally, the recognition rate is more than 90% with a personalized learning base. Otherwise, the results are beyond 70%, for an evaluation of 8 users on a real time mini-game. The rates are basically 80% for simple gestures and 60% for complex ones.
Réalisation d'un module de reconnaissance de gestes continus en temps réel pour la réalité virtuelle

This work focuses on 3D interaction assistance by adding adaptivity depending on the tasks, the o... more This work focuses on 3D interaction assistance by adding adaptivity depending on the tasks, the objectives, and the general interaction context. An engine to reach context-awareness has been implemented in Prolog+CG which uses Conceptual Graphs (CGs) based on an ontology. CGs descriptions of the available sensors and actuators in our scene manager (Virtools) allow the engine to take decisions and send them through Open Sound Control (OSC). Measurements and adaptations corresponding to specific tools uses are decided from rules handled by the engine. This project is a step towards Intelligent Virtual Environments, which proposes a hybrid solution by adding a separate semantic reasoning to classic environments. The first experiment automatically manages few modalities depending on the distance to objects, user movement, available tools, etc. Gestures are used both as an engine direct control and as an interpretation of user activity.

This work focuses on 3D interaction assistance by adding adaptivity depending on the tasks, the o... more This work focuses on 3D interaction assistance by adding adaptivity depending on the tasks, the objectives, and the general interaction context. To reach context-awareness, an engine has been designed and implemented in Prolog+CG. This engine uses Conceptual Graphs (CGs) based on an ontology. CGs descriptions of the available sensors and actuators in our scene manager (Virtools) allow the engine to take decisions and send them through Open Sound Control (OSC). Measurements and adaptations corresponding to specific tools uses are decided from rules handled by the engine. This project is a step towards Intelligent Virtual Environments and proposes a hybrid solution by adding a separate semantic reasoning to classic environments. In our first experiment, the engine automatically detects user's interests and manages visual enhancement modalities depending on the user's movement. Gestures are used both as an engine direct control and as an interpretation of user activity.
Problematics No "perfect " 3D interaction technique found yet Lots of techniques and variations... more Problematics No "perfect " 3D interaction technique found yet Lots of techniques and variations exist but are not conjunctively used Adaptivity upon context is natural in everyday life Few applications provide real semantic
This work focuses on enabling 3D interaction assistance by adding adaptivity depending on the tas... more This work focuses on enabling 3D interaction assistance by adding adaptivity depending on the tasks, objectives, and the general interaction context. We model the context using Conceptual Graphs (CG) based on an ontology. Including CG in our scene manager (Virtools) allows us to add semantic information and to describe the available tools. We handle rules leading to adaptation with a logic programming layer (Prolog+CG) included in the Amine platform. This project is a step towards Intelligent Virtual Environments, which proposes a hybrid solution by adding a separate semantic reasoning to classic environments. The first case study automatically manages few modalities depending on the distance to objects, user movement, available tools and modality risks.
Papers by Yannick Dennemont