University of Tuscia (Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo)
Scienze storiche e dei beni culturali
Thomas Beugniet, "La conférence anti-anarchiste de Rome (1898)" : et les débuts d'une coopération internationale contre le terrorisme de la fin du XIXe siècle à la Première Guerre mondiale, mémoire, (dir.) Stanislas Jeannesson, Nantes,... more
"Transcender les frontières. Surveillance, contrôle et administration des anarchistes italiens en exil (fin XIXe - début XXe siècle)", dans Gilles Bertrand, Catherine Brice et Mario Infelise (dir.), Exil, asile : du droit aux pratiques,... more
Storie in Corso 2022 - XVI Workshop Nazionale Dottorandi Sissco - Catania, 6-8 giugno 2022
À travers le cas des anarchistes et au prisme de la conférence anti-anarchiste de Rome (1898), cet article se propose d’étudier dans une perspective transnationale et comparatiste la construction des législations françaises et italiennes... more
"Une répression internationale de l’anarchisme italien : la police italienne en territoire étranger des années 1860 à la marche sur Rome (1922)", dans Éric Schnakenbourg (dir.), Rencontres et confrontations de l’Antiquité au XXe siècle,... more
Abstract Giuseppe Basso, a particularly clever honorary consul, managed to make himself essential for the Italian government, by setting up a political police service in Geneva in 1875. By presenting this critical and secret mission,... more
Thomas Beugniet, "Florido Matteucci : Parcours et engagement d’un anarchiste italien dans le monde méditerranéen à la fin du XIXe siècle", dans Isabelle Felici et Costantino Paonessa, Anarchisme en Méditerranée orientale et occidentale... more
The current research began with the aim of identifying and describing all the possible typologies of domus and insulae represented on the remaining marble fragments from the Forma Urbis Romae, thus seeking to trace out on the evidence of... more
The main objective of the CLIMA Project is the identification, management, and assessment of risk related to cultural heritage, especially archaeological features. The final products of the project are risk maps of archaeological sites in... more
In the context of the CLIMA WebGis Platform, a database for archaeological data has been created, in order to register all the archaeological information separately from the other data and maps produced inside the project as hazards... more
One of the most controversial issues involved in the interpretation of the marble fragments of the Seve- ran Forma Urbis Romae is a matter of deciphering the signs used to indicate the height of buildings (parallel incised lines and... more
Breve viaggio nella storia delle ricerche sul sito 9 di Fabiana Battistin FALERII NOVI: UN TESORO A RISCHIO NELL'AGRO FALISCO. Breve viaggio nella storia delle ricerche sul sito