Talks by Solveig Lelaurain

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is now recognized internationally as a significant problem agains... more Intimate partner violence (IPV) is now recognized internationally as a significant problem against which public action is being taken. However, victims commonly disclose little of this violence. The understanding of sociocultural factors that prevent women from talking about their male partner's violence towards them thus appears to be an important issue. Using a qualitative approach, this study examines the representations that women survivors of IPV draw on to give meaning to the couple relationship and the links that these representations maintain with IPV and the help-seeking process. Nineteen women, who had previously experienced abuse from an intimate partner, participated in semi-structured interviews. Despite the experience of violence, an idealized vision of the couple relationship persists among the majority of respondents and conflicts with their experience of violence. This gap between an ideal and lived experience appears to be a major source of suffering for the participants who thus develop different
Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 2019
Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 2019
Posters by Solveig Lelaurain
Tavani, J.L., Guened, S., Roger, L., Lelaurain, S., Lo Monaco, G., Piermatteo, A., Dany, L. & Collange, J. (2013, septembre). Exploration des déterminants de la perception d’un consommateur de substances psychoactives. 55è Congrès National de la Société Française de Psychologie. Lyon, France.
Tavani, J.L., Piermattéo, A., Collange, J., Dany, L., Zenasni, F., Le Laurain, S., Thillot, M., & Lo Monaco, G. (2013, janvier). Addiction comportementale ou avec substance : influence sur le jugement social. 11e Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, France.
Piermattéo, A., Lo Monaco, G., Tavani, J.L., Dany, L. Collange, J., Lelaurain, S. & Zenasni, F. (2012, Décembre). Substance vs. activité addictive : une distinction importante en matière de jugement sociale. 7e Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé. Lille, France
Papers by Solveig Lelaurain
Mardaga eBooks, Jan 13, 2022

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020
Suite à la nouvelle loi française pénalisant le harcèlement de rue, plusieurs auteur•rices ont so... more Suite à la nouvelle loi française pénalisant le harcèlement de rue, plusieurs auteur•rices ont souligné le risque de stigmatiser les jeunes hommes racisés tout en occultant la dimension structurelle des violences sexistes. La littérature sociologique sur la racialisation du sexisme invite à penser que cette loi est susceptible de résonner avec un imaginaire partagé sur le sexisme des banlieues. Notre objectif visait à statuer sur cette question. En nous appuyant sur l'approche des représentations sociales, nous avons analysé les processus d'objectivation et d'ancrage en jeu dans la construction du harceleur masculin. Une première étude (N = 120) utilisant la technique de substitution nous a permis de voir que le harceleur masculin s'objective à partir d'images qui se réfèrent aux « jeunes de banlieue ». Les résultats suggèrent l'existence de stratégies de masquage d'opinions contre-normatives à travers l'utilisation de références implicites plutôt qu'explicites. Les images explicites et implicites ont ensuite été utilisées dans une seconde étude pour mesurer la racialisation du harceleur masculin (N = 204). Les résultats montrent que la racialisation du harceleur à partir de la figure du « jeune de banlieue » s'ancre dans un système de pensée légitimant un ordre social raciste et sexiste. Notre travail discute finalement le risque de stigmatisation des jeunes hommes racisés dans le contexte de la loi pénalisant le harcèlement de rue.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2017
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jan 13, 2022
These two studies aim to analyze romantic love induction (1. through a short video and 2. through... more These two studies aim to analyze romantic love induction (1. through a short video and 2. through autobiographical reminder) on the legitimization of intimate partner violence (i.e., perceived severity of violence, victim blame, and exoneration of the perpetrator). It is also to test the mediating effect of patriarchal ideologies (i.e., ambivalent sexism and domestic violence myths) on this relationship. In Study 1 we induce love through a short video (The Notebook trailer). Study 2 aims to check the reproducibility of Study 1 by using a different way of inducing love: auto-biographical recall (write about an ideal love situation that they have experienced and/or would like to experience). This autobiographical reminder also allows us to study the meaning and representations that the subjects attribute to romantic love

Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2021
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is now recognized internationally as a significant problem agains... more Intimate partner violence (IPV) is now recognized internationally as a significant problem against which public action is being taken. However, victims commonly disclose little of this violence. The understanding of sociocultural factors that prevent women from talking about their male partner’s violence towards them thus appears to be an important issue. Using a qualitative approach, this study examines the representations that women survivors of IPV draw on to give meaning to the couple relationship and the links that these representations maintain with IPV and the help-seeking process. Nineteen women, who had previously experienced abuse from an intimate partner, participated in semi-structured interviews. Despite the experience of violence, an idealized vision of the couple relationship persists among the majority of respondents and conflicts with their experience of violence. This gap between an ideal and lived experience appears to be a major source of suffering for the partic...
Psychologie du corps et de l’apparence, 2020
Talks by Solveig Lelaurain
Posters by Solveig Lelaurain
Papers by Solveig Lelaurain