Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals by Barbara Giovanna Bello
The protection of children’s rights in the digital age faces challenges
despite legislative effor... more The protection of children’s rights in the digital age faces challenges
despite legislative efforts. This paper explores the tension between children’s control
over their data and the control exercised over them by adults, drawing on the theory
of subjectivation and objectivation, and against the background of United Nations
and European Union legislation. Two specific areas will be examined. The first is
‘sharenting’, where adults share children’s data (e.g. photos, videos) without their
consent, potentially violating their rights. The second is the fingerprinting of children from third countries during border control procedures. In both cases, children’s
vulnerability is not balanced by their ability to participate in decision-making, leading to potential objectification. While these issues are not illeg

This essay aims to delve into the concepts of 'race' (more in depth) and 'ethnic community' (more... more This essay aims to delve into the concepts of 'race' (more in depth) and 'ethnic community' (more succinctly) in the Weberian thought, jointly with some relevant methodological aspects. One may concede that, in many respects, Weber was 'son' of his time but despite the criticisms moved to both notions as anachronistic to examine racial-and ethnic related issues in contemporary societies, the assumption that guides my analysis is that, many of his intuitions marked a turning point on the matter and are worth to think of the present. In particular, concerning 'race', this contribution focuses on the 'color line', whose direct observation during the trip to America seems to have strengthened his interest in investigating the social implications of 'race', as a 'sociological phenomenon' and to have moved him more clearly away from his early writings; furthermore it reveals to be relevant in discussing ethnic communities too.

Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 2023
The contribution delves into some main implications of the current soft and hard legal framework ... more The contribution delves into some main implications of the current soft and hard legal framework related to the Internet governance for tackling online hate speech, from the perspective of legal and social actors based in the European Union. Given the dynamic constellation characterised by centripetal trends towards UN-fostered international governance, Council of Europe and EU soft and hard legal instruments, co-existing with centrifugal forces of national legislations, the article explores how inter-legality may contribute tackling online hate speech in today’s fast changing and complex legal scenario. Hence, due to the lack of a universally recognised definition of hate speech and a global regulation of online communication, inter-legality may be operationalised in still unexplored places – that is, not only by judges but by lawmakers, independent authorities on communication, and even platforms.
La contribución profundiza en algunas de las principales implicaciones del actual marco jurídico vinculante y no vinculante relacionado con la gobernanza de Internet para hacer frente a la incitación al odio en línea, desde la perspectiva de los actores jurídicos y sociales con sede en la Unión Europea (UE). Dada la constelación dinámica caracterizada por las tendencias centrípetas hacia la gobernanza internacional promovida por la ONU, los instrumentos jurídicos blandos y duros del Consejo de Europa y de la UE, que coexisten con las fuerzas centrífugas de las legislaciones nacionales, el artículo explora las áreas en las que la interlegalidad puede ser fructífera para contribuir a hacer frente a la incitación al odio en línea en el cambiante y complejo escenario jurídico actual. Por lo tanto, debido a la falta de una definición universalmente reconocida de la incitación al odio y de una regulación global de la comunicación en línea, la interlegalidad puede ser operativa en lugares aún inexplorados, es decir, no sólo por los jueces, sino también por los legisladores, las autoridades independientes de comunicación e incluso las plataformas.

Fin dall'introduzione del termine nel noto saggio della giusfemminista nera Kimberlé Crenshaw Dem... more Fin dall'introduzione del termine nel noto saggio della giusfemminista nera Kimberlé Crenshaw Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics del 1989, l'intersezionalità-come concetto e quale strumento analitico-ha suscitato un acceso dibattito, condizionato anche geograficamente, all'interno di un'ampia varietà di ambiti disciplinari, interessati a mettere in luce, nei rispettivi studi, le complesse intra-azioni (Lykke 2010, 51, termine ispirato da Barard 2003, 815) tra differenti soggettività, identità, processi di strutturazione sociale, sistemi e pratiche di discriminazione, oppressione ed esclusione, così come tra soggettività ed identità, da una parte, e processi di strutturazione sociale, sistemi e pratiche di discriminazione, oppressione ed esclusione, dall'altra. Crenshaw utilizzò l'intersezionalità per muovere una critica al tradizionale ragionamento delle corti statunitensi che, imperniato sulla logica della cd. somiglianza/differenza e su un approccio di tipo monocategoriale, trascurava quando non lasciava sistematicamente fuori di tutela i diritti delle donne nere (Crenshaw 2011; MacKinnon 2016). Tuttavia, è ormai assodato che Crenshaw abbia sempre inteso
Desde que la iusfeminista negra Kimberlé Crenshaw, en "Mapping the Margins:
Call for articles “Doing intersectionality: Unexplored places” of the Journal AG About Gender. In... more Call for articles “Doing intersectionality: Unexplored places” of the Journal AG About Gender. International Journal of
Gender Studies ( ), co-edit by Barbara Giovanna Bello (University of Milano), Nina Lykke (University of Linköping, Sweden and Aarhus University, Denmark), Pablo Moreno-Cruz (University Externado de Colombia), and Laura Scudieri
(University of Genua, Italy). All relevant information is included in the attached call.
Abstracts (max 150 words) should be sent by February 28, 2022 to the following email address: [email protected]
Cosmopolis. Rivista di filosofia e teoria politica, 2021
Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, 2020
Accomodamenti ragionevoli basati sulla religione tra diritto antidiscriminatorio e diversity mana... more Accomodamenti ragionevoli basati sulla religione tra diritto antidiscriminatorio e diversity management * SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione-2. Premessa teorica: la funzione di orientamento sociale del diritto-2.1. Chiarezza dei messaggi normativi (a monte)-2.2. Chiarezza dei messaggi normativi (a valle)-3. Accomodamenti ragionevoli nel diritto antidiscriminatorio dell'Unione europea-3.1. Perché manca una disposizione sugli accomodamenti ragionevoli basati su tutti i fattori?-3.2. Perché ampliare la norma sugli accomodamenti ragionevoli?-4. Dalla norma inderogabile al diversity management-5. Ripensare il diritto antidiscriminatorio e il diversity management in una prospettiva interculturale-6. Considerazioni conclusive.
DPCE Online, 2020
Celebrating the anniversary? Reflections on the European Union's anti-discrimination law twenty y... more Celebrating the anniversary? Reflections on the European Union's anti-discrimination law twenty years after its enactment-In 2000, the "new" European Union's anti-discrimination law was adopted launching a new phase of protection from discrimination. Firstly, this contribution aims to reconstruct the origins of this body of legislation, as well as to describe its major innovations. Secondly, starting with the analysis of the recently published volume "Anti-Discrimination Law in Civil Law Jurisdictions" edited by Barbara Havelková and Mathias Möschel, the paper critically reflects on the implementation and effectiveness of this legislation. It requires a theoretical framework that combines the well-known distinction between the internal and external legal culture with the evaluation of the law effects "from below".
Although public policy evaluation, program evaluation and legislative evaluation have often run p... more Although public policy evaluation, program evaluation and legislative evaluation have often run parallel,
they share some common concerns, such as – in a world where evaluation is supposed to influence policy
and law makers – questions of social justice and democracy (including equal participation) in the
evaluation process, as well as of establishing what kind of rule people are more likely to follow. Without
claim of completeness, this introductory note describes some paradigms and approaches emerged in the
field of evaluation, while in the last paragraph it provides an overview of the contributions to the
monographic part on Contemporary and multidisciplinary perspectives on law and policy evaluation.
Jura Gentium, 2017
This essay delves into male violence against Roma women who live in the “camps” in Italy through ... more This essay delves into male violence against Roma women who live in the “camps” in Italy through the lens of human security. It suggests that the inclusion of “camps” — as places of social exclusion and, at the same time, social relations — in the analysis of male violence against Roma women helps to unveil the conditions of human insecurities in Roma women’s lives, which might prevent laws and policies tackling violence against women from achieving their goals.

Ragion Pratica, 2019
Critical reflections on the Italian criminal law against hate speech within the multi-level
syste... more Critical reflections on the Italian criminal law against hate speech within the multi-level
system from the perspective of the paradigm of the social working of law
This contribution aims at critically reflecting on the content and effectiveness of the
Italian criminal legislation against certain cases of hate speech, which are punished by
the Italian criminal law by applying the aggravating circumstance provided for by art.
604-ter of the Italian Criminal Code (before it, by article 3 of Law 205/93) to insult
(until its decriminalisation in 2016), defamation and threat. On the one side, in Italy it
has been noted that a progressive erosion of the offenses subject to criminal sanctions,
less harsh criminal sanctions and a low rate of judicial application of the aggravated
circumstance in these cases of hate speech have occurred; on the other side, an extensive
interpretation of the antidiscrimination law by civil courts and a greater engagement of
such social actors as organisations in monitoring and denouncing cases of hate speech
have taken place in most recent years. An analysis of the legislation within the paradigm
of the “social working of law”, elaborated by John Griffiths, leads to the conclusion that
the criminal law against hate speech exerts special and general effects, rather than merely
symbolic effects at the shop floor.
Keywords: Hate speech – Aggravating circumstance ex art. 604-ter Criminal Code – legal
effectiveness – social actors.
Sociologia del Diritto, 2019
The “other” youth between inclusion and exclusion: a socio-legal look at Roma second generations.... more The “other” youth between inclusion and exclusion: a socio-legal look at Roma second generations.** This essay will focus on the social exclusion of Roma second generations living in the “camps” in today’s Italy. Based on Nancy Fraser’s conceptualization of social exclusion as a matter of social injustice, which is defined by three dimensions (recognition, distribution and political participation), this article suggests that Italian law, policies and practices have particularly prevented Roma second generations from participating in society on equal foot with their peers. However, for some of them informal political participation
has represented a site of resistance from where to start to raise awareness on the need to foster their social inclusion.
[Roma youth – Camps – Social exclusion – Informal political participation – Nancy Fraser]
A partire dalla recente pubblicazione di due numeri monografici sul tema dell'intersezionalità pr... more A partire dalla recente pubblicazione di due numeri monografici sul tema dell'intersezionalità presso Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia e Sociologia del Diritto, l'incontro intende discutere delle molteplici interpretazioni del tema dell'intersezionalità e della sua più recente ricezione ed elaborazione nel nostro paese.
Taking as a reference the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence again... more Taking as a reference the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, this article discusses the trend towards the criminalisation of forced marriages in the European scenario and its pitfalls. It suggests to consider the manifest and latent functions of this practice and of legal responses to them in Western multicultural societies. The general cautions that guide the analysis is to explore other pathways from criminal law protection against forced marriages.

Contribution to the Special Issue
Barbara Giovanna Bello, From “books” to “action”: Has protectio... more Contribution to the Special Issue
Barbara Giovanna Bello, From “books” to “action”: Has protection from discrimination become intersectional in Italy?
[Implicit and explicit intersectionality — Antidiscrimination law — Case-law — Implementation — Research]
The aim of this article is to examine the extent to which intersec-tionality has been addressed in different domains in Italy: the anti-discrimination legislation; the case-law; the implementation of non-discrimination principle by equality bodies and through policy strate-gies (e.g., national action plans); civil society; and scholarly literature explicitly addressing intersectionality. Although legal texts, case-law and the implementation of anti-discrimination measures don’t explic-itly refer to intersectionality, the analysis shows that the premises have been coming into being to apply law and policy “intersectional-ly”.
Barbara Giovanna Bello, Dai “testi” all’“azione”: la tutela antidiscriminatoria è diventata intersezionale in Italia?
[Intersezionalità implicita e esplicita — Diritto antidiscriminatorio — Giurispruden-za — Implementazione — Ricerca]
Questo contributo descrive come l’intersezionalità è stata affrontata in vari ambiti in Italia: la legislazione antidiscriminatoria, la giurisprudenza, l’implementazione del principio di non discriminazione da parte di equality bodies e attraverso strategie di policy (come i piani d’azione nazionali), la società civile e, infine, la letteratura scientifica che si è occupata in modo esplicito di intersezionali-tà. L’analisi mostra che, sebbene nella giurisprudenza e nell’implementazione delle politiche anti-discriminatorie non si faccia riferimento esplicito all’intersezionalità, stanno sorgendo i presupposti per un’applicazione intersezionale del diritto e delle politiche.

Diritto e genere visti dal margine: spunti per un dibattito sull'approccio intersezionale al diri... more Diritto e genere visti dal margine: spunti per un dibattito sull'approccio intersezionale al diritto antidiscriminatorio in Italia Law and gender at the margins: A starting point for the debate over the intersectional approach to anti-discrimination law in Italy ABSTRACT Il diritto antidiscriminatorio tende a concepire l'identità delle donne e le loro esperienze di discriminazione come monoliti a sé stanti, prendendo in considerazione una categoria dell'identità alla volta. L'intersezionalità è diventata un concetto predominante nella ricerca sull'identità e sulle differenze e molti studi sono prosperati quasi ovunque per far sì che questo approccio sia al servizio del diritto. Prendendo ispirazione dai contributi di Crenshaw, McCall e Matsuda, questo articolo suggeirsce di portare l'intersezionalità dal margine al centro del diritto (e del diritto antidiscriminatorio in particolare), per realizzare un'efficace attuazione del principio di eguaglianza sostanziale e assicurare una piena tutela a tutte le donne. Anti-discrimination law tends to conceive women's identities and their experiences of discrimination as independent monoliths, taking into consideration one category of identity at a time. Intersectionality has become a predominant concept in research on identity and differences, and numerous studies have been carried almost everywhere to make this approach suite the law. Drawing inspiration from the contributions of Crenshaw, McCall and Matsuda, this article proposes to move intersectionality from the margins of law (of antidiscrimination law in particular) to the center, in order to achieve an effective implementation of substantive equality while providing a full protection to all women.
Chapters in Edited Books by Barbara Giovanna Bello
Italian Youth in International Context: Belonging, Constraints and Opportunities, 2020
Italian Youth in International Context Belonging, Constraints and Opportunities, 2020
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals by Barbara Giovanna Bello
despite legislative efforts. This paper explores the tension between children’s control
over their data and the control exercised over them by adults, drawing on the theory
of subjectivation and objectivation, and against the background of United Nations
and European Union legislation. Two specific areas will be examined. The first is
‘sharenting’, where adults share children’s data (e.g. photos, videos) without their
consent, potentially violating their rights. The second is the fingerprinting of children from third countries during border control procedures. In both cases, children’s
vulnerability is not balanced by their ability to participate in decision-making, leading to potential objectification. While these issues are not illeg
La contribución profundiza en algunas de las principales implicaciones del actual marco jurídico vinculante y no vinculante relacionado con la gobernanza de Internet para hacer frente a la incitación al odio en línea, desde la perspectiva de los actores jurídicos y sociales con sede en la Unión Europea (UE). Dada la constelación dinámica caracterizada por las tendencias centrípetas hacia la gobernanza internacional promovida por la ONU, los instrumentos jurídicos blandos y duros del Consejo de Europa y de la UE, que coexisten con las fuerzas centrífugas de las legislaciones nacionales, el artículo explora las áreas en las que la interlegalidad puede ser fructífera para contribuir a hacer frente a la incitación al odio en línea en el cambiante y complejo escenario jurídico actual. Por lo tanto, debido a la falta de una definición universalmente reconocida de la incitación al odio y de una regulación global de la comunicación en línea, la interlegalidad puede ser operativa en lugares aún inexplorados, es decir, no sólo por los jueces, sino también por los legisladores, las autoridades independientes de comunicación e incluso las plataformas.
Gender Studies ( ), co-edit by Barbara Giovanna Bello (University of Milano), Nina Lykke (University of Linköping, Sweden and Aarhus University, Denmark), Pablo Moreno-Cruz (University Externado de Colombia), and Laura Scudieri
(University of Genua, Italy). All relevant information is included in the attached call.
Abstracts (max 150 words) should be sent by February 28, 2022 to the following email address: [email protected]
they share some common concerns, such as – in a world where evaluation is supposed to influence policy
and law makers – questions of social justice and democracy (including equal participation) in the
evaluation process, as well as of establishing what kind of rule people are more likely to follow. Without
claim of completeness, this introductory note describes some paradigms and approaches emerged in the
field of evaluation, while in the last paragraph it provides an overview of the contributions to the
monographic part on Contemporary and multidisciplinary perspectives on law and policy evaluation.
system from the perspective of the paradigm of the social working of law
This contribution aims at critically reflecting on the content and effectiveness of the
Italian criminal legislation against certain cases of hate speech, which are punished by
the Italian criminal law by applying the aggravating circumstance provided for by art.
604-ter of the Italian Criminal Code (before it, by article 3 of Law 205/93) to insult
(until its decriminalisation in 2016), defamation and threat. On the one side, in Italy it
has been noted that a progressive erosion of the offenses subject to criminal sanctions,
less harsh criminal sanctions and a low rate of judicial application of the aggravated
circumstance in these cases of hate speech have occurred; on the other side, an extensive
interpretation of the antidiscrimination law by civil courts and a greater engagement of
such social actors as organisations in monitoring and denouncing cases of hate speech
have taken place in most recent years. An analysis of the legislation within the paradigm
of the “social working of law”, elaborated by John Griffiths, leads to the conclusion that
the criminal law against hate speech exerts special and general effects, rather than merely
symbolic effects at the shop floor.
Keywords: Hate speech – Aggravating circumstance ex art. 604-ter Criminal Code – legal
effectiveness – social actors.
has represented a site of resistance from where to start to raise awareness on the need to foster their social inclusion.
[Roma youth – Camps – Social exclusion – Informal political participation – Nancy Fraser]
Barbara Giovanna Bello, From “books” to “action”: Has protection from discrimination become intersectional in Italy?
[Implicit and explicit intersectionality — Antidiscrimination law — Case-law — Implementation — Research]
The aim of this article is to examine the extent to which intersec-tionality has been addressed in different domains in Italy: the anti-discrimination legislation; the case-law; the implementation of non-discrimination principle by equality bodies and through policy strate-gies (e.g., national action plans); civil society; and scholarly literature explicitly addressing intersectionality. Although legal texts, case-law and the implementation of anti-discrimination measures don’t explic-itly refer to intersectionality, the analysis shows that the premises have been coming into being to apply law and policy “intersectional-ly”.
Barbara Giovanna Bello, Dai “testi” all’“azione”: la tutela antidiscriminatoria è diventata intersezionale in Italia?
[Intersezionalità implicita e esplicita — Diritto antidiscriminatorio — Giurispruden-za — Implementazione — Ricerca]
Questo contributo descrive come l’intersezionalità è stata affrontata in vari ambiti in Italia: la legislazione antidiscriminatoria, la giurisprudenza, l’implementazione del principio di non discriminazione da parte di equality bodies e attraverso strategie di policy (come i piani d’azione nazionali), la società civile e, infine, la letteratura scientifica che si è occupata in modo esplicito di intersezionali-tà. L’analisi mostra che, sebbene nella giurisprudenza e nell’implementazione delle politiche anti-discriminatorie non si faccia riferimento esplicito all’intersezionalità, stanno sorgendo i presupposti per un’applicazione intersezionale del diritto e delle politiche.
Chapters in Edited Books by Barbara Giovanna Bello
despite legislative efforts. This paper explores the tension between children’s control
over their data and the control exercised over them by adults, drawing on the theory
of subjectivation and objectivation, and against the background of United Nations
and European Union legislation. Two specific areas will be examined. The first is
‘sharenting’, where adults share children’s data (e.g. photos, videos) without their
consent, potentially violating their rights. The second is the fingerprinting of children from third countries during border control procedures. In both cases, children’s
vulnerability is not balanced by their ability to participate in decision-making, leading to potential objectification. While these issues are not illeg
La contribución profundiza en algunas de las principales implicaciones del actual marco jurídico vinculante y no vinculante relacionado con la gobernanza de Internet para hacer frente a la incitación al odio en línea, desde la perspectiva de los actores jurídicos y sociales con sede en la Unión Europea (UE). Dada la constelación dinámica caracterizada por las tendencias centrípetas hacia la gobernanza internacional promovida por la ONU, los instrumentos jurídicos blandos y duros del Consejo de Europa y de la UE, que coexisten con las fuerzas centrífugas de las legislaciones nacionales, el artículo explora las áreas en las que la interlegalidad puede ser fructífera para contribuir a hacer frente a la incitación al odio en línea en el cambiante y complejo escenario jurídico actual. Por lo tanto, debido a la falta de una definición universalmente reconocida de la incitación al odio y de una regulación global de la comunicación en línea, la interlegalidad puede ser operativa en lugares aún inexplorados, es decir, no sólo por los jueces, sino también por los legisladores, las autoridades independientes de comunicación e incluso las plataformas.
Gender Studies ( ), co-edit by Barbara Giovanna Bello (University of Milano), Nina Lykke (University of Linköping, Sweden and Aarhus University, Denmark), Pablo Moreno-Cruz (University Externado de Colombia), and Laura Scudieri
(University of Genua, Italy). All relevant information is included in the attached call.
Abstracts (max 150 words) should be sent by February 28, 2022 to the following email address: [email protected]
they share some common concerns, such as – in a world where evaluation is supposed to influence policy
and law makers – questions of social justice and democracy (including equal participation) in the
evaluation process, as well as of establishing what kind of rule people are more likely to follow. Without
claim of completeness, this introductory note describes some paradigms and approaches emerged in the
field of evaluation, while in the last paragraph it provides an overview of the contributions to the
monographic part on Contemporary and multidisciplinary perspectives on law and policy evaluation.
system from the perspective of the paradigm of the social working of law
This contribution aims at critically reflecting on the content and effectiveness of the
Italian criminal legislation against certain cases of hate speech, which are punished by
the Italian criminal law by applying the aggravating circumstance provided for by art.
604-ter of the Italian Criminal Code (before it, by article 3 of Law 205/93) to insult
(until its decriminalisation in 2016), defamation and threat. On the one side, in Italy it
has been noted that a progressive erosion of the offenses subject to criminal sanctions,
less harsh criminal sanctions and a low rate of judicial application of the aggravated
circumstance in these cases of hate speech have occurred; on the other side, an extensive
interpretation of the antidiscrimination law by civil courts and a greater engagement of
such social actors as organisations in monitoring and denouncing cases of hate speech
have taken place in most recent years. An analysis of the legislation within the paradigm
of the “social working of law”, elaborated by John Griffiths, leads to the conclusion that
the criminal law against hate speech exerts special and general effects, rather than merely
symbolic effects at the shop floor.
Keywords: Hate speech – Aggravating circumstance ex art. 604-ter Criminal Code – legal
effectiveness – social actors.
has represented a site of resistance from where to start to raise awareness on the need to foster their social inclusion.
[Roma youth – Camps – Social exclusion – Informal political participation – Nancy Fraser]
Barbara Giovanna Bello, From “books” to “action”: Has protection from discrimination become intersectional in Italy?
[Implicit and explicit intersectionality — Antidiscrimination law — Case-law — Implementation — Research]
The aim of this article is to examine the extent to which intersec-tionality has been addressed in different domains in Italy: the anti-discrimination legislation; the case-law; the implementation of non-discrimination principle by equality bodies and through policy strate-gies (e.g., national action plans); civil society; and scholarly literature explicitly addressing intersectionality. Although legal texts, case-law and the implementation of anti-discrimination measures don’t explic-itly refer to intersectionality, the analysis shows that the premises have been coming into being to apply law and policy “intersectional-ly”.
Barbara Giovanna Bello, Dai “testi” all’“azione”: la tutela antidiscriminatoria è diventata intersezionale in Italia?
[Intersezionalità implicita e esplicita — Diritto antidiscriminatorio — Giurispruden-za — Implementazione — Ricerca]
Questo contributo descrive come l’intersezionalità è stata affrontata in vari ambiti in Italia: la legislazione antidiscriminatoria, la giurisprudenza, l’implementazione del principio di non discriminazione da parte di equality bodies e attraverso strategie di policy (come i piani d’azione nazionali), la società civile e, infine, la letteratura scientifica che si è occupata in modo esplicito di intersezionali-tà. L’analisi mostra che, sebbene nella giurisprudenza e nell’implementazione delle politiche anti-discriminatorie non si faccia riferimento esplicito all’intersezionalità, stanno sorgendo i presupposti per un’applicazione intersezionale del diritto e delle politiche.
About the Book
"This book explores changes in security governance in Europe from the 1990s, focusing on some of the most important consequences: the proliferation of ignored insecurities, including the increase of oncological diseases, environmental disasters, shadow economies reproducing neo-slavery and fiscal fraud, and the general damage to the res publica. What is the articulation of removal, reclamation and consequently the implementation of devices and the establishing of prevention practices? Why are the majority of victims and also the control agency professionals seemingly resigned to these ignored insecurities? Following more than 20 years of research in the area, the authors examine these questions and how the securitisation of society has been exacerbated. They argue that the primary cause of the increase in ignored insecurities is the consequence of the neoliberal turn in security governance. This book proposes an innovative approach to security governance, not only through a serious analysis of the balance of the costs and benefits, but also highlighting what is here termed `ignored insecurities'. The authors propose a review of the problems, showing that the governance of security is a crucial element of the contemporary political organisation of society".
The Editor
Within the existing international research on Italian youth, contributions have been published by prominent Italian scholars mostly in articles and edited volumes.
The themes that have been addressed relate to specific aspects of youth, from culture (for instance, see Varriale, 2016) to political cultures (Mammone and Veltri, 2010; Cento Bull, 2000; Garau, 2015) or school-to-work transitions (Pastore, 2017) and youth unemployment (Leonardi and Pica, 2015). However, to date there has been no single edited collection targeting Italian youth per se. In addition, the Italian case tends to feature extensively within comparative research, in contrast to other countries, perhaps increasingly so due to the more collaborative projects being pursued across Europe in recent years. Yet, we strongly believe that a specific focus on the multiple aspects of the conditions faced by young Italians is an important add-on to the existing international scholarships in the field.
In order to complete such a project, we invited authors to embed debates regarding young people in Italy within the international literature, with the aim of offering a precise account of the internal mechanisms that have so far seldom circulated outside Italy. The result is a composite and unprecedented collection, in terms of issues covered, methods and theories used. To account for our approach, the structure of this introductory chapter is threefold: first, we introduce the rationale of this book project, its ambitions, and whence it derives, discussing the main issues that guided us in composing the collection and in developing the main analytical frame of reference. Second, we describe the book’s tri-partite structure. In doing so, we present the structural contexts in which youth in Italy live and act and how they resonate – and differ – from other cases in Europe. Third, we present our overarching interpretations of the youth condition in Italy that emerged through the chapters and propose a debate that goes beyond the national boundaries. Although this interpretation is emerging from an insider’s perspective, we are confident that it will link to international debates in a structured way.
In particolare, il volume tratteggia un itinerario volto a indagare le tutele dei diritti (tra cui il diritto alla libertà di espressione), la protezione contro il discorso d’odio e le discriminazioni (ovunque avvengano) e la dimensione partecipativa della rete, a partire dalla configurabilità del cruciale diritto di accesso universale a Internet.
Senza quest’ultimo a vari segmenti della popolazione è precluso l’esercizio della “piena cittadinanza”.
Si tratta, dunque, di fare i conti con luci e ombre degli effetti della tecnologia: se, da un lato, essa può determinare la promozione della “giustizia sociale”, dall’altro, può trasfigurarla in “ingiustizie” anche molto profonde.
In tale prospettiva, il fine è quello di delineare una possibile critica giovanile del diritto – che porti i giovani dal margine al centro del diritto e della riflessione giusfilosofica e sociologico-giuridica.
Il percorso si snoda principalmente attraverso l’analisi dei più significativi documenti internazionali e sovranazionali non vincolanti espressamente dedicati alla gioventù e volti a orientare gli Stati nell’attuazione di politiche che la riguardano, prestando particolare attenzione allo spazio di voce dei giovani nei processi decisionali, nonché alla tutela dei diritti promossa da tali documenti.
La riflessione si conclude con la proposta di una “Convenzione internazionale sui diritti dei giovani” quale insieme di indirizzi e strumenti per l’affermazione della loro autonomia e uguaglianza.
By bringing together a variety of approaches and methods, the authors of this collection analyze Italian youth through the lenses of three dimensions: ‘Activism, participation and citizenship’, ‘Work, Employment and Careers’ and ‘Moves, Transitions and Representations’. These dimensions are the analytical building blocks for challenging stereotypes and unveiling misinterpretations and taken-for-granted assumptions that portray young people in Italy as selfish, ‘choosy’, and unwilling to make sacrifices, commit and manage an independent life. These prejudices often underplay the role of constraints they are facing in the transition to adulthood.
Studying Italian youth, therefore, not only allows us to capture their peculiar characteristics but also to reflect more broadly on the conceptual toolbox we need in order to understand contemporary youth more generally. By doing so, the volume aims to contribute to international discussion on the youth condition in Europe.
The law should respond to ever new, complex and “unforeseen” instances: intersectionality offers tools to the various social actors to get engaged in fruitful analyses of social and legal changes, undertake new epistemological discourses and promote human beings’ full legal protection.
The book aims to describe intersectionality’s implications in the study of law and society, presents the state of the art of its integration into the supranational and national anti-discrimination protection and finally explores the practices followed by legal operators and associations advocating for marginalized people’s rights, by highlighting the dialogue between the different levels of today’s legal culture and experience.
L'intersezionalità, a trent'anni dall'introduzione del termine da parte di Kimberlé W. Crenshaw nel 1989, è divenuta una prospettiva sempre più diffusa per affrontare temi come l'identità e la differenza, la diversità e l'uguaglianza nei contesti contemporanei.
Il diritto è chiamato a rispondere a istanze sempre nuove, complesse e "impreviste": l'intersezionalità offre strumenti ai diversi attori sociali per operare fruttuose analisi dei mutamenti sociali e giuridici, intraprendere nuovi discorsi epistemologici e promuovere una piena tutela giuridica.
Il volume mira a descriverne le implicazioni nello studio della società e del diritto, presenta lo stato dell'arte della sua integrazione all'interno della tutela antidiscriminatoria sovranazionale e nazionale ed esplora, infine, le pratiche seguite dagli operatori giuridici e dalle associazioni impegnate nell'affermazione dei diritti, evidenziando il dialogo tra i diversi livelli dell'odierna cultura ed esperienza giuridica.
All the contributors propose a very critical engagement with the reality of young refugees in today’s Europe, where tolerance levels for negative phenomena, such as human rights violations, hate speech and discrimination, are on the rise. However, there is also an underlying message of hope for those willing to engage in a human rights-based youth work practice that ensures safe spaces for being young, no matter who, no matter where. Practices and reflections deal with democracy, activism, participation, formal and non-formal education and learning, employment, trauma, “waitinghood” and negotiating identities.
We hope this book as a whole, and each individual contribution, will inspire youth policy makers and practitioners to take on board the complex realities of unfinished transitions and borderland experiences and create a positive environment for an enriched and transformed youth work for the inclusion of young refugees in their host communities.
Evidence based on these data leads us to identify, on the one side, a significant difference between young peoples’ opinions and orientations from the ones shown by adults and even by young-adults. On the other hand, a certain degree of coherence can be traced between young Italians’ perceptions, expectations and behaviors linked to the sphere of politics. It is possible, in other words, to recognize a kind of fil rouge linked to the broader social, political and cultural processes which have marked the period when young Italians of our days have lived (and still are living) the formative phases of their personalities. The period beginning from the half of the nineties appears distinctive, since it is from that time-point that relevant and broad processes of social, economic and political change brought about an unprecedented deconstruction of security and a consequent spreading of uncertainty (Bauman 1999, Beck 1999, Boltanski and Chiapello 1999) together with new kinds of employment contracts and lifestyles, ending up in the spreading of pessimistic attitudes towards the future (Benasayag and Schmit 2003).
The fil rouge linking young Italians’ perceptions and attitudes towards politics becomes thus more deeply understandable in the light of those broader changes, which affected young people’s personalities and their capacity to imagine the society’s - together with their own - future. The capacity to imagine and to aspire - according to the elaboration by Appadurai (2004) and, in Italy, by de Leonardis and Deriu (2012) - emerges as a crucial element in order to understand young Italians’ relationship to politics. In fact, their image of politics looks like deprived of the ambition to produce any significant changes, and to aspire to any social scenario which may be different – in a relevant degree – from the status quo.
In this sense, I argue that a technocratic kind of politics seems to emerge Evidence shows that young people have little trust in their capacity to influence political decisions, but they also look persuaded that politics itself cannot achieve any relevant changes: it has to content itself with little, fragmented, discrete adjustments. In this perspective, the differences between political identities and cultures tend to loose significance, and this looks consistent with their demand for a strong simplification of the political and the party systems aimed at nurturing governability (instead of representation or inclusion) and decisional and executive quickness together with concreteness. They stand in favor of a strict non-ideological approach where the fundamental criteria for evaluating political action are technical competence and honesty, while other aspects (such as the breadth of political action and its capacity to achieve change) tend to move to the background, or to eclipse. In this sense it is a ‘minimalist’ kind of politics: that is, a kind of politics which reduces itself to the management of the status quo, where the only noteworthy criteria seem to be honesty and effectiveness, and therefore saving time and money.