Avances Investigación en Ingeniería, 2014
Se evaluó la electrocoagulación como técnica de tratamiento para aguas residuales de un laborator... more Se evaluó la electrocoagulación como técnica de tratamiento para aguas residuales de un laboratorio de análisis químico, de alta Demanda Química de Oxígeno (DQO) y Turbidez. Se aplicó un diseño de experimento factorial de 3 2 aleatorizado, con tres factores y dos niveles (Voltaje y distancia entre electrodos). Se lograron eficiencias de remoción de DQO superior al 60% en los ensayos con electrodos separados a 1,0 cm y a 4,0 cm, independiente del voltaje aplicado. Sin embargo, la eficiencia en la remoción de los Solidos Suspendidos Totales (SST) y la Turbidez no fue adecuada, en algunos ensayos la muestra tratada tenía mayor concentración que la muestra inicial. La electrocoagulación como técnica para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de origen químico es adecuada para la oxidación y remoción de la DQO, pero su aplicación puede aumentar los SST en el agua tratada.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2018
Objective:The purpose of this work was to obtain chitosan from shrimpexoskeletons, characterize i... more Objective:The purpose of this work was to obtain chitosan from shrimpexoskeletons, characterize it and evaluate its coagulant activity in the turbidity removal of wastewater from slaughtering Units. Methods/Analysis: Wastewater samples had three different turbidity measures(250, 560 and 863 NTU) and with three different doses of coagulant each (50, 100 and 150 mgL-1), according to a 32experimental design. Control and ANOVA tables were used to verify if there were statistically significant differences among data with a 95% confidence level. Findings: Chitosan with a molecular weight of 3.2x106 g mol-1 and a degree of deacetylation of 74% was obtained. When used as a coagulant it is possible to obtain turbidity removals greater than 90% when initial turbidity of wastewater was equal to or greater than 560 NTU. However, and due to acid nature of coagulant extracts, pH and alkalinity of samples were influenced. Effectiveness of chitosan in wastewater treatment with high organic load and difficult treatment was verified. Application: In conclusion, it is possible to obtain excellent quality chitosan from shrimp exoskeletons and its use is convenientin alkaline wastewater.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2018
The purpose of this work was to review the recent advances in biophysical stimulation of MSC for ... more The purpose of this work was to review the recent advances in biophysical stimulation of MSC for bone regeneration with particular relevance in the tissue engineering field. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The review process had three steps: First, by the use of databases available, the principal findings published related to the different types of biophysical stimulation applied to Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSC) for bone tissue regeneration were compiled. Second, the principal characteristics such as historical relevance, conditions of operation, signaling, and principal results were obtained from each study. And third, considering the above characteristics, a description of each study was realized. Findings: This review highlighted the following findings: a) The capacity of MSC for differentiating to multiple lineages have attracted attention in regenerative medicine applications; b) Biophysical stimulation is an alternative in order to promote the osteodifferentiation of MSC; c) During the process of application of this type of stimulation, the generation of biochemical signals which is related to the changes in the environment of the cell (i.e., cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation) are generated; and d) Despite a large number of studies published in this area, these do not explain clearly the mechanisms related to the generation of these signaling produced by the biophysical effects (i.e., mechanical, electrical, and electromagnetic). Furthermore, in this review, a compilation of the last five years was done, which emphasize in the aspect historical, conditions of operation, and biochemical signaling generated of each type of biophysical stimulation of MSC for osteodifferentiation. Application/ Improvements: Biophysical stimulation causes multiple effects on the cell environment, producing changes in its morphology, proliferation, and differentiation. The above is important in the biophysical stimulation of MSC for bone regeneration..

Ingeniería e Investigación, 2016
Coagulation-flocculation is a physical-chemical process responsible for producing the largest amo... more Coagulation-flocculation is a physical-chemical process responsible for producing the largest amount of sludge in the purification of natural raw water. Conventionally, aluminum sulfate or alum has been used as a coagulant. However, disposal of the sludge produced has been problematic for the environment due to excess aluminum. Currently, the convenience of using natural coagulants such as seed extracts from Moringa oleifera (MO) is being studied, although, the properties of sewage sludge produced and its possible reuse are unknown. In this paper the physical-chemical, nutritional and dangerous characteristics from MO sludge were evaluated by using standard methods to verify its potential use in agricultural soils. Results indicated that pH, electrical conductivity, ion exchange capacity, organic matter and micronutrients from sludge were suitable for application to soils with agricultural potential; but deficiency of macronutrients and presence of fecal coliforms limits it to be us...
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 2015

Avances en Ciencias …, 2011
En este trabajo se investigó el comportamiento fisicoquímico e hidrodinámico de la laguna faculta... more En este trabajo se investigó el comportamiento fisicoquímico e hidrodinámico de la laguna facultativa secundaria del sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales nororiental de la ciudad de Montería-Colombia, con el fin de determinar el tipo de flujo y el valor de la constante cinética de biodegradabilidad de carga orgánica. Se monitoreó pH, temperatura, conductividad, SST, BOD5, COD y alcalinidad total en 12 puntos del espejo de agua, con el fin de observar el comportamiento espacial y temporal en un día. Adicionalmente, se tomaron muestras a la entrada y salida de la laguna facultativa para encontrar el valor de la constante en función del tipo de flujo del reactor. Se construyeron matrices de correlación entre los parámetros físico-químicos siendo las correlaciones entre el pH, conductividad y alcalinidad altamente significativas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el tipo de flujo en la laguna es disperso y el valor de la constante cinética es K20 = 0,0614 ± 0,0096 d-1.
Revista Facultad de …, 2010
Son varios los aspectos que se revisan en cuanto a la gestión de residuos en la ciudad de Barranq... more Son varios los aspectos que se revisan en cuanto a la gestión de residuos en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia, pues los municipios han tenido variados inconvenientes en ello. En relación con lo anterior, mediante el uso de una metodología expositiva, se observaron las disposiciones vigentes y se examinó si las mismas resultaban pertinentes para estudiar la gestión de los residuos sólidos en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Finalmente, se plantea la idea de cómo la gestión de residuos es un reto para las localidades pues es un aspecto que aún está en construcción.

Ingeniería y Desarrollo, 2017
Simulaciones de calidad de aguas, utilizando el modelo de Streeter y Phelps, fueron realizadas pa... more Simulaciones de calidad de aguas, utilizando el modelo de Streeter y Phelps, fueron realizadas para definir las tasas de desoxigenación (k d) y aireación (k a) para el río Sinú. Se tomaron datos históricos de 8 años de seguimiento (2000 a 2007) de Demanda Bioquímica de Oxígeno (DBO), Nitrógeno Total Kjeldhal (NTK), Oxígeno Disuelto (OD), Temperatura y Caudal en 10 estaciones ubicadas a lo largo de la corriente. Una vez calibrado el modelo, se validó con datos tomados desde 2008 a 2014. Se observó que las estaciones cercanas a la presa y al complejo lagunar del Bajo Sinú presentaron valores mayores de k d y menores de k a , no obstante, admisibles para ríos poco contaminados. Los coeficientes variaron dependiendo del tramo, del caudal y de la temperatura a lo largo del año. Sin embargo, estos coeficientes indican que el río Sinú es una corriente con bajos niveles de contaminación y con un alto potencial de autopurificación. Palabras clave: coeficientes de desoxigenación, coeficientes de reaireación, Streeter y Phelps.

Water, 2021
Reverse osmosis is the leading technology for desalination of brackish water and seawater, import... more Reverse osmosis is the leading technology for desalination of brackish water and seawater, important for solving the growing problems of fresh water supply. Thermal technologies such as multi-effect distillation and multi-stage flash distillation still comprise an important portion of the world’s desalination capacity. They consume substantial amounts of energy, generally obtained from fossil fuels, due to their low efficiency. Hybridization is a strategy that seeks to reduce the weaknesses and enhance the advantages of each element that makes it up. This paper introduces a review of the most recent publications on hybridizations between reverse osmosis and thermal desalination technologies, as well as their integration with renewable energies as a requirement to decarbonize desalination processes. Different configurations provide improvements in key elements of the system to reduce energy consumption, brine production, and contamination, while improving product quality and producti...

This article shows the results of the hydrologic analysis of watersheds of rivers Sinu, Aracataca... more This article shows the results of the hydrologic analysis of watersheds of rivers Sinu, Aracataca, and Foundation. The characteristics and variability of river inputs (flow and sediment transport) and historical trends to identify regional patterns in fluvial dynamics were evaluated. Records of flow and sediment transport were taken of the Institute Hydrologic and Studies Environmental (IDEAM), to perform a statistical analysis of the time series of sediment transport and flow. Sediment transport and stream flow, were show highly dependent, while the dual-mass curves helped to identify the influence of external factors on sediment transport. The dynamic of the basins Fundacion and Aracataca, showed maximum events with return periods of 2 and 10 years, while the Sinu River fluvial dynamics was maintained regular due to the influence URRa dam. The basins were subject to weather conditions equal, which explains the behavior recorded.

In this paper we show the results obtained from the chemical stabilization process of pond sludge... more In this paper we show the results obtained from the chemical stabilization process of pond sludge by adding common hydrated lime. Doses of lime at 5%, 7%, 9%, 10%, 11%, 12%, and 15% were added in controlled laboratory conditions to a sample of sludge taken from the bottom of the primary facultative pond of the wastewater treatment system in Monteria in Colombia. The sludge’s dangerousness (corrosiveness, flammability, and reactivity) and concentrations of sulfides, heavy metals (As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ag, Pb, Se), coliforms, Salmonella, mesophilic bacteria, Ascaris lumbricoides, and other helminths were analyzed in the sludge sample before and after application of an optimal 10% dose. The reactivity due to sulfides and cyanides in the sludge sample was controlled with this dose, but coliforms and mesophilic bacteria concentrations did not decrease. Some heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Hg, Ag, Pb) increased after application of the hydrated lime dose, although the concentrations found do not pose...

Introduction. Sinú river is the main fresh water supplying source in the Córdoba province, but it... more Introduction. Sinú river is the main fresh water supplying source in the Córdoba province, but its turbidity levels require it to be coagulated, and this means costly chemical products. Natural coagulants such as Moringa Oleifera (M. Oleifera) represent a sustainable, cheap and safe alternative for water purification. Objective. To evaluate the M. Oleifera seeds as a coagulant and its effects on pH and on the alkalinity. materials and methods. Eight simple samplings were performed at the Sinú river, between March and Aril 2013. M. Oleifera seeds were selected, husked, dried, minced and sifted until a fine powder was obtained. This powder was, then, degreased, by the use of a Soshlet extraction equipment. The doses of the coagulant were prepared, from 2,5 mg/L to 30,0 mg/L in saline solution and were applied to each sample taken from the river. A cubic response surface model was generated in order to evaluate the turbidity removal. Results. High turbidity removal efficiency values (&...

In this paper we show the results obtained in the chemical stabilization process of pond sludge b... more In this paper we show the results obtained in the chemical stabilization process of pond sludge by adding common hydrated lime. Dosages of 5%, 7%, 9%, 10%, 11%, 12% and 15% were added in controlled laboratory conditions to a sample of sludge taken from the bottom of the primary facultative pond of the wastewater treatment system of Monteria in Colombia. Dangerousness (corrosivity, flammability and reactivity) and concentrations of sulfides, heavy metals (As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ag, Pb, Se), coliforms, salmonella, ascaris and other helminths were analyzed in the sludge sample, before and after the application of an optimal 10% dosage. The reactivity by sulfides and cyanides in the sludge sample was controlled with this dosage, however, coliforms and mesophilic bacteria concentrations did not 1 Ingeniero sanitario. MsC.en Ciencias Ambientales. Docente Facultad de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ambiental. Coordinador del Grupo de Investigaciones de Calidad de Aguas y Modelacion Hidrica y ambiental...

Resumen Introduccion. El rio Sinu es la principal fuente de abastecimiento de agua potable en el ... more Resumen Introduccion. El rio Sinu es la principal fuente de abastecimiento de agua potable en el departamento de Cordoba. Sin embargo, sus niveles de turbidez requieren de coagulacion, que utiliza productos quimicos costosos. Los coagulantes naturales como la Moringa Oleifera (M. Oleifera) representan una alternativa sostenible, economica y segura para la potabilizacion. Objetivo. Evaluar la eficiencia de la semilla de M. Oleifera como coagulante y sus efectos sobre el pH y la alcalinidad. materiales y metodos. Se realizaron ocho muestreos simples en el rio Sinu, entre marzo y abril de 2013. Las semillas de M. Oleifera se seleccionaron, descascararon, secaron, molieron y tamizaron en una malla de 250 μm hasta obtener un polvo fino, que luego fue desengrasado usando un equipo de extraccion Soxhlet. Se prepararon dosis de coagulante natural desde 2,5 mg/L hasta 30,0 mg/L en solucion salina y se aplicaron a cada muestra toma-da del rio. Se genero un modelo cubico de superficie de respu...

Ingeniería y Desarrollo, 2017
Simulaciones de calidad de aguas, utilizando el modelo de Streeter y Phelps, fueron realizadas pa... more Simulaciones de calidad de aguas, utilizando el modelo de Streeter y Phelps, fueron realizadas para definir las tasas de desoxigenación (k d) y aireación (k a) para el río Sinú. Se tomaron datos históricos de 8 años de seguimiento (2000 a 2007) de Demanda Bioquímica de Oxígeno (DBO), Nitrógeno Total Kjeldhal (NTK), Oxígeno Disuelto (OD), Temperatura y Caudal en 10 estaciones ubicadas a lo largo de la corriente. Una vez calibrado el modelo, se validó con datos tomados desde 2008 a 2014. Se observó que las estaciones cercanas a la presa y al complejo lagunar del Bajo Sinú presentaron valores mayores de k d y menores de k a , no obstante, admisibles para ríos poco contaminados. Los coeficientes variaron dependiendo del tramo, del caudal y de la temperatura a lo largo del año. Sin embargo, estos coeficientes indican que el río Sinú es una corriente con bajos niveles de contaminación y con un alto potencial de autopurificación. Palabras clave: coeficientes de desoxigenación, coeficientes de reaireación, Streeter y Phelps.

Prospectiva, 2016
Se evaluaron las variables climatológicas que intervienen en el balance hídrico de la cuenca de l... more Se evaluaron las variables climatológicas que intervienen en el balance hídrico de la cuenca de la quebrada Aguas Blancas, ubicada en la zona rural del Municipio de Montería, Córdoba, con el objeto de planificar la sostenibilidad del recurso hídrico frente a las necesidades de demanda de la población de influencia. Con los registros históricos de siete estaciones meteorológicas localizadas espacialmente alrededor de la cuenca, se realizó un análisis estadístico y probabilístico de la precipitación, para cuantificar la oferta hídrica de la zona y contrastarla con la demanda requerida para consumo doméstico. La investigación se centró en desarrollar una metodología para zonas rurales con dificultades de disponibilidad del recurso hídrico, mediante el uso de herramientas como los Sistemas de Información Geográfico (SIG) y programas de simulación, para generar los escurrimientos mensuales a partir de los datos de lluvia. Los resultados obtenidos para la quebrada Aguas Blancas, indican que es posible resolver la problemática de suministro de agua almacenando la escorrentía superficial en época de lluvia, en pequeños reservorios, para luego utilizarla en los períodos de sequía.