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Residual alkalinity as tracer to estimate the changes induced by forage cultivation in a non-saline irrigated sodic soil.
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      Civil EngineeringWest AfricaAgricultural Water ManagementWater Supply
Residual alkalinity as tracer to estimate the changes induced by forage cultivation in a non-saline irrigated sodic soil.
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      Civil EngineeringWest AfricaAgricultural Water ManagementWater Supply
A distinctive feature of the Nhecolândia, a sub-region of the Pantanal wetland in Brazil, is the presence of both saline and freshwater lakes. Saline lakes used to be attributed to a past arid phase during the Pleistocene. However, recent... more
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      Earth SciencesWetlandsStatistical AnalysisSaline Lake
A model of anaerobiosis based on gas diffusion and microbial respiration is proposed for soil aggregates. Unlike previous models, it accounts for the dependency of O2 consumption on O2 and CO2 concentrations and, consequently, on chemical... more
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      Plant BiologyModelsSoilsSol
Under anaerobic conditions, microbes closely interact with geochemical reactions and can have an impact on the soil, the deep vadose zone, the underlying aquifer and the atmosphere. We have designed a model combining anaerobic microbial... more
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      MicrobiologyGeochemistrySoil SciencePlant Biology
Soils of the terraces of the Niger River have locally undergone, prior to irrigation, a process of alkalinization. The use of the resulting nonsaline sodic soils [pHs 8.5–9.8 (s is “on saturated paste"), ECS = 2.2–3.2 dS m−1, SAR = 12–28... more
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      PhosphorusWater SupplyMaizeNitrogen
In some soils of the Niger valley, alkalinization and sodization are related to the concentration of alteration products of calco-alkaline gneiss to biotite, which releases significant amounts of cations and alkalinity. The result is an... more
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      Soil sciencesField Study
Evidence of soil degradation impeding soil tillage and irrigation in cultivated soils in Pakistan is identi®ed, described and represented in a general process of degradation. Based on a chemical analysis of soil characteristics, it is... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental SciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
We investigated the effects of slurry application on water quality in wells, pasture-drainage conduits and rivers. The parameters determined were electrical conductivity, dry residue, pH, dissolved O 2 , NO À 3 , NO À 2 , Cl À , Na, PO 3À... more
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      Civil EngineeringWater qualityPrincipal Component AnalysisAgricultural Water Management
In some soils of the Niger valley, alkalinization and sodization are related to the concentration of alteration products of calco-alkaline gneiss to biotite, which releases significant amounts of cations and alkalinity. The result is an... more
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      Soil sciencesField Study
Evidence of soil degradation impeding soil tillage and irrigation in cultivated soils in Pakistan is identi®ed, described and represented in a general process of degradation. Based on a chemical analysis of soil characteristics, it is... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental SciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Soils of the terraces of the Niger River have locally undergone, prior to irrigation, a process of alkalinization. The use of the resulting nonsaline sodic soils [pH s 8.5-9.8 (s is "on saturated paste"), EC S = 2.2-3.2 dS m -1 , SAR =... more
    • by  and +1
    •   13  
      PhosphorusWater SupplyMaizeNitrogen
In some soils of the Niger valley, alkalinization and sodization are related to the concentration of alteration products of calco-alkaline gneiss to biotite, which releases significant amounts of cations and alkalinity. The result is an... more
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      Soil sciencesField Study
Soils of the terraces of the Niger River have locally undergone, prior to irrigation, a process of alkalinization. The use of the resulting nonsaline sodic soils [pHs 8.5–9.8 (s is “on saturated paste"), ECS = 2.2–3.2 dS m−1, SAR = 12–28... more
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    •   13  
      PhosphorusWater SupplyMaizeNitrogen
Evidence of soil degradation impeding soil tillage and irrigation in cultivated soils in Pakistan is identi®ed, described and represented in a general process of degradation. Based on a chemical analysis of soil characteristics, it is... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental SciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The purpose of this study is to obtain a better understanding of groundwater contamination processes in a semi arid environment (precipitation of 270 mm/year) due to irrigation. Therefore, the objective is to study several ions along the... more
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    • Soil sciences
A freshwater reservoir (area: 122 km 2 , volume: 2850 Â 10 6 m 3 , maximum depth: 72 m) located at the outlet of a tropical Andean watershed (Rio Bocon o, 1620 km 2 , 08°57 0 -09°31 0 N, 70°02 0 -70°34 0 W, NW Venezuela) was studied... more
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The question of discriminating sources of organic matter in suspended sediment transported by streams can be addressed by using total organic carbon concentration and stable isotope (d 13 C, d 15 N) measurements when constant fluxes of... more
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      GeologySeasonalitySoil ErosionMaize
The question of discriminating sources of organic matter in suspended sediment transported by streams can be addressed by using total organic carbon concentration and stable isotope (d 13 C, d 15 N) measurements when constant fluxes of... more
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    •   16  
      GeologySeasonalitySoil ErosionMaize
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      Civil EngineeringAgricultural Water ManagementIrrigation Water