Books by Irene Zavattero
Coralba C Università del Salento FLUMEN SAPIENTIAE STUDI SUL PENSIERO MEDIEVALE La sapienti... more Coralba C Università del Salento FLUMEN SAPIENTIAE STUDI SUL PENSIERO MEDIEVALE La sapientia medievale, nella sua molteplicità, fluisce in un unico flumen ininterrotto dalla tarda Antichità al Rinascimento. Valorizzando la pluralità di temi e di tradizioni del sapere medievale, la collana contribuisce allo sviluppo degli studi di Storia della filosofia medievale, ospitando lavori monografici, collettivi ed edizioni critiche inerenti alla filosofia e alla teologia medievali.
Edited by Alessandro Palazzo and Irene Zavattero.
Geomancy had a prominent position among the me... more Edited by Alessandro Palazzo and Irene Zavattero.
Geomancy had a prominent position among the medieval arts of
divination. Outstanding thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas, Albert
the Great and Bonaventure dealt with it. Writers and poets quoted
geomantic concepts and texts. This volume addresses crucial issues
concerning this particular form of prognostication as well as the
ecclesiastical reactions and condemnations. Chief texts of Latin
medieval geomancy – Hugh of Santalla’s Ars geomantiae, Estimaverunt
Indi and the Geomantia ascribed to William of Moerbeke
– as well as texts from the Arabic and Hebrew geomantic tradition
are carefully investigated here. Attention is also paid to lesserknown
forms of divination – onomancy, chiromancy, spatulomancy
and astral medicine – and to magic.

Volumi pubblicati: WALTER BERNARDI e DOMENICO MASSARO (a cura di), La cura degli altri. La filoso... more Volumi pubblicati: WALTER BERNARDI e DOMENICO MASSARO (a cura di), La cura degli altri. La filosofia come terapia dell'anima ALESSANDRO CATELANI e MARIANO BIANCA (a cura di), Aspetti e attualità del diritto naturale FERDINANDO ABBRI (a cura di), Metamorfosi della filosofia antica. Studi in onore di Paolo Gualtieri ALBERTO FORZONI, Innovazioni e trasformazioni economiche nell'aretino dopo l'Unità PAOLO PICCARI, Logiche dell'argomentazione IRENE ZAVATTERO è assegnista di ricerca e docente a contratto di Storia della filosofia medievale presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Arezzo, Università di Siena. Ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca in "Discipline storicofilosofiche" all'Università di Lecce con una tesi dal titolo: Berthold von Moosburg. Expositio super Elementationem Theologicam Procli. Propositiones Irene Zavattero Arezzo, settembre 2006 9 INTRODUZIONE ETHIQUE ET CONNAISSANCE AU MOYEN AGE: LA VERTU ENTRE INTELLECTUALISME ET VOLONTARISME * István P. Bejczy Comment faire justice au double thème de cette collection d'articles? Quel est le point commun entre éthique et connaissance, entre les règles pratiques de la vie active et les règles théoriques de la vie intellectuelle? Ne s'agit-il pas de deux sujets fondamentalement différents -moralité et bonté d'une part, cognition et vérité de l'autre -qu'il vaudrait mieux traiter séparément?
Papers by Irene Zavattero

The article investigates how the topic of the naturalness of human sociability is discussed in th... more The article investigates how the topic of the naturalness of human sociability is discussed in the medieval understanding of the <em>Nichomachean Ethics</em>, starting from the first commentaries on the so-called <em>ethica nova</em> and <em>vetus</em> up to the late thirteenth- and early fourteenth-century commentaries. This partial <em>excursus</em> shows that, first of all, a great gap separates the earliest commentaries from the latest ones: the knowledge of the full text of the NE, as well as the translation of the <em>Politics</em>, deeply impacts on the relevance that the readers of the NE give to this issue. However, the inquiry into this naturalness does not reach in the exegesis of the NE the depth of analysis and the centrality of interest found in the commentaries on the <em>Politics</em> or on <em>De animalibus</em>. In addition, the masters of the arts, authors of the so-called 'Ave...
Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, 2018
Reading Proclus and the <i>Book of Causes</i> Volume 1, 2019
This is an open access title distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-NC 4.0 License, which permi... more This is an open access title distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-NC 4.0 License, which permits any non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. The publication of the volumes has received the generous support of the ANR project LIBER (ANR-13-PDOC-0018-01) and École pratique des hautes études, Paris.
Le felicità nel Medioevo, 2005
Mots médiévaux offerts à Ruedi Imbach, 2011
Books by Irene Zavattero
Geomancy had a prominent position among the medieval arts of
divination. Outstanding thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas, Albert
the Great and Bonaventure dealt with it. Writers and poets quoted
geomantic concepts and texts. This volume addresses crucial issues
concerning this particular form of prognostication as well as the
ecclesiastical reactions and condemnations. Chief texts of Latin
medieval geomancy – Hugh of Santalla’s Ars geomantiae, Estimaverunt
Indi and the Geomantia ascribed to William of Moerbeke
– as well as texts from the Arabic and Hebrew geomantic tradition
are carefully investigated here. Attention is also paid to lesserknown
forms of divination – onomancy, chiromancy, spatulomancy
and astral medicine – and to magic.
par Giacomo Gambale, dans Medioevo latino, 33 (2012) p. 1251, nr 14143 ; Speculum, 87.02 (April 2012) 631-632.
Papers by Irene Zavattero
Geomancy had a prominent position among the medieval arts of
divination. Outstanding thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas, Albert
the Great and Bonaventure dealt with it. Writers and poets quoted
geomantic concepts and texts. This volume addresses crucial issues
concerning this particular form of prognostication as well as the
ecclesiastical reactions and condemnations. Chief texts of Latin
medieval geomancy – Hugh of Santalla’s Ars geomantiae, Estimaverunt
Indi and the Geomantia ascribed to William of Moerbeke
– as well as texts from the Arabic and Hebrew geomantic tradition
are carefully investigated here. Attention is also paid to lesserknown
forms of divination – onomancy, chiromancy, spatulomancy
and astral medicine – and to magic.
par Giacomo Gambale, dans Medioevo latino, 33 (2012) p. 1251, nr 14143 ; Speculum, 87.02 (April 2012) 631-632.
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