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ENGLISH ABSTRACT (& RESUME FRANCAIS). Different aspects of vascular plants diversity have been studied in four sites of French Guyana rainforest. The analysis of structural and taxonomic diversity of each components of plant population... more
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      BotanyEnvironmental EducationScience CommunicationEcology
Within the framework of a flora and vegetation study carried out in the Bakhuis Mountains in Suriname, South America, descriptors of plant species and habitat biodiversity were used to set local-scale botanical conservation priorities.... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyBiologyEcology
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      BotanyZoologyEnvironmental EducationScience Communication
Rôle des perturbations actuelles et passCes dans la dynamique et la mosaïque forestikre. Rev. Ecologie (Terre et Me), 50,209-22 RiCra, B., Philippe, M., Dosso. M., Bernard, R., Vidal-Majar, D. and Dechambre, M. (1994). Etude du Systeme... more
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Bactris nancibaensis un palmier de sous-bois extrêmement rare, endémique du nord de la Guyane est une espèce intégralement protégée. Son aire de répartition particulièrement restreinte permet de la classer parmi les espèces prioritaires... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyBiologyEcology
Within the framework of a flora and vegetation study carried out in the Bakhuis Mountains in Suriname, South America, descriptors of plant species and habitat biodiversity were used to set local-scale botanical conservation priorities.... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyPlant BiologyBiology
Rôle des perturbations actuelles et passCes dans la dynamique et la mosaïque forestikre. Rev. Ecologie (Terre et Me), 50,209-22 RiCra, B., Philippe, M., Dosso. M., Bernard, R., Vidal-Majar, D. and Dechambre, M. (1994). Etude du Systeme... more
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Guyane s'est deroulee en trois etapes : 1) constitution d'une base de donnees informatisee regroupant le maximum d'informations sur les 5 210 especes de Ia !lore regionale ; 2) exploitation scientifique de Ia base de donnees et extraction... more
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    • Plant Biology
(ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH) In the global context of strong demographic expansion, environmental deteriorations and biodiversity loss, the knowledge of French Guiana ecosystems and biological communities and especially of it’s flora and... more
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    • Wildlife Ecology And Management
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Initially, the effect of water activity (aw) on heat resistance of Bacillus cereus spores (decimal reduction time) was investigated. A linear relationship was found between log D and 1-aw. The combined effects of temperature (85-105°C),... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMicrobiologyMathematicsFood Science
Spores of Bacillus cereus were heated and recovered in order to investigate the effect of water activity of media on the estimated heat resistance (i.e., the D value) of spores. The water activity (ranging from 0.9 to 1) of the heating... more
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    • Applied Environmental Microbiology
3 application of the Weibull frequency distribution model. 4 5 P. MAFART, O. COUVERT, S. GAILLARD and I. LEGUERINEL 6 7 ABSTRACT A simple and parsimonious model originated from the Weibull frequency 8 distribution was proposed to describe... more
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      MicrobiologyMathematicsIndustrial BiotechnologyFood Preservation
The combined effects of temperature, pH and organic acids (lactic, acetic and propionic) on the growth kinetics of Listeria innocua ATCC 33090 were studied. First, a multiplicative model was built assuming independent effects of all... more
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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyMultiple modelHydrogen-Ion Concentration
After heat treatment, the temperature incubation and the medium composition, (pH and sodium chloride content) influence the capacity of injured spores to repair heat damage. The concept of heat resistance D-(decimal reduction time) and... more
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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyThermal Resistance*Hot Temperature
The development of relationships between the pH of a heating medium and the thermal resistance of contaminant micro-organisms is important and of public health significance. A number of mathematical models have been presented in recent... more
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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyPublic HealthThermal Resistance
The classical D-value of first order inactivation kinetic is not suitable for quantifying bacterial heat resistance for non-log linear survival curves. One simple model derived from the Weibull cumulative function describes non-log linear... more
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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyFood PackagingFirst-Order Logic
The classical D-value of first order inactivation kinetic is not suitable for quantifying bacterial heat resistance for non-log linear survival curves. One simple model derived from the Weibull cumulative function describes non-log linear... more
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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyFood PackagingFirst-Order Logic
Leguérinel. Modelling the influence of palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic and oleic acids on apparent heat resistance of spores of Bacillus cereus NTCC 11145 and Clostridium sporogenes Pasteur 79.3. International Journal of Food Microbiology,... more
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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyAnti-Bacterial Agents*Hot Temperature