Papers by Tullia Di Giacomo

Città e Territorio Virtuale - CITTÀ MEMORIA GENTE, Dec 19, 2016
I territori attuali, spesso frammentati dal crescente e incontrollato consumo di suolo hanno biso... more I territori attuali, spesso frammentati dal crescente e incontrollato consumo di suolo hanno bisogno di una pianificazione che ristabilisca la continuità dei luoghi contribuendo a tessere nuove relazioni, intese come legami fisici o immateriali, ed eventualmente ricostruire preesistenti legami di senso depauperati o eliminati. Come mostrato dal crescente uso dei moderni strumenti di comunicazione che altro non fanno che creare delle reti per facilitare la comunicazione e il collegamento tra persone nello spazio digitale, allo stesso modo rimane evidente la necessità di creare delle reti di collegamento nello spazio fisico: collegando i diversi paesi, collegando gli abitanti gli uni agli altri, collegando gli abitanti con il territorio e le sue risorse storiche e ambientali. In misura ancora più marcata, si ritrova l’urgenza di restituire un senso ad alcuni luoghi che hanno subito una trasformazione e una perdita di ruolo, di uso, di cura e quindi di dignità. Il caso di studio si colloca a Roma, lungo il corso del fiume Aniene, nel corridoio fluviale che ancora sopravvive all’aggressione del consumo di suolo e che tuttavia necessita di particolari attenzioni verso la protezione della risorsa ambientale e verso la protezione dai rischi connessi dalla presenza del corso d’acqua a ridosso di zone anche fortemente urbanizzate. L’obiettivo è quello di ricucire la frammentazione urbana e impedire l’ulteriore consumo di suolo lungo questi spazi aperti che sono il risultato di interventi di urbanizzazione, i cosiddetti “vuoti” di risulta, gli SLOAP (Space Left Over After Planning).

9° Congresso Città e Territorio Virtuale, Roma, 2, 3 e 4 ottobre 2013, Sep 1, 2014
IT I territori attuali, spesso frammentati dal crescente e incontrollato consumo di suolo hanno b... more IT I territori attuali, spesso frammentati dal crescente e incontrollato consumo di suolo hanno bisogno di una pianificazione che ristabilisca la continuità dei luoghi contribuendo a tessere nuove relazioni, intese come legami fisici o immateriali, ed eventualmente ricostruire preesistenti legami di senso depauperati o eliminati. Come mostrato dal crescente uso dei moderni strumenti di comunicazione che altro non fanno che creare delle reti per facilitare la comunicazione e il collegamento tra persone nello spazio digitale, allo stesso modo rimane evidente la necessità di creare delle reti di collegamento nello spazio fisico: collegando i diversi paesi, collegando gli abitanti gli uni agli altri, collegando gli abitanti con il territorio e le sue risorse storiche e ambientali. In misura ancora più marcata, si ritrova l'urgenza di restituire un senso ad alcuni luoghi che hanno subito una trasformazione e una perdita di ruolo, di uso, di cura e quindi di dignità. Il caso di studio si colloca a Roma, lungo il corso del fiume Aniene, nel corridoio fluviale che ancora sopravvive all'aggressione del consumo di suolo e che tuttavia necessita di particolari attenzioni verso la protezione della risorsa ambientale e verso la protezione dai rischi connessi dalla presenza del corso d'acqua a ridosso di zone anche fortemente urbanizzate. L'obiettivo è quello di ricucire la frammentazione urbana e impedire l'ulteriore consumo di suolo lungo questi spazi aperti che sono il risultato di interventi di urbanizzazione, i cosiddetti "vuoti" di risulta, gli SLOAP (Space Left Over After Planning). Introduzione "Dimenticarsi del fiume è stato un errore imperdonabile" afferma Giuseppe Sansoni e in effetti, il fiume, grazie al suo peculiare andamento sinusoidale, può contribuire alla creazione di una sequenza di spazi urbani e rurali, naturali ed artificiali in grado di innervare il territorio che attraversa creando relazioni fisiche e spaziali espressione di una comune identità storica, culturale, architettonica e paesaggistica.

The world population is projected to increase greatly in the next decades and surely it will be c... more The world population is projected to increase greatly in the next decades and surely it will be concentrated in the cities’ surroundings. Therefore care and management of natural resources is needed to avoid one of the major source of degradation of rivers and lakes that is the phenomenon of run-off in which the receiving bodies gather then from storm water, untreated waste water and water full of nutrients, sediment and solid material variously polluting. The development of ICT solutions integrated with spatial data knowledge must guide the planner towards strategic, reliable and shared decisions in the water sector. It is shown a methodology, implementing GIS technology Geographic Information System towards online interoperability in environmental management. The application of innovative ICT tools in the field of peri-urban regeneration can become a powerful tool, particularly in the water resources management, to guarantee environmental quality control and avoid land use consump...

The need of soil consumption control and of the conservation of eco-systemic values of existing r... more The need of soil consumption control and of the conservation of eco-systemic values of existing resources are the basis of this attempt to implement the GIS technology as a web-based Decision Support System. Following the European Community guidelines, an instrument for limiting, mitigating and compensating soil sealing is set in place, ensuring that the hydrological response of a given area during precipitation must remain constant before and after transformation. It is presented a practical approach with a technological improvement through a GIS evolution in the field of anthropic impact analysis. The web application makes use of the SCS-CN Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number method developed by the USDA in 1972 to study the phenomenon of the run-off. The web application, built as a webGIS service, based on the online interoperability of multiple users, defines a tool for the control of man-made impact and for a BMP-Best Management Practice driven policy for boosting eco-system...
What is common between a safety campaign launched by Italy’s Viterbo Province and the Coastal GIS... more What is common between a safety campaign launched by Italy’s Viterbo Province and the Coastal GIS portal of the country’s Lazio Region to monitor erosion along the coastline and the Aniene River Linear Park project to safeguard the water corridor and set up a water-sensitive urban design? The three projects are classic examples of urban and regional planning riding on GIS technology and cultural psychology to overcome present drawbacks and crises to improve communication and awareness at all levels. The Aniene River Linear Park, for instance, analyses the different human needs that resulted in the complex relations at the base of the formation of urban settlements near the riverine areas to discern the multiplicity of the components, and of the multidisciplinary approach of the stakeholder involved in its development

Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni, la società civile, le imprese e gli Enti di Ricerca sono i principa... more Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni, la società civile, le imprese e gli Enti di Ricerca sono i principali motori dello sviluppo sostenibile. L'obiettivo di migliorare il progresso ambientale, economico, sociale e culturale delle aree urbane è una questione trasversale tra Agenda urbana per l'UE, Nuova Agenda Urbana delle Nazioni Unite e gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs, Agenda ONU 2030 sullo sviluppo sostenibile). Ad integrazione di questi approcci si introduce il Quadro di Riferimento di Sendai per la Riduzione del Rischio di Disastri con l’obiettivo di prevenzione di nuove forme di rischio, attraverso la riduzione dei rischi esistenti e l’aumento della resilienza dei territori. Tra gli strumenti che possono essere utilizzati per raggiungere questi ambiziosi obiettivi troviamo i Sistemi Informativi Geografici GIS (Geographic Information Systems) e relativa tecnologia. La conoscenza basata su livelli tematici sovrapposti che compongono la...
Multilevel green governance
Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2nd Edition)
Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions

Proceedings of the 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress
The main goal of these reflections is to investigate and highlight innovative approaches in Clima... more The main goal of these reflections is to investigate and highlight innovative approaches in Climate Change driven policies, aimed at overcoming the waterfront cities’ critical aspects. The ‘River contracts’ experience, explored through two case studies in the Roman hydrographic basin, is conceived to tackle the increasing vulnerability of its territory, looking for a sensible attitude towards the integration of water systems, green corridors and open spaces, with actions to be planned and shared through participatory democracy’s steps. Anticipatory adaptation looks ahead to the project scenario trying to implement policies and strategies preventing potential disasters. Creative design and conscious management embracing different spatial scales play a crucial role in enhancing the anticipatory adaptation and resilience approach. The variety of trends, contexts and spatial scales highlights that it is definitively time for fostering the ‘adaptation approach’, supported by mitigation s...

The Aniene River Valley Park project is focused on flood mitigation, ecological quality restorati... more The Aniene River Valley Park project is focused on flood mitigation, ecological quality restoration, urban, sub- urban and rural areas enhancement. The Aniene River Valley (one-million inhabitants) has archeological, historical, natural potentials including the villas of roman emperors, the springs used for the water supply of the city of Rome and Middle Ages Castles and is undergoing extensive urbanization of its riverine areas. The project strategy is centered to a sustainable river valley development under the different constraints, approaches the various functional, social, esthetic, natural points of view and is focused on structural measures that are used to control the flow of water both outside and within urban settlements, within the context of an integrated approach to urban flood risk management. The expected results of the project are: restoration of river corridor's ecological quality, highlighting specific river potentials and resources, allowing an optimal level o...

Tema. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 2015
In the definition of scenarios as key components underlying the decisions on city’s and territory... more In the definition of scenarios as key components underlying the decisions on city’s and territory’s transformation processes stands the comprehension of the interactions between multiple aspects that influence that dynamics. The spatial data knowledge and the development of new ICT solutions which can guide the planner towards strategic, reliable and shared decisions are essential. It is proposed a methodology in which to specialize the special approach established in previous projects developed by extending and implementing GIS technology Geographic Information System towards online interoperability. The control of the effects of changes in land use in environmental quality, particularly in the water resources management, can thus become operational in the network through the application of innovative tools able to meet the new challenges of urban regeneration.

The present study aimed at exploring territorial planning in the light of the protection and deve... more The present study aimed at exploring territorial planning in the light of the protection and development regulations governing the various materials in the specific field of water resources. The activity was focused on the analysis of the European Directives including the Water Framework Directive, transposed into Italian Laws with D.Lgls 152/2006 and the various existing large-scale planning tools in Italy. Through the analysis of the legislative instruments at various levels, the comparison between the different regulatory instruments, the adoption of some scenarios of development of the territory, as well as by an analysis of the specific case of the Valley of the River Aniene (near Rome, Italy) has been possible to draw important conclusions on actual state of the art of urban planning tools legislating in Italy in terms of water resources in order to consequently assume the evolution of the territory. The aim of this study was twofold, and concerned in the first place, the anal...
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2015

The present study aimed at exploring territorial planning in the light of the protection and deve... more The present study aimed at exploring territorial planning in the light of the protection and development regulations governing the various materials in the specific field of water resources. The activity was focused on the analysis of the European Directives including the Water Framework Directive, transposed into Italian Laws with D.Lgls 152/2006 and the various existing large-scale planning tools in Italy. Through the analysis of the legislative instruments at various levels, the comparison between the different regulatory instruments, the adoption of some scenarios of development of the territory, as well as by an analysis of the specific case of the Valley of the River Aniene (near Rome, Italy) has been possible to draw important conclusions on actual state of the art of urban planning tools legislating in Italy in terms of water resources in order to consequently assume the evolution of the territory. The aim of this study was twofold, and concerned in the first place, the analysis of the existing legislation in the field of water resources to promote understanding of the situation by the operators that act with the water resource, secondly, the implementation of direct operative scenarios mainly to guide the legislator.
Papers by Tullia Di Giacomo