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This study explores relations among nationalism, ethnic identity, perceived threat and attitudes towards the Roma among 178 Bulgarian and 211 Romanian adolescents (age: M = 16.96, SD = .75). Results indicated that Bulgarian youth revealed... more
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Abstract. The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Dutch and Italian versions of the Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS) in large community samples of adolescents from Italy (N = 1,975) and The... more
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      PsychologyPsychometricsPersonalityPersonal Identity
We investigated reward-allocation judgments when positive outcomes (monetary rewards) were distributed and the allocator was not a co-recipient, in a sample of 200 Romanian students. Within a full factorial survey design, seven factors,... more
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This study compares youth in Bulgaria and Romania by examining differences in ethnic and personal identity and their relation to well-being. Participants were 178 Bulgarian and 211 Romanian youth (15-19 years) who provided data on their... more
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This study compared high school youth from two major cities in Bulgaria and Romania, by examining differences in nationalism and national identity and their joint influence on well-being. We tested the hypothesis that nationalism... more
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Prior research in Western contexts has pointed to the benefits of supporting employees in the use of their personal strengths at work. This manuscript aims to investigate the invariance of the relationship between employees' perceived... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHappiness Studies
Following Snir and Harpaz's (2012) model of Heavy Work Investment (HWI), we propose a model that clarifies the relationship of antecedents of HWI to burnout. The model consists of several components: (a) external/situational antecedents,... more
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This article continues the work done for the 2016 University Metaranking and updates its results for the 2017 edition, with the new data available for 2017. The 2017 University Metaranking relies on the results of the performance of... more
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    • Higher Education
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      Self and IdentityManagers
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      Qualitative methodologyQualitative Research
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      Social WorkQualitative Research
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    • Sociology of Identity
The article presents the results of a qualitative research project carried out in 2008, which aimed at identifying the identity condition of managers in Romania. The article presents part of the grounded theory on the identity of... more
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      Sociology of IdentityQualitative ResearchManagers
How I Performed 'Story-Telling'. A Confessional Story. The article deals with the subject of story-telling as a way to interpret qualitative data. It describes the manner in which this is accomplished (passing through the stages of data... more
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    • Qualitative Research
The present article presents the personal experience of the author with research methodologies. Some limits of the social scientific research are being analyzed, regarding two of the stages of research: theoretical framework and... more
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    • Qualitative Research
The paper is the result of analysis of data obtained studied from a qualitative perspective; the characteristics of their living space and of the discourse used to describe it were considered as identity markers. Sociologists differed... more
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      Self and IdentityQualitative Research
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    • Qualitative methodology
The article presents the technique of unstructured interviewing as a means of exploration in sociological investigations (the way in which this technique facilitates identifying sociological assistance objectives and research objectives... more
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      Self and IdentityQualitative Research
The article presents the process of grounding a theory about Romanian managers' identity. It shows the manner in which the stages of data collection, data analysis and sampling have been conceived and implemented. It also describes in... more
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      Qualitative ResearchIdentity
The paper submits the results of a visual research on the perception of inequality within Romanian society. The data were collected by means of drawings, an uncommon method used in studying social stratification. The analysis was applied... more
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      Visual SociologyVisual StudiesQualitative Research