This is the livejournal community for the Northern Irish Industrial night Unity.
Unity runs in Belfast, @ The bunker Laverys Bar
Here, you will be able to place requests, discuss the nights and view pictures and setlists of the nights.
The DJ's are Kaljerico, Kinky Chaos Kitten and _encryption_ and You are more than welcome to get in touch with us by dropping a comment on the community.
Please note that this community does not tolerate insults of any sort. We operate on a two strike rule, where the first insult will be offically warned, and the second one will result in banning of that user from this community, with a report of the user to Livejournal or their Internet Service Provider if the matter warrants that level of attention. We unserstand conflicts are inevitable, but please take them elsewhere.
We have no problem in supporting other livejournal communities and nights. All we ask is that we can put a return link to our community up, with the occasional advertisement. Mutual support will mean we all flourish. If there are a lot of images in any post, the use of the LJ-Cut tag would aid dialup internet users. If you wish to link to us, please feel free to do so.