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An inventory was carried out at five stations in the oasis of Ziban, an oasis that is characterized by its high-quality dates, in order to study the relationships between the oasis ecosystem and its insect fauna. Specimens were sampled... more
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The present study was carried out at the I.T.D.A.S. station (Ain Ben, Biskra), it consists on a contribution to the knowledge of the Ziban oasis arthropods. During the study (2013-2014), every seven days, arthropods were collected using... more
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La phoeniciculture constitue l'une des principales activités agricoles de la wilaya de Biskra ; elle assure non seulement la production de dattes, mais elle est aussi un stimulant du commerce dans la région en amont et en aval ; elle joue... more
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Dans les oasis de Ziban, cinq stations qui se caractérisent par la haute qualité des dattes produites ont été inventoriées afin d’étudier les relations entre l’écosystème oasien et l’entomofaune qui y habite. Les exemplaires ont été... more
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Algerian steppes are now experiencing a sharp decline resulting in an ecological imbalance and decreased pastoral performance. Based on surveys conducted in the study region in 2015, an inventory of spontaneous plant species was carried... more
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This work deals with the physico-chemical quality of groundwater intended for irrigation and the prediction of their salinity in the mid-western Cheliff plain. Under a semi-arid climate, irrigation is unavoidable for most crops. As a... more
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      Environmental Soil ScienceRemote sensing and GIS
Description of the subject: Remote sensing is an important tool for studying soil characteristics, such as salinity and for monitoring changes in land cover and land use. Objective: This study aims to examine the applicability of Landsat... more
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      Environmental Soil ScienceRemote sensing and GIS
Description of the subject: Remote sensing is an important tool for studying soil characteristics, such as salinity and for monitoring changes in land cover and land use. Objective: This study aims to examine the applicability of Landsat... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental Soil ScienceRemote sensing and GIS
Description of the subject: Remote sensing is an important tool for studying soil characteristics, such as salinity and for monitoring changes in land cover and land use. Objective: This study aims to examine the applicability of Landsat... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental Soil ScienceRemote sensing and GIS
Chestnut cultivation is a type of traditional centennial exploitation in southern areas of Extremadura. Currently, chestnut is in danger of extinction due to the effects of climate change, some diseases (e.g. Cryphonectria parasitica) and... more
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