Papers by Marcela Rodica Luca

The study presents the results of the survey carried on in the doctoral school of Transilvania Un... more The study presents the results of the survey carried on in the doctoral school of Transilvania University, Brasov. Based on the focus groups held in the exploratory phase of the research, two questionnaires were constructed and distributed respectively to the students and the doctoral mentors. The objectives of the research were the following: a) to identify the opinions of the respondents concerning the quality and effectiveness of doctoral education comparing to the requirements of scientific research; b) to asses the relevance of the evaluation criteria for the quality of scientific work of doctoral students; c) to identify the discrepancies between the opinions of the two categories of respondents; d) to collect feedback suggestions for the improvement of the doctoral school formula. The questionnaires had each 36 items, 20 of which were common, in order to allow comparison between the two categories of respondents. The population of the survey consisted in 30 mentors and 97 doc...
1. Introducere În contextul tendinţei globalizării economice, ştiinţa şi tehnologia sunt consider... more 1. Introducere În contextul tendinţei globalizării economice, ştiinţa şi tehnologia sunt considerate adevăratele instrumente-cheie pentru viitorul omenirii. În aceste condiţii, devine prioritară dezvoltarea unui mediu socio-economic dinamic şi competitiv, orientat spre domeniile de înaltă tehnologie, capabil de a răspunde cerinţelor strategice de dezvoltare pe termen lung. Această afirmaţie este cu atât mai relevantă pentru societatea românească în eforturile sale de
The contemporary challenges of the economy impose the necessity of rethinking education in order ... more The contemporary challenges of the economy impose the necessity of rethinking education in order to promote the development of the entrepreneurial competences. Our research aims to identify the way the main stakeholders of higher education evaluate the distance between the level of importance and the actual level of achievement of entrepreneurial competences during the practical placement.
The paper presents a part of a larger research concerning the contribution of practical placement... more The paper presents a part of a larger research concerning the contribution of practical placement to the acquisition of entrepreneurial competences. The participants were 182 academics, employers and graduates from 22 countries who answered a questionnaire concerning two parts: the first dealing with the evaluation of the level of importance and of the level of achievement of entrepreneurial competences and the second with the opinions of the participants concerning the entrepreneurial culture of the hosting companies, the ways these companies ensure the development of entrepreneurial competences of the students hosted in practical placement, the changes needed in the university curricula in order to increase entrepreneurship and employability of the graduates, the role of the enterprises in developing entrepreneurship via practical placement.
This paper presents a research concerning the way the main stakeholders of the university educati... more This paper presents a research concerning the way the main stakeholders of the university education see the importance and the achievement of the entrepreneurial competences achieved during the practical placement. The participants were 182 academics, employers, and students and graduates from 22 countries who were asked to rate the levels of importance and of achievement for 14 entrepreneurial competences. The scales used proved good metric qualities. The results show that the level of achievement is perceived as significantly lower than the level of importance and that the competences related to the independent entrepreneurship are considered as less important and less achieved than the general entrepreneurial competences.
The study proposes an analysis of the opinions of the parents of Braşov concerning the offer of l... more The study proposes an analysis of the opinions of the parents of Braşov concerning the offer of leisure activities for preschool children. The objectives of this exploratory study aimed at the identification of the leisure activities in which the children of the interviewed subjects engage, the reasons why they engage in such activities, as well as at identifying the extent to which the offer of leisure activities for preschool children is known to the public and finding manners in which the offer could be improved. The research method was the semi-structured in-depth interview, applied to 12 subjects. The data analysis reveals the fact that the parents are preoccupied with the leisure activities aimed at the development of their children's personality, and that they are not satisfied with the variety, content and quality of the services available at present.
This paper is based on the supposition that didactic profession produces a differentiation parall... more This paper is based on the supposition that didactic profession produces a differentiation parallel to number of work years, gender and type of taught discipline. Subjects of our research are 102 teachers of high schools from Brasov and Fagaras. They were investigated with STAXI-2 (State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory of Spielberger), STEV (Evaluation Styles of Cocorada), five dimensions from CPI of Gogh (responsibility, self-control, dominance, sociability) and Self-esteem Questionnaire of Rosenberg (short form). Data show significant connections between evaluative styles and psychological dimensions: normative style - competitiveness, formative style – student development, conventional style - law satisfaction, populist style - low experience. There are also some correlations between taught disciplines, number of work years and measured psychological dimensions.

Les examens au niveau macro de l’enseignement (à la fin du cycle secondaire inférieur – l’examen ... more Les examens au niveau macro de l’enseignement (à la fin du cycle secondaire inférieur – l’examen national de capacité – et à la fin du cycle secondaire supérieur – le bac) ont des conséquences importantes pour l’élève et sa famille, pour l’école et les enseignants. Ils règlent l’accès à un cycle supérieur, ils permettent la comparaison avec ses camarades, ils assurent la sécurité sociale etc. Les effets attendus de ces examens sur les élèves sont positifs, similaires avec ceux de l’évaluation au niveau micro. Mais le programme d’études est surchargé, les exigences sont plus hautes, la situation devient menaçante pour les élèves, étant marquée par des incertitudes. Dans le présent étude est analysée l’évaluation interne (au niveau micro) et les évaluations de bilan (niveau macro), en se centrant sur le stress induit aux élèves. L’échantillon est composé de 371 élèves du secondaire, groupés en deux sous échantillons. Les résultats mettent en évidence des tensions entre les exigences é...

Le rôle décisif de l’évaluation sur les relations enseignants-élèves, sur leurs sentiments (d’équ... more Le rôle décisif de l’évaluation sur les relations enseignants-élèves, sur leurs sentiments (d’équité, de sécurité, d’appartenance ou même d’autoefficacité), les multiples fonctions et facettes de l’évaluation nous ont déterminé à proposer un nouveau concept <climat scolaire de l’évaluation>. Le climat de l’évaluation est un noyau du climat, avec un grand impact sur la vie scolaire. Notre étude se propose de mesurer le climat scolaire centré sur l’évaluation et la compréhension de ses composantes. Les sujets de l’étude ont été des élèves de la IXe, Xe et XIe année et l’instrument a été passé en deux situations contrastantes – aux lycées reconnus pour leur climat très bon et aux lycées de l’autre pôle. L’étude a utilisé un instrument, avec des questions fermées, créé par les auteurs. Pour les deux types de lycée, theoriques et techniques, notre hypothèse est validée, les deux climats entant en contraste: les différences entre les écoles sont plus grandes que celles résulté du ge...

L’objectif de la recherche fut l’élaboration et la validation d’un outil pour la diagnose du clim... more L’objectif de la recherche fut l’élaboration et la validation d’un outil pour la diagnose du climat scolaire. Si les d’autres outils fournissent des images quasi intégrales du climat, ce qu’on propose ici l’aborde de la perspective de l’évaluation. On a défini et l’opérationnalisé les dimensions: climat relationnel, climat éducatif, climat d’équité, climat de sécurité, pratiques évaluatives, climat d’appartenance et on a formulé, dans sa forme initiale, 43 questions, qui groupent 168 items. L’échelle utilisée est de type Lickert en 3-5 points. Âpres l’analyse préliminaire de la premiére version ont été retenu 3 souscales et a identifié de bonnes qualités métrologiques: les indices alpha de Cronbach et split-half varient entre .80 et .90. On a élaboré une deuxième variante comptant 131 items, testés auprès de 371 sujets, élèves de 9-è et 11-è, âge moyenne=15,9 ans, σ = 1,19. Par l’analyse factorielle, ils ont résulté d’abord 40 facteurs qui expliquent 75,65% de la variance de tout le...

Bulletin of the …, 2009
The assessment behaviour of the teacher plays a key role in giving students feedback on their per... more The assessment behaviour of the teacher plays a key role in giving students feedback on their performance and enhancing learning motivation. According to orientation of the evaluation and the level of exigency, four assessment styles are described: normative, formative, popular and conventional. The research was conducted on 394 students aged 16-18 years, 253 girls and 141 boys, in 16 classes of upper higher secondary schools in the city of Brasov, and the chosen subject was English language. The perceived evaluative styles of five teachers were measured, by students in 2-3 classes for each of them, in relationship with their learning motivation. The results show that the extrinsic motivation-reward is associated with the perception of the style as lenient, the perceived performance is associated with norm-oriented. There are differences between the evaluative style perceptions of the students in the same class according to their learning performances.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2006
This study was the first to compare organizational socialization of Hungarians (N = 122) and Roma... more This study was the first to compare organizational socialization of Hungarians (N = 122) and Romanians (N = 193) in Transylvania. Organizational socialization content was measured with the OSI (Organizational Socialization Inventory; Taormina, 1994) and included four domains: training, understanding, co-worker support, and future prospects. The effectiveness of organizational socialization was expressed in terms of global job satisfaction (Rice, Gentile, &amp;amp;amp;amp; McFarlin, 1991). When
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, Jan 1, 2011
The research aims to explore the relationship between the entrepreneurial traits and the involvem... more The research aims to explore the relationship between the entrepreneurial traits and the involvement in the development of entrepreneurial competences by means of training courses offered by the university. Significant relationships were identified between entrepreneurial potential and the following personality variables: entrepreneurial skills, resources organization, internal locus of control, and creativity. No significant relationship between average risk propensity and entrepreneurial potential was identified. The participants with high entrepreneurial potential proved to be more aware of the discrepancy in this respect.
Procedia-Social and Behavioral …, Jan 1, 2012
The research presented in this paper aims to explore the differences, at the level of entrepreneu... more The research presented in this paper aims to explore the differences, at the level of entrepreneurial traits, between 215 participants in entrepreneurship education modules and a paired sample of 215 non-participants, the enrolment in this modules being considered as an explicit entrepreneurial behaviour. The results indicate that several personality and demographic aspects, such as social networking, business skills, independence, achievement motivation internal locus of control, and the academic specialization (economic and managerial studies) efficiently predict the involvement in entrepreneurial training.
The research presented in this paper aims to explore the differences, at the level of entrepreneu... more The research presented in this paper aims to explore the differences, at the level of entrepreneurial traits, between 215 participants in entrepreneurship education modules and a paired sample of 215 non-participants, the enrolment in this modules being considered as an explicit entrepreneurial behaviour. The results indicate that several personality and demographic aspects, such as social networking, business skills, independence, achievement motivation internal locus of control, and the academic specialization (economic and managerial studies) efficiently predict the involvement in entrepreneurial training.
Papers by Marcela Rodica Luca