Papers by Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 2018
Malaysia is one of the tropical countries in the world and floods are the most common disaster in... more Malaysia is one of the tropical countries in the world and floods are the most common disaster in Malaysia. Flood simulation model was carried out along Terengganu River for dry and rainy seasons. The result of the simulation shows the water level reached its maximum le with the highest flow of Q = 155.90m value of Q and this because it is at the upstream of the River, while stations 2, 3 and 4 are almost dry because they are at the downstream of the river. Similarly, a 10 years data was also modeled as a secondary data to validate the primary data. This shows that, the simulation was good and XP-SWMM is compatible for flood simulation.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management

Jurnal Teknologi
Water resources management in Malaysia is the most important aspect that needs to be addressed. W... more Water resources management in Malaysia is the most important aspect that needs to be addressed. When water resources management can be managed in a systematic and effectively it can produce a good quality and clean water without any pollution. The objective of this study is to review water quality issues in the Kenyir Lake Basin and to identify the relationship between river discharges (Q) and the water quality status in Kenyir Lake Basin. Six water quality parameters were analyzed based on in-situ and ex-situ analysis and laboratory analyses were carried out according to the correlation matrix and linear regression methods. According to the NWQS, the water quality in Kenyir Lake Basin varied temporally and spatially and the most affected parameters were pH, DO, BOD, COD, TSS and AN. Furthermore, the water quality class in the Kenyir Lake Basin was classified under class II caused by the active land use activities especially tourism sector but it is still suitable for recreational a...

Journal of Wastes and Biomass Management
Recent economic development efforts have been intensively carried out in the oil palm plantation ... more Recent economic development efforts have been intensively carried out in the oil palm plantation business in various regions of Indonesia. The development of oil palm plantations, particularly in the regions, West Kalimantan, raises problems for the natural environment and local, national and global communities. Since the opening of oil palm plantations in 1980 in West Kalimantan, which since 1982 has been managed with the pattern of Inti Rakyat (PIR-Bun), slowly but surely changed the mindset of the Dayak indigenous people towards jungles or Ulayat lands. Its influence is increasingly felt in the behavior and social life of the local community. Dayaks are experiencing a "world view" change in the forest. Those who since time immemorial are friendly with nature and uphold traditional principles, now their lives are on the one hand leaving ancestral traditions and following the trend of oil palm plantations, but on the other hand their lives are increasingly cornered by the existence of oil palm plantations and management of oil palm plantations wastes. Permissive attitude and pragmatism of the ruling party has resulted in changes in the "world view" of the local community. They no longer respect nature or the forest as the "sacred realm". The community is increasingly pragmatic, hedonistic and consumptive. Customs and local wisdom in the form of family values, mutual cooperation, loyalty to the community, humility, sincerity, respect for nature and others fade. The jungle and the 'Tembawang forest' as customary rights are largely left to the story.
Ocean & Coastal Management

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Water is one of the basic needs which essential to life but cannot take it easy, it becomes more ... more Water is one of the basic needs which essential to life but cannot take it easy, it becomes more concern when a flood, there is plenty of dirty water than clean water, and the sources of the water are not approved to use. There are many kinds of waterborne pathogens which can donate diseases also death if not treating the water well before use. The treatment can be utilized based on the size of the microorganism. By identifying the size of the smallest bacteria will make easier to find the filtration based on the size of filter pores and other processes to ensure all the bacteria is removed and the water safe to use. Even there are many kinds of bacteria or microorganisms in the contaminated water, but the pathogens need to deal. The water will become clean and safe to use when the colour is clear and there is any pathogenic microorganism in there. This study is to ensure water is clean from pathogen after the flood water is filtered by know for sure the organism’s size and to overc...

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
This study discusses about the level of quality of fishermen living in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia... more This study discusses about the level of quality of fishermen living in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. The issue of quality of life of fishermen in Kuala Terengganu is very important to improve the average of quality of life in overall Kuala Terengganu. It is because; more natives people in Kuala Terengganu are came from Fishermen Community. In Terengganu, fishermen generally are divided into two types; it is coastal fishermen and deep-sea fishermen. The aim of this study is to review and identify the quality of life of the fishermen community either coastal fishermen or deep-sea fishermen. The results showed that the quality of life of fisherman's was at a moderate level. Nevertheless, the involvement of parties involved in particular the stakeholders in improving the standard of living of fishermen is very important to achieve a higher level of income, and also for quality of life of fishermen in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Article III of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty states that international law is applicable in explora... more Article III of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty states that international law is applicable in exploration of outer space. However, Article III does not mention any limitation of international law in the exploration of outer space. The absence of limitation clause has caused discrepancy between law of outer space and international law because the principles governing the laws are different. This paper investigates the discrepancy of principles between the law of outer space and the international law in the exploration of outer space. Qualitative methodology with analytical and comparative approaches was used to in this research. Results indicate that the discrepancy between outer space law and international law has caused discrepancy of law between the outer space law and international law in the exploration of outer space.

Stream classification system identified the characteristic of stream on the basin. Stream behavio... more Stream classification system identified the characteristic of stream on the basin. Stream behaviors can provide guidance for future problem in this basin. This study discusses on the development of stream classification system on tropical areas with statistical approval based on remote sensing, geographical information system, and river hydrographic survey based on Rosgen classification system. Pahang River Basin is the longest river in Peninsular Malaysia and the main channel to drain off water from the inundated area of Pahang Basin to the South China Sea. The environmental statistical techniques were used to identify the clustering development on the tropical river system using hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis (HACA), discriminant analysis (DA) and principal component analysis (PCA). The HACA results indicated that the main of Pahang tropical river system is classed into three main clusters namely the upstream reach, middle stream reach and downstream reach. The calibration and validation analyses proved the DA with 100% confident level. The PCA indicates three variables demonstrated significant correlations that are domination slope R 2 = 0.796, bankfull width-to-depth ratio R 2 = −0868, and sinuosity R 2 = 0.557, respectively. Model of stream classification system with future geomorphology process and problem expectations is produced where the first class considered in terrace and valley erosion zone, second class in a low terrace of land near the channels and sediment transports zone, and third class in valley deposition and floodplain zone. The results are important to local authorities as a decision support system using the river clustering model for Pahang River Basin.

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
This paper includes review of the trends, selected underlying, determinants and status interventi... more This paper includes review of the trends, selected underlying, determinants and status intervention. The 1.17 million of deaths occur each year worldwide due to road accidents 70 % of which occur in developing countries in the world. 65% of deaths involve pedestrian’s causes, 35 % of which are children. Estimates suggest that 23–34 million people are injured worldwide every year in road crashes. Fatal accidents are among the major factors of death in the world apart from chronic diseases such as stroke, lung infections, respiratory difficulties and heart disease. The rise in fatal accidents in Malaysia is 70%. This study was conducted to study the rate of fatal accidents on roads in the state of Selangor and Perlis based on fatal accident data for a period of five years from 2013 to 2017. The data were analyzed using quantitative methods which took into account the research conducted by researchers last. Based on analyzed data, the state of Selangor recorded the highest accident rat...

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
The objective of this research is to determine the correlation of selected hydrological variables... more The objective of this research is to determine the correlation of selected hydrological variables, to analyzed the significance factors influenced the occurrences of flood, to propose the flood control limit system and establish new flood risk index model in Lenggor River Basin based on secondary data derived from Department of Drainage and Irrigation (DID). Application of Chemometric technique such as Spearman’s Correlation Test, Principle Component Analysis, Statistical Process Control and Flood Risk Index created the most efficient results. Result shows water level has strong factor loading of 0.78 and significant for flood warning alert system application. The Upper Control Limit (UCL) for the water level in study area is 33.23m while the risk index for the water level set by the constructed formula of flood risk index consisting 0-100. The results show 20.6% classified as High Risk Class with index range from 70 and above. Thus, these findings are able to facilitate state gover...

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
This study has investigated the relationship between the changes in oil and natural gas prices on... more This study has investigated the relationship between the changes in oil and natural gas prices on the Malaysian economic sectors. Four economic sectors were selected namely manufacturing, services, agriculture, and mining. However, there was less study conducted at the sector level. Hence, the goal of this paper is to explore the impact of oil and gas prices on economic sectors GDP. This study has conducted econometrics modelling based on the ARDL bound testing with the spanning time series data from year 1987 to 2017. The empirical findings revealed that the relationship between the oil and natural gas prices in the manufacturing and services sector is negative, while the agriculture sector showed a positive relationship, and the mining sector showed no relationship. The empirical findings concluded that the manufacturing and services sectors that consumed more energy are dependent on the price changes. Meanwhile, the agriculture sector is a highly subsidised sector which has a pos...

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Suicide is an act committed by an individual consciously aiming to end or eliminate the life itse... more Suicide is an act committed by an individual consciously aiming to end or eliminate the life itself. But when their act of suicide failed they were categorized as attempted suicide. This is not a new thing for modern society today. According to official statistics, there are about one million people committed suicide around the world within one year, and this amount does not include those killed by others or those killed in the war. Therefore, the study aims to analyze suicide rates recorded by the five countries with the highest rates of suicide and assess the differences in the frequency of suicide cases between men and women. In addition, this study will identify the methods or methods used to commit suicide and what are the risk factors that cause an individual to decide to end his life. The methods used to commit suicide will also be explained more clearly. Suicide symptoms can be serious in society if preventive measures at the early stage are not taken. This study is expected...

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
This study was implemented to identify the specific factors that lead to major contribution of fl... more This study was implemented to identify the specific factors that lead to major contribution of floods in Klang River Basin. A thirty-year (1987-2017) database obtained from Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), the selected data was analyzed by using integrated Chemometric techniques. The finding from Correlation Analysis revealed strong correlation between stream flow and water level is more than 0.5 (= 0.799). The finding from Principal Component Analysis proved that the selected parameters were significant with the result of R2 > 0.7was applied as a main tool for further analysis. Based on the result, it revealed that stream flow and water level were the most significant hydrological factor that influenced flood risk pattern in Klang River basin. Based on the result from Statistical Process control (SPC), the finding showed that the Upper Control Limit (UCL) for water level was 30.290m. The plotted data which is more than 30.290 m can cause flood to occur in Klang River...

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Cajuputi essential oil is extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca cajuputi Powell. This study is p... more Cajuputi essential oil is extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca cajuputi Powell. This study is performed to spatially classify the variation of Melaleuca cajuputi essential oil fingerprint based on different sampling location using chemometric technique along Terengganu coastal area. Discriminant Analysis (DA) successfully discriminate 10 fingerprint of essential oil into three different groups with three significant peaks in FTIR analysis. Hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis (HACA) successfully grouped the 10 sampling stations into three groups (cluster A, B and C).Classification criteria is based on the intensity movement of functional group either bending or stretching of the essential oil compound Multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to develop an equation model that explains the prediction of species fingerprint in each cluster by different locations.

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Terengganu River Basin is situated in the north eastern coastal region of Peninsular Malaysia. 29... more Terengganu River Basin is situated in the north eastern coastal region of Peninsular Malaysia. 29 sampling stations were selected. The water quality parameters were measured such as Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC). Results showed that the range of DO (2.11 mg/L – 8.07 mg/L), TSS (0.4 mg/L – 128.2 mg/L) and SSC (0.07 mg/L – 25.6 mg/L). The distribution of land use and land cover activities effected to the level of water quality in watersheds. The analyses of variance (ANOVA) was applied and provide a better understanding for the complex relationships among water quality parameters. Graphical data helps a better view of the overall analysis to appoint sources of pollutants to their effect. Terengganu River Basin is a shallow and has a sensitive ecosystem that responds to the land use changes and development activities of its surroundings. Water quality analysis showed that TSS and SSC were higher in the dry season but DO w...

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Kenyir Lake’s natural environment experienced significant changes over the past 20 years. Pressur... more Kenyir Lake’s natural environment experienced significant changes over the past 20 years. Pressure from anthropogenic activities such as deforestation, construction, and sand mining around Sungai Terengganu, tourism, farming and agricultural has creating imbalance between environmental processes and response in Kenyir Lake. The aim of the study is to estimate the production of sediment yield (Muatan Sedimen) (MS) (tonnes/km2/year) in Kenyir Lake Basin. 21 sampling stations were chosen along Kenyir Lake to represent the upstream and downstream. The statistical analysis proved that the correlation and regression relationship between Total Suspended Solid (TSS), MS and area of catchment. MS showed a weak correlation and insignificant relationship of regression caused by the anthropogenic factors and uncertain climate changes. These sedimentation problems due to unsustainable land use changes, river bank erosion problems and active construction activity around the Kenyir Lake Basin. Thi...

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
The evolution of drug addict’s rate is significantly increase in Malaysia and it's became a c... more The evolution of drug addict’s rate is significantly increase in Malaysia and it's became a chronic problem among the society. The number of drug addiction cases in Malaysia is contributed by the number of drug addicts involving all the states including Terengganu. The aim of this study is to evaluation the rate of drug addicts according to several environmental components which affects the increment of drug addiction in Terengganu. In this study, the Descriptive Statistics Analysis using XLSTAT has been use to describe the result. The results indicate there are five factors that involve with drug influence including peer influence, curiosity, depression, fun and enduring pain or body defense and the major factors influencing the involvement of drug addicts into this problem is peer influence. Therefore, the stakeholder involved could put an effort to reduce the drug addicts’ rate through proving an effective plan. This study suggested all parties need to know the tremendous dru...
Papers by Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin