Papers by Vincent Della Sala
Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 2016
Routledge eBooks, May 4, 2022
The aim of this essay is twofold. First, it seeks to examine how Russia and the European Union un... more The aim of this essay is twofold. First, it seeks to examine how Russia and the European Union understand the emerging Eurasian space. We will do this by looking at how the two narrate the space, the use of power and each other. Second, we want to argue that the narratives at the heart of the conceptual and normative maps that guide their actions and behaviour create an essentially ontological security dilemma; that is, behaviour aimed primarily at enhancing confidence in the identity and continuity of a political community threatens the ontological security of other actors.
Rivista Italiana di scienza politica, 2006
... Infine, è post-sociale in quanto, pur conservando il riferimento a «modelli sociali», svincol... more ... Infine, è post-sociale in quanto, pur conservando il riferimento a «modelli sociali», svincola l ... pronunciamenti sull'emergere di uno stato «regolativo» o sulla multi-level governance, la questione ... paralleli in altre discipline, come la sociologia e l'economia (Powell e Di Maggio 1991 ...

Electoral Studies, Dec 1, 1992
The Parliament elected in 1987 was the first since the 1960s to complete its full five-year span,... more The Parliament elected in 1987 was the first since the 1960s to complete its full five-year span, but at the dissolution its record suggested stalemate as much as stability. Some limited steps had been taken towards the changes in institutional arrangements and public policy that have for some years been widely agreed to be necessary, but they were modest in relation to the scale of the problems of political disaggregation, executive weakness, and budgetary overload Italy now faces. Tensions inside the five-party (pentapartito) government-especially between the Christian Democrats and the Socialists-produced four governments under three different DC prime ministers, Goria, De Mita, and Andreotti. The fimal year of the legislature was a particularly sterile one: in effect an extended election campaign with the coalition hoping to benefit from the decline of the opposition Communist Party-a process already well-advanced during the 1980s and apparently set to accelerate following the collapse of international communism. As the results set out in the Table on p.380 demonstrate, such hope was illconceived. The electoral decline of the Communist opposition, following its transformation into the Democratic Left Party (PDS), was substantial, (26.6 to 16.1 per cent) but the greatest part of this went to the breakaway Communist Refoundation (RC). Indeed, instead of boosting the fortunes of the coalition, the end of the cold war seemed to liberate voters of the political centre to protest against the policy failures of the government. The narrowing ideological spectrum helped focus political debate on a range of issues-the adequacy of basic services, the failure of the state to guarantee the fundamentals of law and order, the transparency and probity of public life-which undermined confidence not just in particular leaders or parties but in the entire political class. The Long Campaign With hindsight, the government might have done better to have held the election at least a year earlier. The widening budget deficit reflected generous pre-electoral spending, but for the first time voters began to appreciate, albeit imperfectly, the economic costs of Italy's enduring deficit-still standing at over 10 per cent of GDP. The spectacle of electoral spending on southern development and public-sector pay might be received gratefully in the south, but it clearly rebounded against the
Routledge eBooks, May 4, 2022
Introduction - Governance, public policy and the europeanisation of civil society - Vincent Della... more Introduction - Governance, public policy and the europeanisation of civil society - Vincent Della Sala and Carlo Ruzza 1. The construction of a transnational public: prerequisites of democratic governance in a transnationalizing society - Klaus Eder 2. EU governance and EU level organised civil society: the search for 'input legitimacy' through elite groups - Justin Greenwood 3. Advocacy coalitions and the participation of organised civil society in the EU - Carlo Ruzza 4. Meeting the EU environmental challenge - Anthony R. Zito 5. The role of civil society organisations in written consultation processes: from the European monitoring centre to the European fundamental rights agency - Emanuela Bozzini 6. Social capital and civil society: governing outside the state at the local level - Fortunata Piselli Conclusions - Carlo Ruzza

At the Strait of Gibraltar, North Africa and Europe are divided by a mere thirteen kilometers. Ye... more At the Strait of Gibraltar, North Africa and Europe are divided by a mere thirteen kilometers. Yet, in the first half of 2011, it seemed that the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea occupied different hemispheres, at least politically. As the Arab Spring blossomed in the southern Mediterranean, Europe seemed to be locked in the midst of a dreary autumn, looking with trepidation at the possibility of a long, hard winter. While popular movements were toppling authoritarian regimes only hundreds of kilometers away, the European Union (EU) and its member states were tied down in an economic crisis and facing questions about the nature and future of a project that has been credited with bringing peace, prosperity, and democracy to the continent since World War II. Celebrations in the streets of North Africa were in stark contrast to the protests and violence taking place in Italy and Greece, as well as the indignados, the protestors who occupied streets and squares throughout the continent to express their dissatisfaction with politics. As the economic crisis unfolded in the EU, it became abundantly clear that its nature was political and that popular sovereignty was both a means and an obstacle to its resolution. Political leaders struggled to find solutions that would not raise social tensions at home. This was due to the fact that they emerged from a political system at the European level which lacked clarity about how to organize political power— and the extent to which that power was to be an emanation of the " popular will " of Europeans. This is not to suggest that the European Union and its institutions, including the European Central Bank (ECB), are repressive regimes that need to be overthrown. Rather, the aim of this article is to argue that the EU's fundamental problems in the face of the economic crisis are rooted in a lack of popular sovereignty. The consequences for the EU resulting from the post–2008 economic crisis will remain unclear for some time, but one lesson seems to be emerging: in its myriad forms, popular sovereignty matters. This holds true even in institutions that seem to go beyond traditional forms of political organization—such as the EU—and citizens have shown this by rejecting the centralization of political power and pushing for a

Journal of European Integration, 2017
The EU may be a sui generis polity but it has not escaped the challenge of establishing narrative... more The EU may be a sui generis polity but it has not escaped the challenge of establishing narratives that help define its territoriality. Political narratives about territoriality, especially political myths, are important instruments for political communities to develop ontological security. The article argues that the European Union faced a dilemma in the refugee crisis in balancing its foundational values with a narrative about a territory with managed external borders. The EU's territorial myth is not entirely successful in that it lacks some key narrative forms that are essential for widely diffused myths. Territorial myths are not just about establishing borders but also about defining the community; so long as this remains ill-defined, the paper argues, territorial myths will contribute in a limited way to providing the ontological security to address pressing challenges.
Nations and Nationalism, 2016
The article argues that the European Union, despite being a different kind of polity, has politic... more The article argues that the European Union, despite being a different kind of polity, has political myths that are similar to those that have characterised nation‐states. It examines two types of political myth – foundation and exceptionalism – and demonstrates that they have been used in an attempt to make the European Union understandable and acceptable as a form of governing. The article also argues that political myths about the EU have had limited success not only because they are based on the same content as national myths but also because they do not always conform to recognisable narrative forms. The EU, with its ambiguous aim of creating ‘an ever closer union’, does not provide the basis for sacred narratives that become normative and cognitive maps that make the new polity ‘normal’ and provide the EU with ontological security.
Rivista Italiana di scienza politica, 2006
... Infine, è post-sociale in quanto, pur conservando il riferimento a «modelli sociali», svincol... more ... Infine, è post-sociale in quanto, pur conservando il riferimento a «modelli sociali», svincola l ... pronunciamenti sull'emergere di uno stato «regolativo» o sulla multi-level governance, la questione ... paralleli in altre discipline, come la sociologia e l'economia (Powell e Di Maggio 1991 ...
Oxford Handbooks Online, 2012
Executive Decree Authority
West European Politics, 1997
... BENJAMIN, C. RICHARD NEU and DENISE QUIGLEY. Pp. xiv + 274, index. Houndmills: Macmillan, 199... more ... BENJAMIN, C. RICHARD NEU and DENISE QUIGLEY. Pp. xiv + 274, index. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1995. £40 (cloth). ISBN 0-333-64162-0. Cash, Crisis, and Corporate Governance: The Role of National Financial Systems in Industrial Restructuring. By VICTORIA MARKLEW. ...
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 1993
... and Pasquino 1978). Andrea Manzella also rejects the crisis of Par-liament approach. In II ..... more ... and Pasquino 1978). Andrea Manzella also rejects the crisis of Par-liament approach. In II ... within Parlia-ment. Moreover, they did not accord the government a privileged position in decision making (Manzella 1977). The 1971 ...

Journal of European Public Policy, 2010
Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

Electoral Studies, 1992
The Parliament elected in 1987 was the first since the 1960s to complete its full five-year span,... more The Parliament elected in 1987 was the first since the 1960s to complete its full five-year span, but at the dissolution its record suggested stalemate as much as stability. Some limited steps had been taken towards the changes in institutional arrangements and public policy that have for some years been widely agreed to be necessary, but they were modest in relation to the scale of the problems of political disaggregation, executive weakness, and budgetary overload Italy now faces. Tensions inside the five-party (pentapartito) government-especially between the Christian Democrats and the Socialists-produced four governments under three different DC prime ministers, Goria, De Mita, and Andreotti. The fimal year of the legislature was a particularly sterile one: in effect an extended election campaign with the coalition hoping to benefit from the decline of the opposition Communist Party-a process already well-advanced during the 1980s and apparently set to accelerate following the collapse of international communism. As the results set out in the Table on p.380 demonstrate, such hope was illconceived. The electoral decline of the Communist opposition, following its transformation into the Democratic Left Party (PDS), was substantial, (26.6 to 16.1 per cent) but the greatest part of this went to the breakaway Communist Refoundation (RC). Indeed, instead of boosting the fortunes of the coalition, the end of the cold war seemed to liberate voters of the political centre to protest against the policy failures of the government. The narrowing ideological spectrum helped focus political debate on a range of issues-the adequacy of basic services, the failure of the state to guarantee the fundamentals of law and order, the transparency and probity of public life-which undermined confidence not just in particular leaders or parties but in the entire political class. The Long Campaign With hindsight, the government might have done better to have held the election at least a year earlier. The widening budget deficit reflected generous pre-electoral spending, but for the first time voters began to appreciate, albeit imperfectly, the economic costs of Italy's enduring deficit-still standing at over 10 per cent of GDP. The spectacle of electoral spending on southern development and public-sector pay might be received gratefully in the south, but it clearly rebounded against the

American Political Science Review, 2002
W. Rand Smith compares socialist policies of industrial retrenchment in France and Spain during t... more W. Rand Smith compares socialist policies of industrial retrenchment in France and Spain during the 1980s and 1990s. Both governments sought to adapt their national economy to change in the global market, through investment incentives and labor policies, in a way that would avoid sectoral crisis or even collapse. They sought to achieve an “orderly exit” of labor from redundancy-plagued industrial sectors, notably steel and automobiles, through job retraining, help in establishing small businesses, relocation incentives, and improvements in the job market, not to mention such standard support mechanisms as severance payments and preretirement systems that supported the incomes of unemployed workers. There was a distinct convergence between French and Spanish policy around this kind of adaptive policy. Neither country after 1983 resisted global market trends through price controls or subsidies or trade protection, and neither government embraced market adjustment through more liberal ...

The launch of new intellectual initiatives is always a moment of great promise, especially in the... more The launch of new intellectual initiatives is always a moment of great promise, especially in the case of one that aims to showcase the work of graduate students. Scholarship pushes forward not because established scholars explore new boundaries but because the scientific community is constantly infused with new generations of scholars and ideas that force us to look closely at what we thought we understood. The aim of advanced research is not to work closely with established experts, finding new ways to repeat and confirm established arguments. Rather, it should challenge what we know, pushing the scientific community to look for new frontiers of knowledge. This journal is a welcome venue for this venture and adventure. It comes at a time of great turmoil in politics, at both the domestic and international levels. The current global economic crisis is both a symptom and cause of great transformations in the economic and political order of the last half century. This is especially t...
Papers by Vincent Della Sala