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A shipwreck was discovered at Pointe aux Feuilles in the Grand Port Bay on the east coast of Mauritius (Fig. 1a) on 10 October 2004 by Armiyo Vurdapa Naiken, head diver of the Fish Farm of Mahebourg. The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) was... more
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Savudrija)"00/02" Prethodno priopćenje Primljeno: 15.07.2012. Odobreno: 23.08.2012. U uvali Savudrija, u svibnju 2011. g., započela su istraživanja antičke lučke arhitekture čiji je cilj rekonstrukcija antičkog krajolika i pokušaj... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental Science
The recent discovery of aerial photographs of the Istrian territory and coast among the WWII USAAF imagery preserved in the Aerofototeca Nazionale archives adds important information to the already rich history of this area. The aerial... more
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