Papers by Atonfo Wouassé Vans Frank Kelly

One of the pre-occupations of public authorities is to make the economy more performant and more ... more One of the pre-occupations of public authorities is to make the economy more performant and more competitive. From this perspective, Cameroon wants to make of the private sector the locomotive of the economic growth. It is in this light that it makes constant recourse to a fiscal policy that would really incite or attract private investment. Despite this ambition to make its fiscality a contributing factor in re-dynamising economic activity and relaunching investment, the country still lags behind in its quest for Direct Foreign Investment (DFI).
The study of the fiscal attractiveness and the implantation of private foreign investors in Cameroon resolutely raises the question of the juridical or legal security of DFIs trough fiscal incentives. In fact, ameliorating the security on Cameroon fiscal law and its reputation in order to highlight the country’s attractiveness for foreign investment is an important cause for concern to the fiscal administration.
In return, the efficiency of our fiscal system bumps against inherent obstacles which consists, in a nutshell, of bad governance, fiscal harassment, lack of accountability or transparency, fiscal instability, etc. Therefore, in order to ameliorate the business climate, public authorities ought to take stiff measures not only aimed at eradicating these obstacles but also serving to stem the tide of external shock consisting notably of damaging fiscal competition and the phenomenon of “fiscal paradise” or “tax haven”.
Papers by Atonfo Wouassé Vans Frank Kelly
The study of the fiscal attractiveness and the implantation of private foreign investors in Cameroon resolutely raises the question of the juridical or legal security of DFIs trough fiscal incentives. In fact, ameliorating the security on Cameroon fiscal law and its reputation in order to highlight the country’s attractiveness for foreign investment is an important cause for concern to the fiscal administration.
In return, the efficiency of our fiscal system bumps against inherent obstacles which consists, in a nutshell, of bad governance, fiscal harassment, lack of accountability or transparency, fiscal instability, etc. Therefore, in order to ameliorate the business climate, public authorities ought to take stiff measures not only aimed at eradicating these obstacles but also serving to stem the tide of external shock consisting notably of damaging fiscal competition and the phenomenon of “fiscal paradise” or “tax haven”.
The study of the fiscal attractiveness and the implantation of private foreign investors in Cameroon resolutely raises the question of the juridical or legal security of DFIs trough fiscal incentives. In fact, ameliorating the security on Cameroon fiscal law and its reputation in order to highlight the country’s attractiveness for foreign investment is an important cause for concern to the fiscal administration.
In return, the efficiency of our fiscal system bumps against inherent obstacles which consists, in a nutshell, of bad governance, fiscal harassment, lack of accountability or transparency, fiscal instability, etc. Therefore, in order to ameliorate the business climate, public authorities ought to take stiff measures not only aimed at eradicating these obstacles but also serving to stem the tide of external shock consisting notably of damaging fiscal competition and the phenomenon of “fiscal paradise” or “tax haven”.