Papers by Martine Derivry-Plard

This paper is an essay of self-reflection on the itinerary of a social scientist whose encounter ... more This paper is an essay of self-reflection on the itinerary of a social scientist whose encounter with the work of Bourdieu helped illuminate the origins of educational inequality in Australia. How can we explain the magnitude and persistence of social differences in examination results and in access to higher education? Bourdieu’s research enabled Australian scholars to create a model of structural inequality in which a hierarchy of curriculum is exploited by a hierarchy of schools. The cognitive and cultural demands of the curriculum advantage educated families who pool their linguistic and economic assets in selective schools, thus converting social power into academic merit. The universities ultimately determine the curriculum and operate it as a vehicle of academic discrimination, guaranteeing their own prestige through severity of selection. Inequalities persist because new populations lack the family and school resources to master the curriculum and are marginalized in weaker areas of the curriculum and in poorer schools. The landscape of Australian education is different from that of France. But Bourdieu’s insights into inequality in France helped equip Australian researchers with the conceptual tools needed to understand how a different education system could produce recognizably similar social outcomes.
Dispositifs éducatifs en contexte mondialisé et didactique plurilingue et pluriculturelle
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 13, 2008
Histoires de vie, mutations sociales et culturelles, politiques linguistiques et didactique des l... more Histoires de vie, mutations sociales et culturelles, politiques linguistiques et didactique des langues. L'identité d'un individu plurilingue est le résultat d'une construction complexe et des processus variés y sont à l'œuvre, dont les enseignants et le grand public doivent être ...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 31, 2008
Organisé autour de la pluralité linguistique et culturelle et définissant la langue comme un inst... more Organisé autour de la pluralité linguistique et culturelle et définissant la langue comme un instrument d'action et de pouvoir, cet ouvrage définit la pluralité comme un ensemble complexe, à contre-pied d'une perspective didactique classique qui se donne plutôt ...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Dec 9, 2009
Cette communication entend explorer les dimensions culturelles et interculturelles de la pédagogi... more Cette communication entend explorer les dimensions culturelles et interculturelles de la pédagogie des échanges à travers la notion de « médiations » (Zarate, Lévy et Kramsch, 2008). Dans quelle mesure peut-on poser un cadre théorique commun entre chercheurs d'un même domaine, ayant une même formation mais appartenant à des institutions universitaires et de recherche inscrites dans leur contexte national spécifique ? Ainsi, dans un contexte international, développer un parcours d'échange électronique à visée interculturelle entre étudiants taïwanais et français s'apparente à la pédagogie des échanges, à la médiation de l'échange à visée éducative (Lévy, Zarate, 2003) pour les apprenants comme pour les enseignants.
Dispositifs éducatifs en contexte mondialisé et didactique plurilingue et pluriculturelle
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016

INTRODUCTION Les quatre contextes d'intégration professionnelle des promoteurs francophones de ce... more INTRODUCTION Les quatre contextes d'intégration professionnelle des promoteurs francophones de ce colloque-Allemagne, Danemark, France, Italie, des pays dont les langues jouissent de prestige linguistique bien différent-figuraient comme point de départ en vue de confronter la voix d'autres langues et d'autres contextes universitaires autour de cette situation inédite de l'anglais. L'internationalisation tout en englobant l'anglais ne doit-elle pas rester plurilingue? L'enjeu était d'inviter au dialogue et à la confrontation les didacticiens des langues (de l'anglais et des autres langues) et du plurilinguisme, les enseignants de langues et les enseignants disciplinaires, ainsi que les acteurs concernés dans divers pays européens, pays de «grandes» et de «petites langues» (Alao et al. 2008) qui ont été précurseurs ou suivistes dans le mouvement vers l'anglicisation. Les réponses à l'appel du colloque ont bien fait apparaître que ces questions concernent non seulement les pays et les contextes scientifiques des initiatrices, mais également les pays d'origine des participants et des conférenciers venant d'Algérie, d'Allemagne, de Belgique, du Brésil, du Cameroun, d'Espagne, des Etats-Unis, de Finlande, du Ghana, d'Italie, du Luxembourg, de Macédoine, de Pologne, de Roumanie, du Royaume-Uni, du Rwanda… Cet aspect international du colloque prouve que la question traverse le monde universitaire globalisé: l'expérience commune de la domination de l'anglais dans la mondialisation a mené des chercheurs internationaux à se retrouver pour débattre sans oeillères sur de nouveaux modèles pour intégrer l'anglais sans renoncer aux valeurs de la diversité linguistique et culturelle dans la formation supérieure. Toutefois la pratique même de cette rencontre internationale montre bien que le plurilinguisme aussi certaines limites: «Die Mehrheit der Teilnehmer versteht kein Deutsch, daher gibt es keinen Vortrag auf Deutsch 1 , og da de heller ikke forstod dansk, var der heller ingen foredrag på dette sprog 2 ». La diversité des répertoires linguistiques des participants fait que certaines lan-1 «La majeure partie des participants ne comprenant pas l'allemand, il n'y aura pas d'intervention dans cette langue». 2 «Et comme ils ne comprenaient pas plus le danois, il n'y eut pas non plus d'interventions dans cette langue». INTRODUCTION role of English needs to be reappraised as a gateway to languages and cultures taking into account that young Europeans are also part of the global era and that classrooms are becoming far more multilingual. So the new language curricula should envisage strong comparisons about languages, intercomprehension, communication and cultures. The English class will no longer be English monolingual but a stepping stone to the perception of linguistic and cultural universals, parallels, and, of course, idiosyncrasies of "typical" English. The framework should help develop multi and partial linguistic and cultural competences and should adapt to the regional settings of the schools, each of them providing English for the world and neighbouring languages for Europe. Marie Narcy-Combes et Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes offrent une analyse de l'évolution du champ scientifique: de la didactique d'une langue à la didactique des langues et au plurilinguisme, et de l'écart entre les productions scientifiques et les pratiques pédagogiques. Ils proposent une synthèse de l'histoire de ce champ dans lequel ils ont contribué et se sont positionnés, de la linguistique appliquée à la théorie des systèmes dynamiques et à l'approche émergentiste qu'ils comparent au socio-constructivisme. Le modèle linéaire didactique est peu à peu remplacé, en partie grâce au développement des nouvelles technologies, par le concept d'organising circumstances et l'objet langue, par la notion de plurilinguisme et de translanguaging (Garcia, Wei, 2014), la capacité des individus plurilingues à faire appel aux différentes ressources de leur répertoire langagier pour communiquer dans des contextes et situations divers. Deux dispositifs inscrits dans la pluralité illustrent ces évolutions de gestion de la complexité. Franz-Joseph Meissner's chapter discusses the necessity of developing eurocomprehension to support European democracy as a transnational idea. Eurocomprehension means receptive competence in a certain number of European languages closely related such as Germanic, Romance and Slavic ones, and in productive skills in at least one of them. Eurocomprehension will support plurilingualism and reduce multilingual fragmentations within the Union and should be a key objective of Eu-Les contributions du second volume: «Analyser les politiques et les pratiques linguistiques: études de cas sur le plurilinguisme et l'anglais» Le deuxième volume, disponible en ligne sur la revue Heteroglossia, regroupe les études de cas en cinq parties thématiques. Dans la première on étudie le rôle de l'anglais dans les contextes multilingues, tout d'abord dans les pays de l'Afrique francophone. Françoise Le Lièvre et May Mingle se penchent
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2023
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - SHS, 2022

Routledge eBooks, Jul 21, 2023
Virtual Exchange for Intercultural Language Learning and Teaching
Fostering Communication for th... more Virtual Exchange for Intercultural Language Learning and Teaching
Fostering Communication for the Digital Age
This Book illustrates new virtual intercultural practices for language learning from primary to tertiary education and highlights the transversality of these practices throughout the language curriculum. The current English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) perspective sets the framework as a possible vector of cultural exchanges in a variety of contexts, and from which the different authors coming from Europe and all over the world present their studies.
The book deploys diverse educational exchanges within a wide range of technological tools and with varied approaches to the intercultural dimension in language learning. Through these virtual exchanges, different languages and educational cultures come together to create emerging communities of practice co-constructed for the limited time-space of the collaborative projects. This volume opens a dialogue with researchers from different backgrounds and theoretical and methodological perspectives as technology can no longer be apprehended without its purposeful human and semiotic meanings and conversely, human and semiotic meanings can no longer be apprehended without Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Going beyond strict polarised views on the technology or humanistic approaches, this book presents a more nuanced, interrelated stance and will appeal to researchers, scholars, post graduate students and teachers in applied linguistics, language learning and teaching, education, information studies, cultural studies and intercultural communication.
Table of content:
Preface Martine Derivry-Plard, Anthippi Potolia
1. Research perspectives on virtual intercultural exchange in language education Richard Kern, Anthony J. Liddicoat, and Geneviève Zarate
2. Going beyond these virtual walls: A retrospective of learning culture through language in intercultural telecollaboration Kathryn English
3. Conceptualisation of a language task design model for mental acceptance Jozef Colpaert and Evelyne Spruyt
4. Self-regulation and intercultural competence: Task analysis in a self-directed telecollaboration Joshua N. W. Gray
5. Immersive virtual reality: Exploring possibilities for virtual exchange Sabela Melchor-Couto and Borja Herrera
6. Virtual exchanges among primary-education pupils: Insights into a new arena Barry Pennock-Speck and Begoña Clavel-Arroitia
7. Communication, metacommunication and intercultural effectiveness in virtual exchange: The Evaluate project Tim Lewis, Bart Rienties, and Irina Rets
8. Intercultural telecollaboration for teacher education across three continents: Insights from experience journals Ana Cristina Biondo Salomão, Paloma Castro-Prieto, Sa-hui Fan, and Martine Derivry-Plard
Conclusion: Looking back, moving forward Martine Derivry-Plard and Anthippi Potolia
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Inria, 2013
International audienc
Routledge eBooks, Jul 21, 2022
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Inria, 2013
Dispositifs éducatifs en contexte mondialisé et didactique plurilingue et pluriculturelle
Papers by Martine Derivry-Plard
Fostering Communication for the Digital Age
This Book illustrates new virtual intercultural practices for language learning from primary to tertiary education and highlights the transversality of these practices throughout the language curriculum. The current English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) perspective sets the framework as a possible vector of cultural exchanges in a variety of contexts, and from which the different authors coming from Europe and all over the world present their studies.
The book deploys diverse educational exchanges within a wide range of technological tools and with varied approaches to the intercultural dimension in language learning. Through these virtual exchanges, different languages and educational cultures come together to create emerging communities of practice co-constructed for the limited time-space of the collaborative projects. This volume opens a dialogue with researchers from different backgrounds and theoretical and methodological perspectives as technology can no longer be apprehended without its purposeful human and semiotic meanings and conversely, human and semiotic meanings can no longer be apprehended without Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Going beyond strict polarised views on the technology or humanistic approaches, this book presents a more nuanced, interrelated stance and will appeal to researchers, scholars, post graduate students and teachers in applied linguistics, language learning and teaching, education, information studies, cultural studies and intercultural communication.
Table of content:
Preface Martine Derivry-Plard, Anthippi Potolia
1. Research perspectives on virtual intercultural exchange in language education Richard Kern, Anthony J. Liddicoat, and Geneviève Zarate
2. Going beyond these virtual walls: A retrospective of learning culture through language in intercultural telecollaboration Kathryn English
3. Conceptualisation of a language task design model for mental acceptance Jozef Colpaert and Evelyne Spruyt
4. Self-regulation and intercultural competence: Task analysis in a self-directed telecollaboration Joshua N. W. Gray
5. Immersive virtual reality: Exploring possibilities for virtual exchange Sabela Melchor-Couto and Borja Herrera
6. Virtual exchanges among primary-education pupils: Insights into a new arena Barry Pennock-Speck and Begoña Clavel-Arroitia
7. Communication, metacommunication and intercultural effectiveness in virtual exchange: The Evaluate project Tim Lewis, Bart Rienties, and Irina Rets
8. Intercultural telecollaboration for teacher education across three continents: Insights from experience journals Ana Cristina Biondo Salomão, Paloma Castro-Prieto, Sa-hui Fan, and Martine Derivry-Plard
Conclusion: Looking back, moving forward Martine Derivry-Plard and Anthippi Potolia
Fostering Communication for the Digital Age
This Book illustrates new virtual intercultural practices for language learning from primary to tertiary education and highlights the transversality of these practices throughout the language curriculum. The current English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) perspective sets the framework as a possible vector of cultural exchanges in a variety of contexts, and from which the different authors coming from Europe and all over the world present their studies.
The book deploys diverse educational exchanges within a wide range of technological tools and with varied approaches to the intercultural dimension in language learning. Through these virtual exchanges, different languages and educational cultures come together to create emerging communities of practice co-constructed for the limited time-space of the collaborative projects. This volume opens a dialogue with researchers from different backgrounds and theoretical and methodological perspectives as technology can no longer be apprehended without its purposeful human and semiotic meanings and conversely, human and semiotic meanings can no longer be apprehended without Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Going beyond strict polarised views on the technology or humanistic approaches, this book presents a more nuanced, interrelated stance and will appeal to researchers, scholars, post graduate students and teachers in applied linguistics, language learning and teaching, education, information studies, cultural studies and intercultural communication.
Table of content:
Preface Martine Derivry-Plard, Anthippi Potolia
1. Research perspectives on virtual intercultural exchange in language education Richard Kern, Anthony J. Liddicoat, and Geneviève Zarate
2. Going beyond these virtual walls: A retrospective of learning culture through language in intercultural telecollaboration Kathryn English
3. Conceptualisation of a language task design model for mental acceptance Jozef Colpaert and Evelyne Spruyt
4. Self-regulation and intercultural competence: Task analysis in a self-directed telecollaboration Joshua N. W. Gray
5. Immersive virtual reality: Exploring possibilities for virtual exchange Sabela Melchor-Couto and Borja Herrera
6. Virtual exchanges among primary-education pupils: Insights into a new arena Barry Pennock-Speck and Begoña Clavel-Arroitia
7. Communication, metacommunication and intercultural effectiveness in virtual exchange: The Evaluate project Tim Lewis, Bart Rienties, and Irina Rets
8. Intercultural telecollaboration for teacher education across three continents: Insights from experience journals Ana Cristina Biondo Salomão, Paloma Castro-Prieto, Sa-hui Fan, and Martine Derivry-Plard
Conclusion: Looking back, moving forward Martine Derivry-Plard and Anthippi Potolia
DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2014.973286