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Les habitats coralligènes sont des habitats côtiers marins typiquement méditerranéens, recensés sur la plupart des côtes méditerranéennes à des profondeurs entre 20 et 120 m. Ils représentent des fonds durs d'origine biogénique,... more
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The Mediterranean Sea is hosting almost 10% of the total marine biodiversity in spite of representing less than 1% of the global ocean surface. This regional sea experiences high anthropogenic pressures, such as growing human population... more
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Background Over the last decade, inventorying and monitoring of marine biodiversity has significantly benefited from the active engagement of volunteers. Although several Citizen Science projects concern tropical reef ecosystems... more
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A new method based on photographic sampling coupled with in situ observations was applied to 53 stations along the French Mediterranean coast, to assess the integrity of coralligenous reefs affected by different levels of anthropogenic... more
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      BiodiversityEcological status assessment
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Genetic diversity is crucial for species' maintenance and persistence, yet is often overlooked in conservation studies. Species diversity is more often reported due to practical constraints, but it is unknown if these measures of... more
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      GeographyPopulation genetics (Biology)Biodiversity
In a world of declining biodiversity, monitoring is becoming crucial. Molecular methods, such as metabarcoding, have the potential to rapidly expand our knowledge of biodiversity, supporting assessment, management, and conservation. In... more
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We investigated the validity of Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) as monitoring tools for hard bottoms across a wide geographic and environmental range. We deployed 36 ARMS in the northeast Atlantic, northwest Mediterranean,... more
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Visualisation de données sous forme de graphes en archéologie. Rencontre opérationnelle des archéologues d'ArkeoGIS et des écologues d'IndexMed
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      ArchaeologyDistributed Information Systems
Data integration, data analytics and decision support methods can help increase agriculture challenges such as climate change adaptation or food security. In this context, smart data acquisition systems, interoperable information systems... more
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    • Computer Science
The SHARC Interest Group of the Research Data Alliance was established to improve research crediting and rewarding mechanisms for scientists who wish to organise their data (and material resources) for community sharing. This requires... more
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    • Computer Science
Making data compliant with the FAIR Data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) is still a challenge for many researchers, who are not sure which criteria should be met first and how. Illustrated with experimental data... more
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Data produced by the SeasEra CIGESMED project (Coralligenous based Indicators to evaluate and monitor the "Good Environmental Status" of the MEDiterranean coastal waters) have a high potential to be used by several stakeholders... more
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Data produced by biodiversity research projects that evaluate and monitor Good Environmental Status have a high potential for use by stakeholders involved in [marine] environmental management. The lack of specific scientific objectives,... more
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Indexed identifier ? Identification Are each data/dataset identified by an indexed and independant identifier ? Persistent metadata / data link ? Metadata traceability Are the metadata linked to the dataset through a persistent... more
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Coralligenous habitats are part of the most important Mediterranean marine ecosystems in terms of complexity and biodiversity. They provide protection, feeding and reproduction areas for more than 1600 species. This biodiversity is... more
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The RDA-SHARC (SHAring Reward & Credit) interest group is an interdisciplinary volunteer member-based group set up as part of RDA (Research Data Alliance) to unpack and improve crediting and rewarding mechanisms in the sharing process... more
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    • Computer Science
We are now facing profound changes (biodiversity, climate, pandemic, etc.). Human impacts and their mitigation will depend on our ability to mobilize research at the global level. The sustainable development of the society will largely... more
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    • Computer Science
The SHARC (SHAring Reward & Credit) interest group (IG) is an interdisciplinary group set up in the framework of RDA (Research Data Alliance) to improve crediting and rewarding mechanisms in the sharing process throughout the data life... more
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    • Computer Science