Papers by Marinella Belluati
Dottorato di ricerca in sociologia. 9. Ciclo. Coordinatore e tutore Alberto MelucciConsiglio Nazi... more Dottorato di ricerca in sociologia. 9. Ciclo. Coordinatore e tutore Alberto MelucciConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

La sociologia dei processi culturali, in Italia rappresentata dalla Sezione PIC-AIS, è un ambito ... more La sociologia dei processi culturali, in Italia rappresentata dalla Sezione PIC-AIS, è un ambito disciplinare molto vasto e variegato, per tale ragione un contributo che ne rispecchi le diverse anime e le proietti in direzioni future è molto complicato da realizzare. Tuttavia, questo campo di studi è attraversato da un fattore che ne accomuna il futuro: l'impatto che le culture digitali stanno avendo nella ri-definizione dell'ambiente sociale (Boccia-Artieri Borrelli Agodi, 2013) e della memoria collettiva (Tota 2015). Gli ultimi numeri della Rivista della Sezione ne sono la conferma (AAVV 2011; Borletti Grossi, 2011; Gavrila Mazza, 2013; Secondulfo, 2015). Grazie ai social media si sta venendo a creare un nuovo spazio di relazione dove pubblico e privato sono sempre di più interconnessi e sta prendendo forma una nuova sfera pubblica culturale globalizzata e territorializzata, al tempo stesso. Questo contributo, partendo dall'ontologia con cui si stanno ridefinendo le identità culturali in rete, si soffermerà su due ambiti differenti, ma complementari. Il primo analizzerà le potenzialità ed i limiti della comunicazione pubblica e alcune strategie istituzionali di attivazione di (*) Il capitolo è frutto di un lavoro congiunto, nello specifico Marinella Belluati (Università di Torino) ha curato il par 2, il par. 2.1 e parte del par. 3; Stefania Parisi (Università La Sapienza di Roma) ha curato il par. 2.2 e parte del par. 3; Lello Savonardo (Università di Napoli Federico II) ha curato il par. 1. Tutti e tre gli autori fanno parte del direttivo PIC-AIS (20013-2015) che ha delegato la realizzazione del contributo.

Hate or Hateful? L'uso del linguaggio d'offesa nelle discussioni politiche 373 HATE OR HATEFUL. H... more Hate or Hateful? L'uso del linguaggio d'offesa nelle discussioni politiche 373 HATE OR HATEFUL. HATE SPEECH AND POLITICAL DISCOURSE. In Italy, today, hate speech and its contrast is a major problem in public debate even if it is not a new issue. Hate speech is not just a legal issue, but above all is a cultural question and a rhetorical device for public discourses. For this reason it is not easy to recognize and to counteract. Starting from this premise, a research study was carried out with the specific aim to verify the use of hate speech within the institutional discourse. The aim of this research is to focus on institutional workplaces, which are not usually in the spotlight of the media, in order to determine whether, to what extent, which topics and against whom, the language of hatred is more deeply rooted. Some parliamentary debates on issues of potentially high hate speech were selected and analyzed in full discussions. The research hypotheses were essentially three. The first was to verify if internal institutional discourse was immune to offenses. The second was to determine that offensive languages was part of a particular political culture. The third hypothesis was to confirm targets of hate speech. Unfortunately, results show that hate speech and offensive language are deeply rooted also in institutional relationships.

The aim of this contribution is to examine the gender inequalities issues, particularly those of ... more The aim of this contribution is to examine the gender inequalities issues, particularly those of women, within the political communication field and leadership processes. Despite several recommendations to reduce the gender gap, women continue to be under-represented in all sectors of society. The question tackles several aspects as the real political opportunities for women to access into public careers and their difficulty of being correctly represented in a still strong masculine culture. The starting point is the imbalance of power into public and political fields and the difficult to affirm gender opportunities in a communicative space where digitalization processes are accentuating inequalities. Along with resistance linked to the dominant political culture, the media system is also responsible for this imbalance. On the one hand, it reproduces cultural models that penalize gender representations, on the other hand, it not intervenes enough to contrast his internal structural ...

Europe and the Left, 2020
The European Union is experiencing a moment of profound crisis, one of the many since it was foun... more The European Union is experiencing a moment of profound crisis, one of the many since it was founded. Internally, the rise of populism is calling the pillars of the common project into question; externally, the new fronts that have opened up with the geopolitical and socioeconomic crisis of 2008 and the migrant crisis of 2015 are putting the European institutions' ability to cope with the major issues of globalization to the test. After a period flush with such major achievements as the creation of the Eurozone (with its 19 countries and approximately 350 million inhabitants), the Schengen Area and the enlargement to 28 member states, the approval of the Lisbon Treaty (the EU's first Constitution) and the creation of the European Central Bank, the process of integration has begun to show unmistakable signs of strain. Though there can be no doubt that these achievements have made the European project more concrete-fuelling the expectations as well as the criticisms surrounding

Si la peur existe depuis toujours, et donc bien avant les sociétés modernes, ce n'est qu'aujourd'... more Si la peur existe depuis toujours, et donc bien avant les sociétés modernes, ce n'est qu'aujourd'hui qu'elle devient l'élément discursif qui donne une cohérence aux grandes narrations. De nos jours, plusieurs chercheurs, qui travaillent dans des domaines variés allant de la linguistique à la politologie, ont souligné que les émotions sont des « leviers » de l'action (Ballet 2016 : 37), puisqu'elles « appellent une réaction » (Cislaru 2008 : 8). En ce sens, le discours public contemporain se caractérise par la présence de plus en plus évidente des discours de la peur (Beck 2000 ; Altheide 2002, 2006 ; Bauman 2006 ; Wodak 2015), qui présentent des stratégies plus ou moins marquées afin d'instiller un sentiment général de méfiance et d'incertitude. L'impact des médias, notamment des nouveaux médias, rend encore plus évident le rôle fondamental de l'émotion dans le discours public, le discours émotionné (Plantin 2011) se posant par ailleurs en contre-discours idéal 1 à la langue « neutre », creuse, de « coton » (voir, entre autres, Gobin 2011), qui caractérise les discours des organisations internationales. À cet égard, l'Europe, entendue en tant qu'Union européenne, est l'un des sujets qui agissent dans l'espace public, tout en se positionnant au carrefour des dimensions locales, nationales et mondiales. Et pourtant, elle ne semble pas encore réussir à profiter de son rôle et devient principalement un objet du discours, c'est-à-dire quelque chose dont on parle, qui n'existe pas vraiment comme objet « de » discours (Mondada 1995 : 62), à savoir comme référent discursif à part entière. Pour cette raison, l'Europe apparaît comme un mot « creux » dont l'utilisation discursive peut servir de prétexte pour revitaliser des discours racistes et nationalistes en l'absence d'un véritable espace public européen 2. Ce numéro de la revue De Europa entend justement s'interroger sur la manière dont la peur est utilisée en tant qu'émotion euphorique / dysphorique dans les discours « européens » 3 et quelle est sa fonction par rapport à la création 1 En cela, l'émotion fonctionne comme la polémique (Amossy 2014) et indépendamment de celle-ci. D'ailleurs, rappelons que la polémique se réalise par un discours passionnel, émotionné. 2 En donnant l'exemple de l'utilisation discursive du nom « Europe » dans la presse française, Julien Auboussier (2016) parle de son « ambiguïté référentielle [qui] peut servir des discours au degré d'argumentativité très variable ». 3 Nous préciserons mieux ce que nous entendons par « discours européens » au paragraphe 3.
The residential lifestyle of households has been transformed from the traditional to the modern, ... more The residential lifestyle of households has been transformed from the traditional to the modern, with people experiencing new housing styles. Today, urban housing has been subject to the greatest 1
Il libro sulle elezioni Europee curato da Donatella Viola riempie un vuoto rispetto agli studi el... more Il libro sulle elezioni Europee curato da Donatella Viola riempie un vuoto rispetto agli studi elettorali perché rappresenta la prima raccolta sistematica e comparata sul comportamento elettorale dei paesi dell'Unione.
On basis of the meanwhile classical continuous multi-utility representation theorem of Levin on l... more On basis of the meanwhile classical continuous multi-utility representation theorem of Levin on locally compact and σ-compact Hausdorff-spaces the question of characterizing all topological spaces (X, t) for which every semi-closed and closed preorder respectively admits a continuous multi-utility representation will be discussed. This discussion, in particular, provides the fundaments of a mainly topological theory that systematically combines topological and order theoretic aspects of the continuous multi-utility representation problem.
Papers by Marinella Belluati