Papers by Laurence Pillant
L'espace politique, 2017
Cet article explore l’impact de l’intervention de l’Union européenne aux frontières de la Grèce. ... more Cet article explore l’impact de l’intervention de l’Union européenne aux frontières de la Grèce. En matière de réconciliation à la frontière gréco-albanaise, de coopération à la frontière gréco-macédonienne, ou de contrôle migratoire à la frontière gréco-turque, des institutions européennes voient le jour et transforment, alimentent ou contribuent à des dynamiques territoriales déjà à l’œuvre. C’est en explorant ces trois études de cas au sein de trois fragments de frontières grecques aux contextes socio-historiques très différents que les auteurs peuvent conclure à la recomposition de certaines instances ou acteurs étatiques à travers l’action de l’UE qui bon gré mal gré explore à ses frontières extérieures de nouvelles modalités d’intervention.
In Bardhoshi Nebi, de Rapper Gilles, Sintès Pierre (éds.), Social practices and local configurati... more In Bardhoshi Nebi, de Rapper Gilles, Sintès Pierre (éds.), Social practices and local configurations in the Balkans, Tirana, Presses de l'Université de Tirana, 143-163, 2013.
Lesbos, l'île aux grillages. Migrations et enfermement à la frontière gréco-turque Laurence PILLA... more Lesbos, l'île aux grillages. Migrations et enfermement à la frontière gréco-turque Laurence PILLANT et Louise TASSIN Laurence Pillant est doctorante en géographie à l'UMR TELEMMe (Aix Marseille Université) et à l'Université de Harokopio (Athènes). Ses travaux portent sur les transformations socio-spatiales inhérentes aux développements du contrôle migra-toire à la frontière gréco-turque à partir du XXI e siècle. Elle a notamment publié « Les conséquences socio-spatiales des nouvelles modalités du contrôle migratoire à la frontière gréco-turque », L'Espace Politique, n°25, avril 2015, en ligne, et
Distribution électronique pour GISTI. © GISTI. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
In Lisa Anteby-Yemini, Virginie Baby-Collin and Sylvie Mazzella Borders, Mobilities and Migration... more In Lisa Anteby-Yemini, Virginie Baby-Collin and Sylvie Mazzella Borders, Mobilities and Migrations Perspectives from the Mediterranean, 19–21st Century
Le contrôle migratoire à la frontière gréco-turque date du début des années 2000. Son caractère r... more Le contrôle migratoire à la frontière gréco-turque date du début des années 2000. Son caractère relativement récent permet d’exposer dans cet article les grandes modifications à la fois sociales et spatiales qui impactent l’ensemble des acteurs concernés par ce contrôle. D’une situation d’urgence « humanitaire » à un processus sécuritaire, le contrôle migratoire s’érige peu à peu en rempart contre la migration à la frontière gréco-turque, impliquant un enfermement systématique et des manquements aux droits des migrants en Europe et en Grèce. Au gré des modifications du dispositif, et notamment avec l'apparition des procédures de screening, il s’agit de montrer comment les lieux de contrôle et d’enfermement, en s’institutionnalisant, transforment les rapports socio-spatiaux des acteurs au contrôle.
Call for Proposals by Laurence Pillant

Call for Proposals
Second Balkan studies meeting
In search of the Balkans: Between Europe an... more Call for Proposals
Second Balkan studies meeting
In search of the Balkans: Between Europe and the Mediterranean?
Marseille, June 2-4, 2016
MuCEM, Villa Méditeranée
The “In search of the Balkans: between Europe and the Mediterranean?” conference (June 2-4, 2016) will follow the “Balkan studies: state of knowledge and lines of research” meeting organized by the French Association of Balkan studies (AFEBALK) in Paris in November 2002. The objective of this new meeting is to provide an overview of the current state of research concerning this region through the perspective of the multiple ways of practicing social sciences here. Nearly fifteen years after the previous meeting, a new milestone in the contemporary Balkan studies in France has to be set. Numerous issues valid then (minorities, conflicts, borders, interfaith co-existence etc.), which often contributed to characterizing the Balkans as a “separate” space in Europe, have now given way to new perspectives, new challenges and new research practices. This new “return of the Balkans” to the forefront of the European scene has been demonstrated by distinct events such as the entry of certain countries in the European Union (Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, Croatia in 2013) and the prospective membership of others (Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Macedonia, etc.) as well as a series of far-reaching events such as the eruption of the financial crisis in Greece and its global effects and the massive and dramatic migratory processes currently facing the entire southeast European region. In different manners, these events have led us to view the Balkan area as connected to both continental (new EU memberships) and globalization (spread of the economic crisis, migrations) trends. The participation of Balkan societies in wider processes has been accompanied by numerous transformations that have affected the everyday lives of its inhabitants over the last decades. As such, beyond the question “are the Balkans still valid ?” (a rhetorical question at the time of the Greek crisis, the migration issues, the EU membership process and geopolitical recomposition processes in eastern and southern Europe), we can ask in what manner southeastern Europe still constitutes an effective observatory to understand the wider social dynamics affecting both the European continent and the Mediterranean region.
Looking beyond the mobilization of local teams of the University of Aix-Marseille (Maison méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, LabexMed, MuCEM and Villa Méditerranée), Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan (CREC), Lyon (CREA and EVS) and CETOBAC (EHESS, CNRS and Collège de France), these meetings aim to constitute a new milestone enabling the re-valorization of the activity of the French Association of Balkan studies as a interdisciplinary exchange framework for researchers working in France (regularly as well as occasionally) on the southeaster European countries. This is the reason why this conference will also leave room for personal and institutional experiences, roundtables for the discussion of the current state of Balkan studies along and broader discussions with the public regarding these questions during sessions largely open to the public.
The proposals (maximum 2,500 characters spaces included, in English or in French, with five key words and the indication as to which theme the contribution could be integrated into) must be submitted on the scienceconf.orgplatform ( before January 30, 2016, along with a biographical note five lines long (please, take into account the full version of the call for proposals published on this website). You will receive a response on March 1. This meeting will lead to several publications.
Call for paper by Laurence Pillant
L'objectif de cette journée d'étude est de comprendre la place de l'économie dans les sciences hu... more L'objectif de cette journée d'étude est de comprendre la place de l'économie dans les sciences humaines et sociales, soit comme outil permettant de traiter les questionnements, soit en choisissant comme objet d'étude les pratiques économiques des acteurs. Comment les chercheurs se saisissent-ils de l'économie dans leurs travaux de sciences humaines et sociales ? Quelle place donnent-ils aux mots de l'économie ? Quelles méthodes empruntent-ils aux sciences économiques ? Enfin comment traitent-ils des pratiques et des discours économiques de leurs acteurs ?
Conference Presentations by Laurence Pillant

Communication MMSH -Sylvie Laurens [email protected] Maison méditerranéenne des sci... more Communication MMSH -Sylvie Laurens [email protected] Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme -5, rue du Château de l'Horloge -BP 647 -13094 -Aix-en-Provence Cedex 2 -Tél. : 33 (0) 4 42 52 40 00 Fax : 33 (0) 4 42 52 43 66 - -Accès depuis centre ville : bus ligne 8, arrêt Picasso Séminaire MiMed 2018 MMSH, Aix-en-Provence Entrée Libre Coordination/ Contacts : L.Odasso ([email protected]) et L.Pillant ([email protected]) Programme annuel Le Réseau thématique MiMED développe au sein de la MMSH un dialogue interdisciplinaire autour des circulations en Méditerranée et au-delà, des hommes, des biens, des pratiques, des idées, envisagées dans leurs territoires et leurs temporalités. Coordination scientifique : Virgine Baby-Collin et Sylvie Mazzella. > 13 février 9h30-17h30, LEST, Aix-en-Provence Journée d'étude MIMED-MIGTRAV, « Les réfugiés syriens au Moyen Orient. Encampement, vulnérabilités et travail »projet ANR Lajeh. Voir le programme : > 22-23 février, 9h30-17h30, Fort Saint Jean, MUCEM, Marseille Colloque international, « Migrations familiales et usages du droit » organisé par Aurélie Fillod-Chabaud (sociologue, AMU, CNRS, CNElias IREMAM, LabexMed) et Laura Odasso (sociologue, AMU, CNRS, LAMES TELEMMe, LabexMed), en collaboration avec MIMED. Voir le programme :
Drafts by Laurence Pillant
Papers by Laurence Pillant
Call for Proposals by Laurence Pillant
Second Balkan studies meeting
In search of the Balkans: Between Europe and the Mediterranean?
Marseille, June 2-4, 2016
MuCEM, Villa Méditeranée
The “In search of the Balkans: between Europe and the Mediterranean?” conference (June 2-4, 2016) will follow the “Balkan studies: state of knowledge and lines of research” meeting organized by the French Association of Balkan studies (AFEBALK) in Paris in November 2002. The objective of this new meeting is to provide an overview of the current state of research concerning this region through the perspective of the multiple ways of practicing social sciences here. Nearly fifteen years after the previous meeting, a new milestone in the contemporary Balkan studies in France has to be set. Numerous issues valid then (minorities, conflicts, borders, interfaith co-existence etc.), which often contributed to characterizing the Balkans as a “separate” space in Europe, have now given way to new perspectives, new challenges and new research practices. This new “return of the Balkans” to the forefront of the European scene has been demonstrated by distinct events such as the entry of certain countries in the European Union (Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, Croatia in 2013) and the prospective membership of others (Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Macedonia, etc.) as well as a series of far-reaching events such as the eruption of the financial crisis in Greece and its global effects and the massive and dramatic migratory processes currently facing the entire southeast European region. In different manners, these events have led us to view the Balkan area as connected to both continental (new EU memberships) and globalization (spread of the economic crisis, migrations) trends. The participation of Balkan societies in wider processes has been accompanied by numerous transformations that have affected the everyday lives of its inhabitants over the last decades. As such, beyond the question “are the Balkans still valid ?” (a rhetorical question at the time of the Greek crisis, the migration issues, the EU membership process and geopolitical recomposition processes in eastern and southern Europe), we can ask in what manner southeastern Europe still constitutes an effective observatory to understand the wider social dynamics affecting both the European continent and the Mediterranean region.
Looking beyond the mobilization of local teams of the University of Aix-Marseille (Maison méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, LabexMed, MuCEM and Villa Méditerranée), Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan (CREC), Lyon (CREA and EVS) and CETOBAC (EHESS, CNRS and Collège de France), these meetings aim to constitute a new milestone enabling the re-valorization of the activity of the French Association of Balkan studies as a interdisciplinary exchange framework for researchers working in France (regularly as well as occasionally) on the southeaster European countries. This is the reason why this conference will also leave room for personal and institutional experiences, roundtables for the discussion of the current state of Balkan studies along and broader discussions with the public regarding these questions during sessions largely open to the public.
The proposals (maximum 2,500 characters spaces included, in English or in French, with five key words and the indication as to which theme the contribution could be integrated into) must be submitted on the scienceconf.orgplatform ( before January 30, 2016, along with a biographical note five lines long (please, take into account the full version of the call for proposals published on this website). You will receive a response on March 1. This meeting will lead to several publications.
Call for paper by Laurence Pillant
Conference Presentations by Laurence Pillant
Drafts by Laurence Pillant
Second Balkan studies meeting
In search of the Balkans: Between Europe and the Mediterranean?
Marseille, June 2-4, 2016
MuCEM, Villa Méditeranée
The “In search of the Balkans: between Europe and the Mediterranean?” conference (June 2-4, 2016) will follow the “Balkan studies: state of knowledge and lines of research” meeting organized by the French Association of Balkan studies (AFEBALK) in Paris in November 2002. The objective of this new meeting is to provide an overview of the current state of research concerning this region through the perspective of the multiple ways of practicing social sciences here. Nearly fifteen years after the previous meeting, a new milestone in the contemporary Balkan studies in France has to be set. Numerous issues valid then (minorities, conflicts, borders, interfaith co-existence etc.), which often contributed to characterizing the Balkans as a “separate” space in Europe, have now given way to new perspectives, new challenges and new research practices. This new “return of the Balkans” to the forefront of the European scene has been demonstrated by distinct events such as the entry of certain countries in the European Union (Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, Croatia in 2013) and the prospective membership of others (Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Macedonia, etc.) as well as a series of far-reaching events such as the eruption of the financial crisis in Greece and its global effects and the massive and dramatic migratory processes currently facing the entire southeast European region. In different manners, these events have led us to view the Balkan area as connected to both continental (new EU memberships) and globalization (spread of the economic crisis, migrations) trends. The participation of Balkan societies in wider processes has been accompanied by numerous transformations that have affected the everyday lives of its inhabitants over the last decades. As such, beyond the question “are the Balkans still valid ?” (a rhetorical question at the time of the Greek crisis, the migration issues, the EU membership process and geopolitical recomposition processes in eastern and southern Europe), we can ask in what manner southeastern Europe still constitutes an effective observatory to understand the wider social dynamics affecting both the European continent and the Mediterranean region.
Looking beyond the mobilization of local teams of the University of Aix-Marseille (Maison méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, LabexMed, MuCEM and Villa Méditerranée), Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan (CREC), Lyon (CREA and EVS) and CETOBAC (EHESS, CNRS and Collège de France), these meetings aim to constitute a new milestone enabling the re-valorization of the activity of the French Association of Balkan studies as a interdisciplinary exchange framework for researchers working in France (regularly as well as occasionally) on the southeaster European countries. This is the reason why this conference will also leave room for personal and institutional experiences, roundtables for the discussion of the current state of Balkan studies along and broader discussions with the public regarding these questions during sessions largely open to the public.
The proposals (maximum 2,500 characters spaces included, in English or in French, with five key words and the indication as to which theme the contribution could be integrated into) must be submitted on the scienceconf.orgplatform ( before January 30, 2016, along with a biographical note five lines long (please, take into account the full version of the call for proposals published on this website). You will receive a response on March 1. This meeting will lead to several publications.