Chapters by Matteo Frisone

Les officiers et la chose publique dans les territoires angevins (XIIIe-XVe siècle) : vers une culture politique ? / Gli ufficiali e la cosa pubblica nei territori angioini (XIII-XV secolo): verso una cultura politica?, 2020
[ITA] Il caso degli expensores castrorum rappresenta pienamente l’esempio di quelle cariche ammin... more [ITA] Il caso degli expensores castrorum rappresenta pienamente l’esempio di quelle cariche amministrative periferiche, fondamentali per il corretto sviluppo delle politiche fortificative della dinastia angioina. Sthamer li aveva identificati come semplici tesorieri temporanei, preposti alla riparazione di castelli e domus, senza però chiarirne più approfonditamente né il ruolo né i loro caratteri tecnico-pratici. Questo studio introduttivo intende delineare l’evolversi dei criteri selettivi e l’estrazione sociale dei candidati, nonché la sostanziale volubilità della loro carica. Infine, è oltremodo necessaria una disamina delle funzioni esercitate da queste figure e della loro unicità. Attraverso l’analisi dei documenti preservati, quindi, si mettono in luce incongruenze e particolarità di queste cariche apparentemente marginali, eppure di fatto alla base del lavoro quotidiano nei cantieri angioini.
[FRA] Le cas des expensores castrorum offre le parfait exemple des charges administratives périphériques, essentielles au bon développement des politiques de fortification de la dynastie angevine. Sthamer avait déjà identifié ces personnages comme de simples trésoriers temporaires, responsables de la réparation des châteaux et des domus, mais sans préciser leur rôle ou leurs caractéristiques techniques et pratiques. La présente étude introductive vise à souligner l'évolution des critères de sélection et l'extraction sociale des candidats, ainsi que l’instabilité substantielle de cette typologie administrative. Il a paru fort utile d'examiner également les fonctions exercées par ces officiers et leur caractère unique. Par l'analyse des documents conservés, nous mettons donc en évidence les incohérences et les particularités de ces charges apparemment marginales, mais en réalité à la base du travail quotidien dans les chantiers angevins.
Papers by Matteo Frisone
Conference Presentations by Matteo Frisone

Come spesso si dice, in Internet c'è di tutto. Quello che non si analizza, però, è a che livello ... more Come spesso si dice, in Internet c'è di tutto. Quello che non si analizza, però, è a che livello di compenetrazione una determinata materia sia. Nel caso della Storia, ad esempio, sono chiaramente fioriti ambiti di nicchia in cui community di appassionati discutono, si informano e condividono le proprie fonti. Ma qual è lo stato della Storia (e della sua comunicazione) sui siti di massa, su quelli, insomma, comunemente chiamati social media? I paper di questo panel si propongono si di analizzare la situazione attuale prendendo diversi siti di larghissima diffusione mondiale ma anche, ed anzi, soprattutto, di esaminare le possibilità che questi siti offrono ai public historian per tentare di comunicare ad un pubblico sempre più interattivo ed ampio. Si analizzeranno sia siti specializzati nella comunicazione audio video come You Tube e Twitch, che piattaforme più generaliste come Facebook. È possibile, per dei progetti di public history, approcciare un pubblico sempre alla ricerca di intrattenimento seriale ma non serioso, e con necessità ed abitudini tra le più varie, senza per questo abbandonare la propria mission e senza banalizzare le tematiche trattate?
As is often said, there is everything on the Internet. What is not analyzed, however, is at what level of interpenetration a given matter is. In the case of History, for example, niche areas are clearly flourishing in which communities of enthusiasts discuss, inform and share their sources. But what is the state of history (and its communication) on mass sites, on those, in short, commonly called social media? The papers of this panel propose to analyze the current situation by taking several widely spread sites worldwide but also, and above all, to examine the possibilities that these sites offer to the public historians to try to communicate to an increasingly interactive and wide audience. We will analyze both sites specialized in audio video communication such as Youtube and Twitch, and more generalist platforms such as Facebook. Is it possible, for public history projects, to approach an audience that is always looking for serial but not serious entertainment, and with the most varied needs and habits, withou t abandoning its mission and without trivializing the topics they dealt with?
Talks by Matteo Frisone
Conference Posters by Matteo Frisone
Poster presented at the 4th IFPH Annual Conference
Conference Papers by Matteo Frisone
Chapters by Matteo Frisone
[FRA] Le cas des expensores castrorum offre le parfait exemple des charges administratives périphériques, essentielles au bon développement des politiques de fortification de la dynastie angevine. Sthamer avait déjà identifié ces personnages comme de simples trésoriers temporaires, responsables de la réparation des châteaux et des domus, mais sans préciser leur rôle ou leurs caractéristiques techniques et pratiques. La présente étude introductive vise à souligner l'évolution des critères de sélection et l'extraction sociale des candidats, ainsi que l’instabilité substantielle de cette typologie administrative. Il a paru fort utile d'examiner également les fonctions exercées par ces officiers et leur caractère unique. Par l'analyse des documents conservés, nous mettons donc en évidence les incohérences et les particularités de ces charges apparemment marginales, mais en réalité à la base du travail quotidien dans les chantiers angevins.
Papers by Matteo Frisone
Conference Presentations by Matteo Frisone
As is often said, there is everything on the Internet. What is not analyzed, however, is at what level of interpenetration a given matter is. In the case of History, for example, niche areas are clearly flourishing in which communities of enthusiasts discuss, inform and share their sources. But what is the state of history (and its communication) on mass sites, on those, in short, commonly called social media? The papers of this panel propose to analyze the current situation by taking several widely spread sites worldwide but also, and above all, to examine the possibilities that these sites offer to the public historians to try to communicate to an increasingly interactive and wide audience. We will analyze both sites specialized in audio video communication such as Youtube and Twitch, and more generalist platforms such as Facebook. Is it possible, for public history projects, to approach an audience that is always looking for serial but not serious entertainment, and with the most varied needs and habits, withou t abandoning its mission and without trivializing the topics they dealt with?
Talks by Matteo Frisone
Conference Posters by Matteo Frisone
Conference Papers by Matteo Frisone
[FRA] Le cas des expensores castrorum offre le parfait exemple des charges administratives périphériques, essentielles au bon développement des politiques de fortification de la dynastie angevine. Sthamer avait déjà identifié ces personnages comme de simples trésoriers temporaires, responsables de la réparation des châteaux et des domus, mais sans préciser leur rôle ou leurs caractéristiques techniques et pratiques. La présente étude introductive vise à souligner l'évolution des critères de sélection et l'extraction sociale des candidats, ainsi que l’instabilité substantielle de cette typologie administrative. Il a paru fort utile d'examiner également les fonctions exercées par ces officiers et leur caractère unique. Par l'analyse des documents conservés, nous mettons donc en évidence les incohérences et les particularités de ces charges apparemment marginales, mais en réalité à la base du travail quotidien dans les chantiers angevins.
As is often said, there is everything on the Internet. What is not analyzed, however, is at what level of interpenetration a given matter is. In the case of History, for example, niche areas are clearly flourishing in which communities of enthusiasts discuss, inform and share their sources. But what is the state of history (and its communication) on mass sites, on those, in short, commonly called social media? The papers of this panel propose to analyze the current situation by taking several widely spread sites worldwide but also, and above all, to examine the possibilities that these sites offer to the public historians to try to communicate to an increasingly interactive and wide audience. We will analyze both sites specialized in audio video communication such as Youtube and Twitch, and more generalist platforms such as Facebook. Is it possible, for public history projects, to approach an audience that is always looking for serial but not serious entertainment, and with the most varied needs and habits, withou t abandoning its mission and without trivializing the topics they dealt with?