Papers by Emanuela E. Rinaldi

Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
Background: Assessing individuals' financial literacy levels is currently widely recognized as be... more Background: Assessing individuals' financial literacy levels is currently widely recognized as being necessary to design effective financial education programs and also to evaluate their actual impact. To address the lack of a consensus regarding an appropriate instrument to measure financial literacy, the OECD and its International Network on Financial Education (INFE) developed a core questionnaire in 2011, to be administered across a wide range of countries. Italy participated in the study with a survey promoted by the financial consortium ABI-PattiChiari. A tailored version of the OECD/INFE questionnaire was used in the survey, with three indicators of financial literacy taken from the OECD survey (financial behavior index, financial attitude index, financial knowledge index) and two new indicators (financial familiarity index and financial planning). Purpose: The present paper focuses on data analysis methods used to evaluate financial literacy among the Italian adult population. It reviews data analysis approaches used to evaluate financial literacy and proposes a new method to gauge this latent construct in order to obtain a valid and reliable index that is able to capture educational needs in a manner that is as accurate and targeted as possible. Methods: The sample used for the survey consisted of 1247 Italian residents of at least 18 years of age who were reached via CATI. The sample was obtained by appropriate stratification across several dimensions (gender, age, geographical area, and municipality size). We propose alternative data analysis methods to treat the survey data: item response theory (IRT) and classification and regression tree analysis. Results: The analysis highlighted the crucial role that data analysis methods play in assessing financial literacy. Comparing the results for classical test theory and IRT, this paper suggests that financial literacy research should be open to alternative and multiple approaches to obtain reliable measures of financial literacy that are able to capture the educational needs of different population groups and can help to design effective financial education programs.
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2012
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2013
... Adolescents and money Emanuela Rinaldi, Andrea Bonanomi ... expect that money (as a value and... more ... Adolescents and money Emanuela Rinaldi, Andrea Bonanomi ... expect that money (as a value and/or as a tool) will become more important, probably as the most secure mean to face globalization and what has become known as manufactured uncertainty (Giddens, 1994). ...
Studi Di Sociologia, 2011
Rinaldi E., (2012), ‘Pensando al futuro: preadolescenti italiani e stranieri tra aspettative e co... more Rinaldi E., (2012), ‘Pensando al futuro: preadolescenti italiani e stranieri tra aspettative e competizione’, in E. Besozzi, M. Colombo (a cura di). Relazioni interetniche e livelli di integrazione nelle realtà scolastico / formative della Lombardia. Rapporto 2011, Milano: Regione Lombardia, Éupolis Lombardia, Fondazione ISMU, pp. 159-176.
Rinaldi E.E., (2014), ‘L’inclusione finanziaria degli stranieri: il caso dei rifugiati’, in Colom... more Rinaldi E.E., (2014), ‘L’inclusione finanziaria degli stranieri: il caso dei rifugiati’, in Colombo M. (a cura di). Immigrazione e contesti locali. Annuario CIRMiB 2014, Milano: Vita&Pensiero, pp. 175-189.
Rinaldi E., (2013), ‘Le condizioni dell’apprendimento in classi multietniche’, in E. Besozzi, M. ... more Rinaldi E., (2013), ‘Le condizioni dell’apprendimento in classi multietniche’, in E. Besozzi, M. Colombo, M. Santagati (a cura di), Misurare l'integrazione nelle classi multietniche. Rapporto 2012, Milano: Éupolis Lombardia, Regione Lombardia, Fondazione Ismu, Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e la multietnicità, pp. 25-43 (ISBN 9788864471273).
Rinaldi E., De Vito M. (a cura di), (2012), La formazione tecnica di eccellenza per il lavoro del... more Rinaldi E., De Vito M. (a cura di), (2012), La formazione tecnica di eccellenza per il lavoro del futuro. Una ricerca-intervento su domanda e offerta formativa tecnica nel mercato del lavoro bresciano, Roccafranca (BS): La Compagnia della Stampa.

Several institutions have pointed to financial education as a means of facing the contemporary cr... more Several institutions have pointed to financial education as a means of facing the contemporary crisis. However, research on financial literacy and money attitudes among children has as yet been rather scarce. Some studies maintain that women and men receive different economic socialization patterns, and consequently develop different levels of financial literacy and gendered money attitudes that in turn reproduce economic inequalities. This study was conducted in order to shed light on gender differences in financial literacy and money attitudes among preadolescents in Northern Italy. The survey used here consisted of a selfcompletion questionnaire administered to a sample of 1,635 students aged 12-14 years. Gender differences are estimated using several linear regression models and a binomial logistic regression model. Empirical analysis reveals significant gender differences in money attitudes, but not in financial literacy. These findings are discussed with suggestions for sustaining gender equality and designing future financial education programs.
, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, pp. 27-70, 2012
Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascu... more Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, commi 4 e 5, della legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633. Le fotocopie effettuate per finalità di carattere professionale, economico o commerciale o comunque per uso diverso da quello personale possono essere effettuate a seguito di specifica autorizzazione rilasciata da CLEARedi, Centro Licenze e Autorizzazioni per le Riproduzioni Editoriali, Corso di Porta Romana 108, 20122 Milano,

The paper investigates teenage students' values in contemporary risk society and what things they... more The paper investigates teenage students' values in contemporary risk society and what things they consider to be important to improve their future, with a special focus on materialism (measured by the importance they attach to money). Drawing from Inglehart's scarcity hypothesis and socialization hypothesis, the paper looks at materialistic and post-materialistic values among young Europeans across two levels: at the first level, it describes general results on values and significant resources for one's future on a sample of 2.529 European students who participated in an online survey as part of the "Pathways for Carbon Transitions" (PACT) project. At the second level, the paper discusses the results of more indepth analyses on the economic socialisation of a specific subsample of 1.126 Italian students in order to see what factors differentiate respondents' attitudes towards money as a value and towards money as a tool (using tree model analyses). The empirical support for the scarcity and socialization hypothesis is discussed in the last section, where the importance of directing future research on specific clusters of teenagers is highlighted.
Rinaldi E., (2011), ‘Valutazione dei progetti di financial education: alcune indicazioni per gli ... more Rinaldi E., (2011), ‘Valutazione dei progetti di financial education: alcune indicazioni per gli sviluppi futuri‘, in E. Castrovilli (a cura di), Educazione finanziaria a scuola. Per una cittadinanza consapevole, Milano: Guerini, pp. 237-245.
Colombo M., Rinaldi E., (2011), ‘La crisi e l'investimento in capitale umano dei giovani milanesi... more Colombo M., Rinaldi E., (2011), ‘La crisi e l'investimento in capitale umano dei giovani milanesi’, in R. Lodigiani (a cura di), Rapporto sulla città 2011. Dentro la crisi e oltre: dare gambe alla speranza (Ambrosianeum Fondazione Culturale), Milano: FrancoAngeli, pp. 129-152.
Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers, 2002
Explores the attitudes of Italian children to money, with reference to US research which indicate... more Explores the attitudes of Italian children to money, with reference to US research which indicates a significant difference between boys and girls. Tests five hypotheses relating to gender differences in respect to money: boys are more positive in their attitudes to it, girls would be uncomfortable talking about it, men rather than women are seen by children as economically successful,
Papers by Emanuela E. Rinaldi