Papers by Anna Perissutti
Časopis pro moderní filologii
Il paragrafo 6 del capitolo Introduzione allo studio della lingua ceca illustra sinteticamente le... more Il paragrafo 6 del capitolo Introduzione allo studio della lingua ceca illustra sinteticamente le parti del discorso in cec
Presentazione del progetto TransLa
Il capitolo 14 presenta le frasi complesse in ceco: frasi coordinate e subordinate completive, ci... more Il capitolo 14 presenta le frasi complesse in ceco: frasi coordinate e subordinate completive, circostanziali e relative

The contribution is devoted to the lexicalization strategies of intransitive motion events in the... more The contribution is devoted to the lexicalization strategies of intransitive motion events in the acquisition of Czech as a second language by Italian adult tutored learners. According to Talmy\u2019s influential typological classification (1985), languages encode motion in two different ways: in Satellite-framed languages the verbal root expresses the Manner of motion, while the Path component is expressed by another element in the clause, as in Czech vy-plout \u201cout-flow\u201d; in Verb-framed languages the verbal root expresses instead the Path component, as in Italian uscire, while the Manner of motion is often leaved unexpressed. Subsequent research on motion events has led to a revision of Talmy\u2019s typology (Schwarze 1985, Bernini 2006a, Beavers et al. 2010 among others). In the paper we adopt the framework proposed by Beavers et al. (2010). The data considered consist of audiorecorded narratives of the Frog Story (Mayer 1969) produced by ten tutored Intermediate Italian...

This chapter is dedicated to a micro-competence which represents a real challenge for the L2 writ... more This chapter is dedicated to a micro-competence which represents a real challenge for the L2 writer, especially at lower levels: the competence to appropriately introduce new referents into the discourse and create referential chains, linking the new information to the old one presented in the preceding clauses. The linguistic term for the structuring of given and new information is \u201cthematization\u201d. While native speakers may subconsciously acquire such competence through extensive reading without needing instruction, L2 students are less likely to have had sufficient exposure to texts in the target language and, even with lengthy exposure, may find it difficult to discern any patterns in information structuring in a foreign language. Since thematization is a key factor in text writing because it acts as a bridge between sentence level and discourse level, in this chapter it is proposed to apply the linguistic tool of Thematic Progressions to L2 writing didactics, in the ho...
Il contributo \ue8 dedicato alle strategie di acquisizione dell\u2019aspetto verbale in ceco L2 d... more Il contributo \ue8 dedicato alle strategie di acquisizione dell\u2019aspetto verbale in ceco L2 da parte di apprendenti di madrelingua italiana. Esso si inserisce nel vasto ambito delle ricerche inerenti l\u2019acquisizione del sistema temporale e aspettuale nelle L2 (per una bibliografia si veda Bardovi Harlig 2000) e mette in evidenza il ruolo fondamentale svolto dalla semantica verbale nello sviluppo delle categorie dell\u2019aspetto nell\u2019interlingua degli apprendenti italiani di ceco L2. Lo studio si basa sui risultati di un esperimento di elicitazione orale di cinque brevi scene del film muto di Charlie Chaplin La febbre dell\u2019oro (1925) e compara i dati prodotti da due gruppi: un gruppo composto da dieci studenti di ceco dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Udine, livello di conoscenza del ceco intermedio, e un gruppo-controllo composto da dieci parlanti di madrelingua ceca

This paper concerns the acquisition of Motion events in Czech by a group of 10 Italian advanced s... more This paper concerns the acquisition of Motion events in Czech by a group of 10 Italian advanced students. Its overall aim is to discuss how one research area within cognitive-functional linguistics \u2013 that of cognitive typology (Talmy, 1985, 2000) \u2013 can be fruitful for the investigation of how adult language learners come to establish form-meaning mappings in the acquisition of L2 motion constructions. After having presented the theoretical background to the inquiry, in particular Talmy\u2019s classification between verb-framed and satellite \u2013frames languages, the paper shows the results of the elicitation of the well-known Frog story, illustrating the most common errors made by Italian students while describing a motion event in Czech. In the final part of the paper, the interpretation of the students errors leads to grounds for a reflection about the expression of telicity in the two languages
La prefazione al volume "Grammatica ceca. Fonetica, morfologia e sintassi con esercizi e sol... more La prefazione al volume "Grammatica ceca. Fonetica, morfologia e sintassi con esercizi e soluzioni" illustra gli obiettivi del volume e i contenut
il capitolo 12 della Grammatica ceca tratta delle particelle in ceco. Contiene anche una pagina d... more il capitolo 12 della Grammatica ceca tratta delle particelle in ceco. Contiene anche una pagina di eserciz
La voce della Nuova Encliclopedia della Lingua ceca redatta dall'autrice riguarda le costruzi... more La voce della Nuova Encliclopedia della Lingua ceca redatta dall'autrice riguarda le costruzioni causative analitiche in ceco. Dopo aver inquadrato queste costruzioni dal punto di vista tipologico, l'autrice ne analizza gli aspetti sintattici e semantici in ceco contemporaneo
Il capitolo presenta i numerali in ceco. Sono illustrati i numerali cardinali e l'espressione... more Il capitolo presenta i numerali in ceco. Sono illustrati i numerali cardinali e l'espressione della frase numerica, gli ordinali, i numerali collettivi e quelli di specificazione, i moltiplicativi, i numerali distributivi, i sostantivati, i frazionari, i decimali e gli indefiniti
The purpose of this contribution is the presentation of preliminary results in the analysis of th... more The purpose of this contribution is the presentation of preliminary results in the analysis of the use of motion verbs in directed motion sentences in Czech L2 by a group of tutored young adult learners. After having discussed the encoding strategies of directed motion events in Czech, the paper presents the results of the oral elicitation of the well known \u201cFrog story\u201d (1969) in Czech by two groups, one of 10 Italian Intermediate learners of Czech and one of 10 Czech native speakers. Regularities in the use of motion verbs in Czech by this group of learners are interpreted on the basis of the idiosyncrasies of the encoding strategies of directed motion events in the two languages (Italian \u2013 L1 and Czech \u2013 L2), and in particular on the basis of the restriction in the expression of manner of motion in directed motion sentences in Italian

Czech Verbal Intensive Construction with the Prefix na- and Clitic seThis paper offers a syntacti... more Czech Verbal Intensive Construction with the Prefix na- and Clitic seThis paper offers a syntactic and semantic analysis of the Czech construction with intensive meaning, derived from the prefix na- and the clitic pronoun se. The analysis is framed in scalar approaches to verbal prefixation (Sou\u10dkov\ue1 2004, Filip 2008, Kagan 2015). For the verbal lexical semantic representation, we make use of the event structure from the Generative Lexicon frame-work (Pustejovsky 1991, 1995), which is a representation of the internal makeup of events in terms of subevents or phases. The research is based on data extracted from the Czech Ten Ten 2017 corpus, using the Sketch Engine query program (Kilgarriff et al. 2004).The application of Pustejovsky\u2019s event structure theory allows us to shift the attention to the whole event denoted by the construction, thus allowing for an alternative analysis of the Czech verbal construction with intensive meaning, traditionally analyzed as the result ...
Questo articolo ricorda la figura del grande artista ceco Josef V\ue1chal, che combatt\ue9 nelle ... more Questo articolo ricorda la figura del grande artista ceco Josef V\ue1chal, che combatt\ue9 nelle file dell\u2019esercito austro-ungarico tra il 1917 e il 1918, in prima linea, sul fronte isontino. Il contributo presenta la traduzione italiana di due brani, tratti dal libro di memorie Mal\ued\u159 na Front\u11b (1929), in cui l\u2019artista descrive le circostanze della genesi di alcune sue opere pittoriche dipinte nel paesino di So\u10da, nei pressi di Bovec, durante la sua permanenza al fronte. Le memorie di V\ue1chal vengono poi messe a confronto con i risultati della ricognizione realizzata da un gruppo di storici dell\u2019arte cechi nel 1998
Il capitolo 13 presenta le strutture fondamentali della frase semplice in ceco
Papers by Anna Perissutti