Books by Sebastiano Blancato

Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2024
This volume collects the documents - dispersed in various files of several miscellaneous register... more This volume collects the documents - dispersed in various files of several miscellaneous registers preserved in three different archives in Friuli - of two cleric-notaries active in the Aquileian curia at the beginning of the patriarchate of Bertrand (1334-1336). The first, Giovanni di Pietro dalle Fratte di Gaeta, worked in the service of Saint-Geniès in Avignon, from where he followed the prelate to Friuli, before disappearing without a trace; the second, Pietro di Giovanni da Baone, who was entrusted, among other things, with drafting the document marking the establishment of the Collegiate Church of Udine, had at the time already begun his career which would lead him to end his days as bishop of Treviso. The fragmentary nature of the registers, however, underlines the undoubted thematic unity of the documents contained therein, linked to their exquisitely ecclesiastical nature: ostensiones of beneficial titles, collactiones, minutes of the curia of the diocese of Aquileia, as well as of its much larger ecclesiastical province.
Padova, Centro Studi Antoniani, 2023
The book presents a collection of all the regesta (translated abstracts) of parchment documents p... more The book presents a collection of all the regesta (translated abstracts) of parchment documents preserved in two volumes of the archival series "Convento di Sant'Antonio di Gemona" covering a chronological span of 5 centuries (although the largest number of documents is from the 14th-15th centuries): through the documents presented, mostly testamentary bequests, a large fresco of the town of Gemona opens up, located at the center of the trade routes that led from Venice to the German-speaking countries. The book also includes a repertoire of the signa of the writing notaries and an analytical index of the names of persons and places.

Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2020
The book publishes the documents contained in the three existing registers of Eusebius de Romagna... more The book publishes the documents contained in the three existing registers of Eusebius de Romagnano who came to the Patriarchate in 1318, in the age of his full maturity, and here died, in Aquileia, in 1337. Being a publicus notarius as early as 1297 in Novara, Eusebius added to his former dignity of canon of the Baptistery of Parma also the prebends of the parish of Bela Cerkev (nowadays in Slovenia), as well as of canon of Aquileia. Under the patriarch Paganus de la Turre, Eusebius’ career could be carved out thanks to his status of a clergy and his skills of notary and chancellor. As his registers evidence – one of which was defined by the notary himself ‘protocollum sive breviarium instrumentorum et aliarum scripturarum publicarum’ – Eusebius was a man of curia, perfectly conscious of the role he played in his different offices as a judicial notary, as well as of scriba and personal notary of patriarch Paganus (and of his vicars).

Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo , 2018
With the publication of this volume, after the ones dedicated to Walterus Civitatensis and Iohann... more With the publication of this volume, after the ones dedicated to Walterus Civitatensis and Iohannes de Lupico, the "Pio Paschini" Institute completes the edition of notes, abbreviations and registers of the notaries of the patriarch of Aquileia from the second half of the thirteenth century. This is the time when the practice of "book documents" settled in the Patriarchate and the role and functions of public notaries were defined, whether they were at the service of the community or, as in the specific case, (also) of the patriarchal curia. The existing manuscripts do not cover the entire time span of the activity of their drafters and therefore very likely constitute, due to the randomness of conservation, only a sample of the writing practice of these notaries (think, for example, of the shabby and ragged notebook of investitures by Franciscus Nasutti, the subject of this edition, the only surviving script of a notary whose activity continuing until the third decade of the following century is indirectly testified by the over 500 regesta of the Thesaurus Ecclesiae Aquileiensis). However, they made it possible to understand the documentary practices of the notaries who worked for the patriarch Raimondo della Torre, while archival research has better outlined their biographical and professional profiles. To the historian - but to say it is trivial - the edition of these sources provides a wealth of information on men, places, social, economic and political relations of the Patriarchate at the end of the thirteenth century.
(from the Introduction by Laura Pani)

Le note di Giovanni da Lupico, Notaio Patriarcale (1265, 1267-1271, 1273, 1277-1279, 1283-1285, 1288, 1294-1298), Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2013, pp. 744 (Fonti per la storia della Chiesa in Friuli dell’Istituto Pio Paschini - Udine, Serie medievale 15) Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, Dec 2013
Originally coming from a castrum in Ciociaria, Pico (Frosinone), master Iohannes de Lupico uninte... more Originally coming from a castrum in Ciociaria, Pico (Frosinone), master Iohannes de Lupico uninterruptedly carried out his activity in the Patriarchate of Aquileia for the entire second half of the 13th century. Kinsman of the only patriarchal chancellor of this period, Nicolaus de Lupico, who arrived in Cividale with the newly-elected patriarch Gregorius de Montelongo (1252) and alongside him until the drafting of his last wishes (1269), Iohannes wrote in Friuli the oldest "patriarchal documentation in book ”, returned to us in a fragment kept in the State Archives of Udine (1265) and in a codex of the Marciana Library in Venice (1267-69 years). Continuing to play his role in the period of the Aquileian see vacancy (1269-73), with the advent of the subsequent patriarch, Raimondo della Torre, the notary's activity intensified, following his dominus not only in the numerous residences of the Patriarchate, but also in Istria, Venice, Padua and Lodi, where he spent over a year (1278-79) during a military campaign by the Torriani against the Visconti. The extensive and relevant documentation written by the notary for the Lombard patriarch is witnessed by two codices kept the "Vincenzo Joppi" LIbrary in Udine, as well as by fragments kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Cividale and in the Archiepiscopal Archives and Library of Udine (1277-1298), where the alternation of acta and instrumenta reveals the notary's double function: as a notarius curie and a notarius of the patriarch. The "hybrid" nature of these sources, with frequent interference between the chancery and notarial models, resulting from the writer's dual area of competence, is also accentuated by the fact that the groups of the current "registers" are the product of a later assemblage of various files of the notary Giovanni, having different functions and belonging to different phases of the drafting of the documents; and they all present, in several points, sequences of the sheets that are not congruent. After due reconstruction of the pages sequence, this volume proposes the complete edition of all the registers, codes and fragments of the notary that have come down to us.
See also by Elisabetta Scarton: recensione a: Le note di Giovanni da Lupico. Notaio patriarcale, a cura di S. Blancato, Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2013, in «Nuova Rivista Storica», C/II (2016), pp. 725-730,

Forum Editrice Universitaria Udinese, Dec 2011
In Artegna, in January 1500, a census was carried out to determine the population and demographic... more In Artegna, in January 1500, a census was carried out to determine the population and demographic situation of the community, in order to give the Government of the Serenissima valid reasons to put an end to a long dispute with nearby Gemona. The Descriptio animarum Artenee is the Latin transcription of this census and represents a rare and exceptional document for the time. From the cross-comparison with the extract of an ancient book of the 'massari' of Artegna written in the vernacular, the author was able to identify the approximately one thousand people, divided into a hundred families, who lived in the Friulian villa in those years. The volume contains the complete reproduction of the census facsimiles, their transcription and translation accompanied by a large set of notes relating to the persons surveyed, whose family names are still recurrent today among the inhabitants of the little town.
The file below shows an almost complete version of the book, from which the following pages are missing (all containing only facsimiles of the manuscript sheets), which do not affect the complete reading of the text.
p. 182, 186, 229-230, 254, 259, 261-262, 265-266, 269-270, 273-274, 277-278, 281-282, 285-286, 289-290, 293-294, 297-298, 301-302, 305-306, 309-310, 313-314, 317-318, 321-322, 325-326, 329-330, 333-334.
Papers by Sebastiano Blancato

Zgodovinski časopis, 2023
The paper analyzes, critically edits, and translates a treaty signed between the Patriarchate of ... more The paper analyzes, critically edits, and translates a treaty signed between the Patriarchate of Grado and the Patriarchate of Aquileia in 1180 whereby the former relinquished to the latter all the claims over Istrian bishoprics, mainly the metropolitan rights, the patriarchal treasury, and some other possessions in the vicinity of Aquileia, thus ending a dispute that plagued the relations between the two patriarchates for centuries and provoked several armed conflicts. As such, the document presents one of the most important historical sources in the context of medieval Istria and the Patriarchate of Aquileia, but the charter itself was never critically edited according to modern ecdotical standards. The authors aim to change this by critically editing the charter, both the treaty as well as the subsequent papal confirmation, and translating this seminal document into English in an effort to make it more accessible to a wider range of professional and non-professional audiences.
Centro studi antoniani, Padova , 2022
The article identifies the Friulian scholar and historian Gian Giuseppe Liruti as the organizer o... more The article identifies the Friulian scholar and historian Gian Giuseppe Liruti as the organizer of some of the volumes constituting the archival series Convento di Sant'Antonio, kept in the City Archives of Gemona; it further gives a brief description of this fund and in a large appendix thereof it publishes, among other things, the Latin regesta, drawn up by Liruti himself, and placed before two codices of the same conservation institute, intended to collect parchments (ACG 1394 and 1395 ).

Il castello di Attimis. Tra natura e cultura, a cura di A. Borzacconi, M. Buora e M. Lavarone, Trieste 2023 (Archeologia di Frontiera 10 – 2023), pp. 69-116., 2023
The paper analyzes and edits 11 documents from the 12th century, which constitute the original nu... more The paper analyzes and edits 11 documents from the 12th century, which constitute the original nucleus of the documentary tradition on the castle of Attimis: these documents, already the subject of various publications in the past, needed a new critical edition in view of recent historiographical attainments. With considerations of a legal and palaeographic-diplomatic nature, and in the light of the new genealogical knowledges, the essay highlights the elements of authenticity and criticality of the documents, giving new proposals for their dating, solving the interpretation of various toponyms and reconstructing the parental relations between Ulric marchio Tusciae, who came into possession of the castle of Attimis thanks to the hereditary axis of his wife Diemot – daughter to the former owners of the castle, Mathilde and Conrad – and their successor Conrad, their probable grandson, son of their daughter Lucarda.
Gorizia. Studi e ricerche per il LXXXIX convegno della Deputazione di Storia patria per il Friuli, a cura di S. Cavazza e P. Iancis, 2018
The edition of a parchment kept at the City Library of Udine containing an act of sale (dated 126... more The edition of a parchment kept at the City Library of Udine containing an act of sale (dated 1262 October 22nd, Lusinis) as early as in the second half of the XIII century evidences the Friulian variant for the toponym Lucinico, the existence of a defensive curtain in the village, the cohabitation of three different ethnic (German, Latin-Romance and Slavonian) groups referable to different social layers, as well as the possible presence of an organized form of ruling and mediation with the surrounding territory. The paper includes the edition of two other documents referring to the same area between Mossa and Lucinico in the same period (end of the 13th - beginning of the 14th century).

CE FASTU?, Rivista della Società Filologica Friulana “Graziadio I. Ascoli”, 2018
This article puts forward a new interpretation of an epigraph preserved at the Castle of Artegna ... more This article puts forward a new interpretation of an epigraph preserved at the Castle of Artegna which has
so far been deemed to be an epitaph for the anonymous wife of the feudatary Giovanni d’Artegna and thus
dated back to the late XIII and early XIV centuries. It is herein argued, instead, that engraved on the stone is
a well-wishing and apotropaic formula that belongs to the hagiographic tradition of St. Agatha. The formula,
which was widespread throughout the western Latin world, was typically found on bells, as well as on stones,
parchments and other papers, in combination with a typical pun on the Redeemer which was in use during
the Caroline renaissance. Considering its affinity with other local documents and monuments, the author
proposes a later dating for the engraved stone and considers it as evidence for the Christian-magical tradition,
which is a less known cultural and anthropological aspect of local history.
Scrineum Rivista, 2017
This paper is intended as a first study of judicial acts of matrimonial cause proceedings in the ... more This paper is intended as a first study of judicial acts of matrimonial cause proceedings in the Patriarchate of Aquileia. It consists of an introductory note and an Appendix. The former firstly deals with the heuristic peculiarities of this branch of documentary sources and with the wedding institution in the late Middle Ages and its impediments according to canon laws; secondly, it gives an account of the Friulian documents of wedding contracts from the second half of the 13th century to the first decades of the 14th century and of the procedural acts, with specific attention to the places of law courts, the people involved, the procedural iter and the documentary praxis inferred from the documents.
In the Appendix 10 procedural dossiers and 12 individual documents, mostly yet unknown, are published.
«In forma di parole», Anno XXVII, Numero 4, 2007,, 2007
«In forma di parole», Anno IX, Numero 4, Padova, 1988
Obdobja 27. The Reformation in Slovene Lands (On the 500th Anniversary of Trubar's Birth), 2010
Thesis Chapters by Sebastiano Blancato

Notaries of the Patriarchate of Aquileia: Men of the Institutions (2nd half of the 13th century).... more Notaries of the Patriarchate of Aquileia: Men of the Institutions (2nd half of the 13th century). Objective of the research is notariate in the Patriarchate of Aquileia, through the survey of a very large number of 13th-century (mostly unpublished) notarial sources, so as to define the entity and volume of this phenomenon in the aforesaid chronological and geographical precincts (with an up-to-date list of 353 notaries and a repertoire of 272 signa tabellionum), starting from the biographical (and prosopographical) definition of a series of notaries, the majority of whom had been so far hardly ever studied, with an attentive eye to their functional role as public notaries, but also as of officials in the different (administrative, juridical, ecclesiastical) institutions, and masters in the educational system, of the Patriarchate, as well as of the collective role of this peculiar social (upper-middle) class of well-educated and wealthy persons, not only in the strict exertion of their profession, but also as means of cultural and economic exchange between society, institutions and economic issues as a new standpoint in the general frame of the local history of the time.
Book Reviews by Sebastiano Blancato
Udine, Gaspari editore - Istituto Pio Paschini per la storia della chiesa in Friuli, 2023
Recensione del libro: Il Duomo di Udine. Storia e architettura tra Medioevo e Rinascimento, a cur... more Recensione del libro: Il Duomo di Udine. Storia e architettura tra Medioevo e Rinascimento, a cura di Cesare SCALON, introduzione di Cesare Scalon, Udine, Gaspari editore - Istituto Pio Paschini per la storia della chiesa in Friuli, 2023 (Monumenti del Patriarcato Aquileiese, 2), 2 tomi in cofanetto
«Memorie storiche forogiuliesi», 2020
F. DE VITT, recensione a: S. BLANCATO, Il protocollo e i registri di Eusebio da Romagnano, Notaio... more F. DE VITT, recensione a: S. BLANCATO, Il protocollo e i registri di Eusebio da Romagnano, Notaio patriarcale (1319-1320, 1328-1332, 1334-1335), Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2020, pp. 598 (Fonti per la storia della Chiesa in Friuli dell’Istituto Pio Paschini - Udine, Serie., in «Memorie storiche forogiuliesi», C (2020), pp. 275-276
Recensione del libro: PAOLO E FRANCO BELLI GIOTTI, Lettere al padre. Dialogo di Virgilio Giotti c... more Recensione del libro: PAOLO E FRANCO BELLI GIOTTI, Lettere al padre. Dialogo di Virgilio Giotti con i figli durante la campagna di Russia, a cura di ANNA DE SIMONE, introduzione di CESARE SEGRE, postfazione di CLAUDIO MAGRIS, Trieste, Il Ramo d'oro, 2005 (Archivi della Memoria, 6), pp. 413
Drafts by Sebastiano Blancato

Figlio di Pietro Cane, mercante di Cividale, e di Elia, figlia del notaio patriarcale Giovanni da... more Figlio di Pietro Cane, mercante di Cividale, e di Elia, figlia del notaio patriarcale Giovanni da Lupico, Nicolò era già canonico di Cividale nel giugno 1296. Non sono rimaste evidenze della sua attività notarile che, quantunque spesso attestata, rimane nebulosa, a differenza delle testimonianze sulla vita del notaio-canonico che rivelano intraprendenza e temerarietà. Non si conoscono il luogo e la data della sua morte; si sa solo che il 13 aprile 1341 il patriarca Bertrando di Saint-Geniès, tramite il suo notaio Gubertino da Novate, commetteva al notaio Giovanni da Udine, oltre alle note di Nicolò da Foro, suo defunto padre, anche quelle dei maestri Nicolò da Cividale e Giovanni da Lupico, rispettivamente zio e nonno materni di Nicolò. È dunque grazie a quest’atto che si riesce a stabilire una “dinastia notarile” che attestata partire dalla metà del XIII secolo continua fino agli anni Settanta del secolo successivo.
Books by Sebastiano Blancato
(from the Introduction by Laura Pani)
See also by Elisabetta Scarton: recensione a: Le note di Giovanni da Lupico. Notaio patriarcale, a cura di S. Blancato, Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2013, in «Nuova Rivista Storica», C/II (2016), pp. 725-730,
The file below shows an almost complete version of the book, from which the following pages are missing (all containing only facsimiles of the manuscript sheets), which do not affect the complete reading of the text.
p. 182, 186, 229-230, 254, 259, 261-262, 265-266, 269-270, 273-274, 277-278, 281-282, 285-286, 289-290, 293-294, 297-298, 301-302, 305-306, 309-310, 313-314, 317-318, 321-322, 325-326, 329-330, 333-334.
Papers by Sebastiano Blancato
so far been deemed to be an epitaph for the anonymous wife of the feudatary Giovanni d’Artegna and thus
dated back to the late XIII and early XIV centuries. It is herein argued, instead, that engraved on the stone is
a well-wishing and apotropaic formula that belongs to the hagiographic tradition of St. Agatha. The formula,
which was widespread throughout the western Latin world, was typically found on bells, as well as on stones,
parchments and other papers, in combination with a typical pun on the Redeemer which was in use during
the Caroline renaissance. Considering its affinity with other local documents and monuments, the author
proposes a later dating for the engraved stone and considers it as evidence for the Christian-magical tradition,
which is a less known cultural and anthropological aspect of local history.
In the Appendix 10 procedural dossiers and 12 individual documents, mostly yet unknown, are published.
Thesis Chapters by Sebastiano Blancato
Book Reviews by Sebastiano Blancato
Drafts by Sebastiano Blancato
(from the Introduction by Laura Pani)
See also by Elisabetta Scarton: recensione a: Le note di Giovanni da Lupico. Notaio patriarcale, a cura di S. Blancato, Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2013, in «Nuova Rivista Storica», C/II (2016), pp. 725-730,
The file below shows an almost complete version of the book, from which the following pages are missing (all containing only facsimiles of the manuscript sheets), which do not affect the complete reading of the text.
p. 182, 186, 229-230, 254, 259, 261-262, 265-266, 269-270, 273-274, 277-278, 281-282, 285-286, 289-290, 293-294, 297-298, 301-302, 305-306, 309-310, 313-314, 317-318, 321-322, 325-326, 329-330, 333-334.
so far been deemed to be an epitaph for the anonymous wife of the feudatary Giovanni d’Artegna and thus
dated back to the late XIII and early XIV centuries. It is herein argued, instead, that engraved on the stone is
a well-wishing and apotropaic formula that belongs to the hagiographic tradition of St. Agatha. The formula,
which was widespread throughout the western Latin world, was typically found on bells, as well as on stones,
parchments and other papers, in combination with a typical pun on the Redeemer which was in use during
the Caroline renaissance. Considering its affinity with other local documents and monuments, the author
proposes a later dating for the engraved stone and considers it as evidence for the Christian-magical tradition,
which is a less known cultural and anthropological aspect of local history.
In the Appendix 10 procedural dossiers and 12 individual documents, mostly yet unknown, are published.
Accanto alle sue mansioni di cancelleria è testimoniata, più raramente, anche la sua attività più propriamente notarile. La prima attestazione di Paolo in qualità di arcidiacono della Carnia è del luglio 1255. In tale carica Paolo probabilmente non restò più di 3 anni, poiché già il 28 luglio del 1258 egli risultava defunto.
editi dal Centro Studi Antoniani di Padova