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It has been argued that long-term environmental initiatives make organizations more efficient because they strive to reduce resource use in various ways. In temporary organizations, however, objectives are shortterm and are prioritized... more
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Humanitarian relief operations are complex to study and to manage. The purpose of the paper is, from an analysis of the required management competencies to face the complexity of relief operations, to show the relevance of a multi-view... more
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We discuss the relevance in adopting a project management approach of logistics activities undertaken in humanitarian relief operations related to a natural catastrophe. Based on project management literature, we propose a multi-criteria... more
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The role of logistics as a source of competitive advantage for firms has been largely studied in the strategic management literature. This is supported by the idea that firms are a bundle of resources and, thus, firm-specific logistics... more
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● The complexity and scale of humanitarian relief appeals for a professionalization of humanitarian logistics. ● The rise of a great number of humanitarian organizations is turning this context into a highly competitive environment. ● In... more
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Globalization of a firm's activity means the establishment of long-term business relationship with several suppliers. These relations contribute to the appearance of the partnership. However, the survival of this type of relation is based... more
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      EngineeringGlobalizationCustomer Relationship ManagementBusiness relationship
The control of the relationship between partner companies concerns all the actions they develop together to achieve their common objectives and to react at the right time to any failure of one of the partners. A negotiation between the... more
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Les performances des robots industriels ont une très grande importance dans le développement de l'automatisation de l'industrie manufacturière. En effet, cette industrie se modernise et donc modifie et développe rapidement ses structures... more
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ABSTRACT The appearance of complex products on the market involved a change and an increase of complexity at the Customer/Supplier Relationship (CSR) level. Indeed, the company had recourse to outsourcing in order to ensure their... more
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Résumé-Le monde industriel est sans cesse confronté à des problèmes de choix. Une multitude de critères doit être pris en compte dans la résolution de ces derniers. Face à ces situations, les outils d'aide à la décision prennent tout leur... more
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Abstract In this paper, we first present a metaheuristics literature review followed by a describing of the chosen metaheuristic to optimize the multicriteria decision aid method (AHP). Second, we will consider a case study to propose a... more
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Mes activités de recherche s' effectuent au sein du Laboratoire de Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes (LSIS), dirigé par Mustapha Ouladsine, Professeur à l'Université Paul Cézanne. Sur le plan des activités pédagogiques, je... more
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Abstract The emergence of specialization in the industrial world implied involving several enterprises in the development of products. As a result, enterprises are obliged to fit into a supply chain network in order to ensure their... more
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Abstract: Faced to international competition, the industrial production requires increasingly implementation conditions. In certain cases, that forces to seek new techniques of workshop control. It is the case when it is asked to... more
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Abstract. Product traceability is now an obligation in terms of observability and flexibility of manufacturing systems and logistics chains. RFID technologies are due to be more and more integrated into existing communication networks.... more
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Résumé-Un système reliant la biométrie pour l'identification et l'infotronique pour le suivi de flux de personnes tout en se basant sur le paradigme holonique, une architecture isoarchique et une analyse multicritère est présenté. Tout... more
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